Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 292: 292

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On the 18th day, the thunder was engulfed by the strange flame, while the rolling thunder cloud in the mid air suddenly surged up. It seems that he has been provoked and insulted, and thundered in the endless sky. One after another, the thunder continued to fall, coming from all directions.

In an instant, thunder and lightning flashed everywhere on the martial arts square, and thunderdragons came out, swarming on the body of Zimu Dafang Dingding.

Boom, boom

Wave after wave of the power of thunder punishment surged out, full of eighteen days thunder fell together. Below the purple wood generous Ding Ding, the body a strength of shaking constantly, as if extremely excited as constantly issued bursts of buzz.

All the 18 thunders bombarded the purple wood cauldron, and the fiery dragon became more galloping and joyful. The eighteen heavenly thunder were swallowed up in the sea of fire, while the rest of the punishment waves were driven by the mysterious force on the purple wood cauldron and bombarded on the rear body without trace.

"Keke..." the purple and gold armor on Wu hen's body had a crack at this time. However, the purple gold undercurrent swirling on the purple gold armor is particularly dazzling and bright under the impact of thunder punishment.

"Cough, your sister, it's already thirty-six days thunder. If you continue to play like this, I don't know if Shendan can practice. But I'm going to belch and fart and cool!" No trace a burst of fierce cough, the corner of the mouth has spilled a trace of blood. Originally full of Xuanli Qi in the body, now it has obviously consumed more than half of it. And the eternal Heaven and earth in the body is still in crazy operation, but it is obviously not enough to supplement the Xuanli Qi consumed by Wuchen's fight against the aftereffects of thunder.

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Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous breathing sound, in the silent martial arts field is particularly obvious harsh. All the present disciples of danmen hall have been deeply impressed by the power of purple, gold and lightning.

Li qiangshui, Hua Leilei, Zhen Bucai, Feiliu and others are all nervous. They look at Wu trace and sweat for him.

"Cough, Ti Tang! This boy, I'm going to settle in danmen hall, even if I'm a nominal disciple! You must help me with this matter, and we'll write it off when you owe me! " Li Qiufeng's eyes keep flashing, and he stares at the no trace in the field with a mistake.

"Come on, don't call me that. It's very numb! And when did I owe you? You'd better make it clear to me! " Hua Ti Tang has goose bumps and turns his eyes at Li Qiufeng. Heart to this guy is really not to eat any loss, beg oneself to do business also said so high sounding. So shameless, I really have the style of chasing girls.

Boom, boom

On the void, the thunder cloud that has not been dispersed for a long time gradually becomes weak and small, slowly turns into a small thunder group and stays in the air. And the rest of the thunder clouds dissipated along with the wind, slowly into the vast sky.

"Hoo! It's over at last Demon zunhuoxiao sighed, and the rough voice echoed gently in traceless mind.

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"Finally, is it over?" Listen to the words of demon zunhuoxiao, no trace this just secretly inside long relief tone. Looking at the only dark cloud left in the half suspended sky, the tense nerves did not dare to have the slightest relaxation.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

A series of thunder, wrapped in endless power of thunder punishment from the sky. Deafening roar once again resounded through the world, a road of terror leimang Qi brush bombardment in the purple wood Dafang Ding Ding Ding body.

"Six, seven, eight..." no trace forced to endure the pain on his body, staring at the thinner and thinner thunder cloud in the air, it was a light in front of his eyes. Seeing the thunder coming down, the flame of Zimu Dafang Dingding became more vigorous. And the fragrance of Dan medicine in Zimu Dafang Ding has been wantonly out, it seems that it is possible to form a Dan at any time.

"Hoo“ Hoo

Seeing this scene, I also felt the majestic Danqi in the purple wood cauldron. All the people present were relieved at the same time. Even Li Qiufeng and Hua titang were in vain.

"Click!" With the last sound of terror, the only group of rare thunder clouds in the sky also disappeared.

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"Brush!" A ray of thunder cuts through the sky, and the terrible power of thunder turns it into a dragon. After hovering around the body of Zimu Dafang Dingding for one week, the magic Thunder Dragon flew straight to the body of Wuchen with the mysterious force between Zimu Dafang Dingding and Wuchen.



Li Qiufeng and Hua Ti Tang are aware of the strange power of Lei's punishment for the first time, but it's too late for them to stop.The Thunder Dragon's power turns into a flash of light, and then rushes to traceless body. No trace on the opposite side, I just feel a flower in front of me, and an unprecedented sense of crisis fills my whole body in an instant.

"Hum!" The Xuanli of the five elements all rushed out of the body, and the sword spirit was combined with it. It turns into a powerful force in the field, and at the first time, it tightly wraps the traceless body in it.

Click, click

The purple and gold undercurrents rush to mend all the damaged purple and gold armor on the traceless body. On the traceless chest, the two strange lights, bright and dark, just like one body, also like a mysterious rhythm, twinkle and twinkle.

"Boom!" A loud sound resounded through the world, and the extremely fast thunder dragon bombarded the traceless body in a flash. The unbreakable power of guarding the field only delayed the pace of Thunder Dragon. The remaining pieces of sword spirit bombard the body of Thunder Dragon, which weakens the power of thunder punishment contained in Thunder Dragon.

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"Boom!" Another terrible dull sound came, and leilong drowned the whole person on the spot.

The terrible power of thunder and lightning bombards the purple and gold armor of no trace, and smashes all the armor protected by no trace. And the five elements Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body is all released, resisting the power of thunder punishment and swallowing his body.

"Damn, I'm dead now!"

"No trace elder martial brother!"

"No trace boss!"

"This, this guy..."

The terrible power of thunder and lightning flies everywhere. A group of elders of danmen hall rush to protect all the disciples of danmen hall behind them. The air of Xuanli rises and blocks the attack of thunder and lightning. All the people on the scene were shocked and looked at the place where the power of thunder and lightning gathered.

All over the sky light, the power of lightning will be a place all covered. At this time, a seemingly invisible figure seems to be incarnated in the form of thunder, which is especially weird and terrifying under the power of thunder and lightning

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