Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 290: 290

"Poof!" Just as everyone's eyes were attracted by the purple wood cauldron, Li qiangshui, who was sweating like rain on his forehead, finally moved again.

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See Li weak water lightly move vermilion, bite right index finger quickly. Then, I saw a drop of crystal clear blood essence containing the fire property of Xuanli Qi, and suddenly went straight into the antique Dan stove.

"Teng!" As soon as the essence and blood of my life entered the Dan stove, the original fragrant Dan stove suddenly burst into the sky. Moreover, the fire attribute of Xuanli's gas filled the sky, reflecting the red clouds above the Dan stove.

"Jin Hun Dan, success!" See panting Li weak water mercilessly wiped the sweat on the forehead, originally some godless eyes suddenly across a different kind of essence.

"Boom!" A deafening explosion rang through the Martial Arts Square in an instant. I saw all the hot lights in the Antique Red stove went out in an instant, and the dark air of red clouds disappeared into the red stove.

The primitive and simple Dan stove, which was originally very calm, suddenly discharged a heat wave. And with the rising of the heat, a more fragrant and sweet breath filled out.

Just a moment later, the restless ancient Dan stove was quiet again. And inside the dark ancient Dan stove, there were several red and bright round lights.

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"Damn it, jinhundan. It's the elixir that can upgrade the first level of martial arts practitioners below the spirit level of Dan!"

"Wow, it's the jinhundan of Danyun level. It's said that few of the disciples in the inner sect can produce pills of this quality. It seems that our eldest martial sister's Dan Dao level has completely reached the inner door standard! "

"Wow, if this Jin hundan can give me one, my generation will be worth being a cow and a horse!"

"Bah, go daydreaming! If you like me, I'll take my head down and kick it for you! "

"Cough, count me in, and I'll give you my head as a kick!"

Qi Qi, one of the disciples of the danmen hall, was stunned. They all looked at the simple Danlu that had become a complete Danlu and swallowed their saliva.

"Go Li qiangshui turned a deaf ear to the comments around him, and still devoted his energy to the red stove in front of him. See Li weak water right arm lightly a wave, the Ding cover on Dan stove then quickly open close. There were five red pills, which were bright red and full of fragrant smell, and then fell into Li Qianshui's palm.

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"Gulu, Gulu!" Li weak sailor quick eye disease, will all five pills into the jade bottle prepared in advance. When the pills into the bottle of a moment, the sky condensation does not disperse the clouds, which gradually weakened until disappeared.

"Ha ha, jinhun dannai Danshi's refining limit, now I'll see how you deal with it!" Li qiangshui held the jade bottle tightly in his hand and looked up confidently toward the direction of no trace.

"Eh..." it doesn't matter. Li qiangshui almost fell to the ground in surprise. At this time, Zimu Dafang Ding had been completely ignited. And in the strange flame of nourishment, has completed the furnace process. At first glance, the majestic atmosphere emitted from the purple wood cauldron is tens of millions of times stronger than the Dan stove in front of Li's weak water surface, which is not a grade.

"Turn on the stove!" Traceless swept eyes, shocked Li qiangshui, Jun Lang's face slightly spread a bad evil smile. Then, I saw no trace big hand in vain, a fire attribute Xuanli gas suddenly rushed out.

In front of Zimu Dafang tripod, the lid quickly opened, and a terrible and strange fire dragon soared into the sky in Zimu Dafang tripod.

"Ouch!" A loud and clear dragon chant, strange resounding in the presence of everyone's heart. It seems that everyone was shocked by this terrible dragon power, and unexpectedly everyone unconsciously stepped back a few steps at the same time.

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"Brush!" A silver flash, a plant of herbs will miraculously from the hands of traceless storage rings gallop out. Under the ingenious traction of traceless Xuanli Qi, plants of herbs circled around the purple wood cauldron.

"Roar!" Another roar of excitement, more furious from the fire dragon in the purple wood cauldron. And just after the sound of the dragon, the herbs were controlled by some mysterious force. Unexpectedly, each herb galloped up and flew to the hot dragon's mouth in an orderly way.

At the moment when the first herb just met the fire dragon, the virtual shadow of the fire dragon turned into a raging flame and swallowed the galloping herbs. Then, the flames fell into the purple wood Dafang Ding, and all the remaining alchemy materials fell into the purple wood Dafang Ding.

"Cough, elder martial sister Hua, give it to Pei xuanlei!" With no trace a light cough, a sound quietly fell into the flower bud ear.The flower bud that had been dazzled was just waking up. He quickly opened the jade box in his hand, and a tiny flower bud flashed out.

"Whoosh!" Traceless eye quick hand, a Xuanli's air flew out, then peixuanlei was caught. Then, a fire awn flashed away, and the fire awn that wrapped peixuanlei suddenly disappeared into the purple wood cauldron.

"Bang!" With the last thought of alchemy material peixuanlei's penetration, purple wood Dafang Ding Ding lid actually closed itself. The fire dragon absorbed on the outside of the purple wood cauldron degenerated into a fire snake again. Along the pores of the purple wood cauldron, it rushed into the cauldron.

"Hoo“ Hoo

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The mist, which swirls around, spreads out from around the body of Zimu Dafang Dingding. In an instant, these mists formed Danyun on the void, and their momentum was obviously several times larger than that of jinhun Danshen.

Click, click

With more and more condensation of red clouds, there are thunders in the gathering of red clouds. Moreover, in the interior of Zimu Dafang cauldron, there are obviously circles of Danyun quietly gathered together.

"Er, the red cloud condenses, and the thunder of transformation. This pill must be above the level of Danyun. Is it the level of Danyun! No, the thunder is just the beginning. There seems to be thunder in the clouds! "

"Damn it, traceless boy, are you the God Dan who has trained the level of Dan soul?"

Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow slightly trembles, red virtual shadow hard swallow swallow saliva. Looking at the space above the purple wood cauldron, the dark clouds were shocked.

"Er, Dan soul level Shen Dan, it seems that it's a bit too big this time!" At the moment, no trace eyes also full of consternation, looking at the top of the head of the collection of more and more intense force of thunder punishment, unconsciously trembled all over. When I think of the scene when I first refined the spirit level elixir in the past, I can't help but feel a rush of horses and waves in my calm heart.... < br > I can't help thinking about it

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