Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 291: 291

Danmentang hinterland, above the martial arts square.

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Many clouds gather together, and the power of thunder punishment is more violent. With the roar of thunder, all the disciples of danmen hall and Zhen Bucai were stunned on the spot.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh“ Whoosh

Just as Lei Yun's momentum became more and more powerful, dozens of figures flashed out in the danmen hall. Judging from the Xuanli Qi released by these figures, the most important accomplishments of these people are those above the infant soul realm. Among them, there are several horrible figures whose strength has reached the level of the legendary cultivation of the soul emperor in the soul realm.

"Brush!"“ Brush

With the appearance of the elder of danmen hall, two mysterious middle-aged men emerged out of thin air.

"I've seen the master!"

"I've seen the master!"

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The two men flashed out, and there was no Xuanli wave around them, but just standing there gave people a sense of inexplicable oppression. See two people, a dry Dan door hall elder together bow body to salute, to two middle-aged men Bi respectfully said.

"Cough, you elders quickly join hands to ban this area!" Among the two middle-aged men, one is Li Qiufeng, the leader of danmen hall. See Li Qiufeng big hand a wave, a natural superior authority, quietly spread.

On both sides, the elder of Yigan danmen hall quickly scattered around. Then, I saw dozens of terrible metaphysical forces rising at the same time, and the forces of the laws in the field between heaven and earth were constantly running. All kinds of lights meet in one place, and the whole Martial Arts Square is strictly forbidden.

"Ha ha, Hua Ti Tang. This boy was brought by your Lei Lei to our Dan gate hall. You can handle the big trouble yourself! " Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, tilted his eyes to the middle-aged man beside him and said something impolitely.

"Ha ha, don't you get a bargain! This purple wood temple has never been moved, but now it is controlled by this boy. Even if he is not a disciple of danmen hall, he will not be separated from danmen hall in the future! "

"Hehe, besides, looking at the posture, the spirit level elixir will soon come out of the world. No matter who he is, the elixir comes from your Dan sect. If this news is spread out, I'm afraid you will be busy in the future! "

"Well, you've made a lot of money in the danmen hall. I'm very tired. I've got a thousand year old peixuanlei. I'm afraid I'm losing money when I think about it!" The master of the medicine refining hall, Hua Ti Tang, sighed softly, and was the first to suffer from the extreme loss.

"Ha ha, you're the one who cheated me like that. I don't want you to be a pure man!" Li Qiufeng scolded with a smile and rolled his eyes at Hua Ti Tang. With just a few words of dialogue, we can see that they have a lot to do with each other.

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"Boom boom," "boom boom,"

At this moment, over the dense clouds, the thunder and lightning finally broke out. A flash of lightning across the sky, a total of nine days thunder down.

"Hum!" Bursts of roar resounded from the martial arts square. The forbidden system, which was jointly distributed by dozens of soul changing masters around, trembled slightly in front of the terrible thunder punishment.

Click, click

The nine heavenly thunders fell together, and the purple wooden tripod on the ground was as stable as Mount Tai, and the grain silk did not move. The thunder turns into nine golden dragons, wandering on the purple wood cauldron like crazy.

"Suddenly A heat wave came, and the flame in Zimu Dafang suddenly rose. A proud fire dragon breathes the long core in his mouth, and instantly devours the Thunder Dragon around the purple wood cauldron into the endless sea of fire.

"Rub!" The nine thunderdragons and the flames only produced nine sparks, and then they were submerged by the terrible flames. Just struggling for a few breath, the nine thunder dragons turned into streamers and merged in the flames of different fire.

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"Cough, what a terrible power of thunder punishment!" Although there was no direct contact with Tianjiang thunder penalty, no trace's whole body was affected by the aftereffect of thunder penalty. No trace that after the eternal Heaven and earth after refining the body, even in the impact of the power of thunder punishment, also faintly spread a hot scorch mark.

Looking at the top of the head is still persistent thunderstorm, no trace at this time did not dare to support big. We had to try our best to turn the eternal Heaven and earth in our body and release the source of Xuanli into the purple wood cauldron.

"Ha ha, nine heavenly thunders are coming together. Fortunately, there is a purple wood tripod. Otherwise, if you make ordinary Dan ware, it will be reduced to ashes long ago!" With a smile on his face, Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, gently wiped the sweat on his forehead. After all, when the thunder penalty is lowered, only those who lead the thunder penalty to fight against it. If others try to obstruct it, it will backfire and cause heaven to bite back. If so, let alone those who intervene forcibly, even those who cause thunder punishment will suffer and burn themselves together."Hehe, nine robbers are already the limit. It seems that the magic pill will be released soon!" On one side, Hua Ti Tang's face was relaxed, looking at the purple wood cauldron with steaming green smoke in the distance, and sighed heartily.

On the martial arts square, all the disciples of danmen hall were stunned by the posture in front of them. Even the elders of danmen hall were all in awe and looked at the dense Danyun that they didn't want to leave for a long time.

Click, click

In a row, nine heavenly thunders came down again. This time, the thunder was more powerful than the previous one. Nine flashes of light across the sky, impartial and extremely accurate bombardment on the body of Zimu Dafang Dingding.

"Hum!" On the ground, the purple wood cauldron trembled slightly, followed by flames rising from the cauldron. The terrible and strange flame turns into a fire dragon again, engulfing and rolling the nine thunder dragons attached to the tripod into the sea of fire.

"Damn, it's not over yet!"

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"Why, the thunder cloud hasn't dispersed yet!"

Li Qiufeng, Hua Ti Tang, and the two master level masters all exclaimed. Looking at Dan Yun in the air for a long time, his heart was shaking for no reason.

"Hum, I've worked so hard to get the materials for alchemy. How can you destroy them so easily?" No trace cold hum a, on the face of the strange more points of color. Then, Wu Chen suddenly threw his numb arms, and the whole body was attached with the power of thunder and lightning.

Seeing this, Wuchen releases all the Xuanli Qi in his body, and a purple gold armor suddenly appears on Wuchen's body.

Not only that, the moment the purple gold armor appeared, there was the power of purple gold lightning winding on the traceless body. Moreover, with the walking of the purple golden lightning power, all the lightning power that no trace just absorbed and attached to his whole body was swallowed by him.

"Ha ha, God's elixir will be punished in this world. When the thunder punishment comes down on 2918, it seems that the spirit level Dan is really against heaven. " Demon zunhuoxiao Xu Ying looks up at the sky deeply, and then plunges into the traceless body< br>

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