Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 304: 304

Boom, boom

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At this moment, within the ring of the ancient bell and the soul of martial arts, earth shaking changes have already taken place. The ancient clock has no trace on its four walls, with four arrays of gold, orange, blue, green and pictures shining out.

Gold, wood, water, earth, the four most basic forces of the air between heaven and earth, all at the same time into a terrible pressure came into being.

"Damn, with the previous fire Xuanli Xuanqi, there are five Xuanli attributes in the soul of the ancient bell! I can't see that HuaQingChi is also an all attribute warrior! " In the soul of the ancient bell, the originally indifferent Wu trace frowned slightly. Looking at the more and more intense Xuanli Dharma array around him, Wu Chen Ran to work with all his strength, and the Xuanqi in his body didn't dare to support him again.

For a moment, I saw the five colors of rays in Wuchen's body rise in vain. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, five kinds of Xuanli and Xuanqi rise out at the same time, and the traceless plate is kneeling on the spot, allowing the four Xuanli array powers around to bombard and slap on his body wantonly.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Gold, wood, water, earth and the four powers of Xuanli array bombard Wuchen's body. The five elements of Xuanli Qi contained in Wuchen's body also burst out at the same time, trembling with the four powers of Xuanli array falling around him.

And at this time of no trace, then cross knee meditation, eyes closed. Most of them are suppressed by the Xuanli of the five elements. And the rest of a small part of the terrible Xuanli offensive, there is no obstacle in the bombardment of the body without trace.

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"Bang!" Sitting in the same place, no trace is as motionless as a mountain, running crazily in the body, making a decision for all time. A steady stream of Hongmeng's chaotic Qi came out, leaving no trace for the power of the remaining Xuanli array to beat on his body and ignore it.

Full support can have half an hour long, traceless bronze robust body at the moment even faintly appeared five color light. At this time, the traceless body seems to be a bit stronger than before. And, always inadvertently, the five elements Xuanli breath.

"Ha ha, it's good for my body to bombard and beat my body with five elements Xuanli! What's more, this kind of consumption doesn't waste any Xuanshi. It's no loss to me. HuaQingChi really gave me a big gift! " Has been closed eyes of traceless mouth slightly a Yang, a bad idea quietly in the mind.

No trace actually uses the array power released by Huaqing pool to temper his body. If Huaqing pool knows this, he will spit blood and die on the spot.

But now Huaqing pool in the outside world knows nothing about it, and the power of repeatedly stimulating the array has consumed more than half of the mysterious power in its body.

Already sweating Huaqing pool, eyes are still good, God staring at the front of the ancient bell soul. On the other hand, the metal, wood, water, earth and four kinds of Xuanli array on the Ancient Bell's soul gradually became dim.

"Hum, I don't believe you can survive under the influence of my five elements Xuanli's Dharma array!" Huaqing pool breathes heavily and hums coldly, slowly takes back the air of Xuanli in the body. On the soul of the ancient bell, the four colors of light gradually weakened. The power of the four Xuanli arrays gradually dissipated, and the restless spirit of Guzhong gradually returned to normal, and gradually stabilized.

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"Ha ha, elder martial brother Hua is powerful!"

"Hey, hey, now, the boy is dead!"

"Ha ha, look who dares to fight against us

"Eh, elder martial brother Hua has killed this boy. The spirit beast hall, the Dan gate hall and the entrance of those halls are not the most respected ones in my painting array hall!"

All the disciples of the painting array hall were very excited. In private, they began to talk and whisper. On the other hand, the disciples of the kitchen hall on both sides seemed as if the next son had been drained. One of them looked pale and powerless towards the kitchen elder martial brother Hoff.

"Well, anyway, we have to take back the body of elder martial brother Wuchen!" Hoff sighed softly, and whispered to several disciples who had stepped into Dan's soul.


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At the time when people were shocked and thought HuaQingChi was ready to stop. Huaqing pool, which consumes more than half of the mysterious power in its body, moves again in vain. Two thunder and lightning arrays containing endless thunder and lightning power are quietly heard in its palms.

"Click, click!"

The two blasts resounded through the hinterland square, and completely shattered the last hope of luck in the hearts of all the students in the kitchen hall.

Boom, boom

Two blasts of thunder burst into the sky and turned into two lightning array powers, which put pressure on the soul of Guzhong. The martial spirit of the ancient bell trembled slightly, and the whole clock turned into the figure of the power of thunder and lightning. Moreover, with the cold light flashing, these lightning power figures seem to come back to life in an instant.The power of thunder and lightning seems to contain the terrible mysterious Qi of communicating with the heavenly power, which has gone straight into the body of the ancient bell and disappeared.

At this time, Wuxing Xuanli's Qi in Wuchen's body was always protecting his body, and his face was not willing to look around in the dark. And at this moment, the ancient bell suddenly burst out in the spirit of martial arts. Then a flash of light came from all directions.

"Ha ha, HuaQingChi, you are so interesting! Just now, I'm still quarreling and I'm not satisfied, so you've brought me a big meal again! " Seeing the power of thunder and lightning, no trace's eyes lit up in an instant.

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The five elements Xuanli breath on Wuchen's body gradually weakened, a soil awn covered his whole body, and the purple gold armor quietly protected his body.

Not only that, on the traceless chest. The purple and gold undercurrent surged out, surrounded by traceless purple and gold armor, which became purple and gold undercurrent.

Click, click

The power of thunder and lightning is not wasted. Even without any obstacles, they bombarded the traceless body.

"Ouch!" The purple golden Thunder Dragon on Wuchen's body was excited. Zijin Thunder Dragon circled rapidly, with a big mouth and bared tusks, and devoured the power of thunder and lightning in his belly.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo The outside world, Huaqing pool, which is almost exhausted, has no idea of what happened in Guzhong's soul. In a row will be in the body of the remaining Xuanli gas almost consumed, HuaQingChi finally put down the heart to a long relief.

"Brush!" HuaQingChi's mind moved, and an invisible force fell on the spirit of Guzhong. However, the huge body of the Ancient Bell's martial spirit slowly trembles, gradually escapes from the ground and rises in full view of the public

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