Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 305: 305

"Hum!" A dull sound rang from the square in the hinterland of the kitchen hall.

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I saw the spirit of the ancient bell slowly floated up, and people's eyes all of a sudden unconsciously looked at the lower end of the spirit of the ancient bell.

"Cough..." on the hinterland square, the dust gradually dispersed, a straight figure quietly stood on the spot. After that, only a few light coughs came, and no trace appeared in the public's field of vision.

"You, you didn't die?" On the other side, Hua Qingchi, who was already weak in breath, suddenly shook his body, widened his eyes and stared at Wu trace with a look of panic.

On both sides, a group of disciples of the painting array hall, who had been in high spirits, were all stiff at the moment. They were stupefied on the spot. And all the disciples of the kitchen hall were also full of disbelief, and a ray of hope was rekindled in their dim and colorless eyes.

"Hum, give me a fight!" Before everyone could react, HuaQingChi in the field clenched his teeth again, urged the only Xuanli Qi in his body, and once again urged the spirit of Guzhong in the air to go down without trace.

"Hum!" With a burst of roar, the jade belt suddenly turned into a silver light. And under the slanting sprinkling of this silver light, the Qi of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and five elements Xuanli was all integrated into it.

For a moment, the continuous sword covered the earth, intertwined closely with the Qi of the five elements Xuanli. Then, it turned into an invisible protective barrier, and covered the whole person firmly.

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"Boom!" At the same time, the spirit of the ancient bell has fallen down. However, the martial spirit of the ancient bell, which had never been defeated before, was blocked by this invisible force. The whole ancient bell kept shaking, but still could not occupy the body of no trace.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, you seem to be more powerful than before in guarding the field." Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow in a flash, then appeared again in no trace of the side, said with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you for Huaqing pool! If he hadn't been so generous in helping me to practice, how could I have perfected the power of guarding the field so easily! " Under the protection of the power of guarding the field, Wu trace smiles slightly, and a touch of cunning light flashes in his bright eyes.

"Five elements thunder array!" Seeing that Gu Zhong's martial spirit had no effect on Wu trace's suppression, Hua Qingchi was sweating on the spot. In a hurry, HuaQingChi was quick witted, biting his right index finger and forcing a drop of his own blood essence out of his body onto Guzhong's soul.

"Brush!" When the essence and blood of my life touched the soul of the ancient bell, the soul of the ancient bell lit up in a flash. And a Dharma array containing the power of the five elements and the power of thunder and lightning are quietly born again. Turn it into a rolling array power, and cleave the generals down towards the traceless body below.

Boom, boom

For a moment, the power of thunder and lightning rose out of thin air, and the mysterious power of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements surged out. The thunderous and thunderous mysterious forces bombard the field of defense released by traceless without reservation.

And no trace in the field of protection is still pale, the whole person is still standing quietly in the same place. Despite the rampant power of the five elements and the rampant power of thunder and lightning, the invisible power of guarding the field was only slightly shaken, and it took no effort to resist the attack of Guzhong's martial spirit one by one.

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"Well, elder martial brother Hua's martial spirit of Guzhong doesn't work for him at all!"

"Wow, elder martial brother Wu trace of the miscellaneous service hall, how powerful it is!"

"Ha ha, brother Wuchen is powerful!"

"Hua, senior brother Hua, what should we do?"

Gulu, Gulu, a nervous gasp, instantly caused a chain reaction on the hinterland square. All of them were shocked by the sight in front of them. Without trace, they were just like heaven and man, and let the ancient bell spirits attack at will. Even though Gu Zhong's martial spirit did all he could, he could not shake the field of Protection released by Wu trace.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo A short breath came from the mouth of the pale Huaqing pool. At this time, the Xuanli Qi in Huaqing pool was exhausted, and even it was difficult to control the spirit of the ancient bell.

"Ha ha, you've had enough! Then it's my turn No trace in the field of protection smiles and flicks his right arm. Then I saw a bright silver awn across the void, and a slender silver soft sword suddenly appeared in the hands of no trace.

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"Whoosh!" On the hinterland square, a shadow flashed by. Closely following, the whole square seems to be full of continuous cold sword. And a silver light cuts across the sky, the bright tip of the silver soft sword has stabbed the chest of Huaqing pool steadily.

"Bang!" The tip of the silver soft sword just pierced into the chest of Huaqing pool for more than an inch, and then burst out a terrible and majestic sword spirit. The momentum of the weak Huaqing pool, in the face of no trace of the violent offensive is no fight back."Plop!" Only a dull sound came, and Huaqing pool drew an arc in the void. The whole person fell heavily on the ground behind, and fainted on the spot after a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Poof!" With Huaqing Lake stunned by the power of no trace sword, the light on the body of the ancient bell in the void gradually weakened. Then, the spirit of the ancient bell gradually turned into nothingness, and then turned into a remnant, floating and wandering, and returned to the faint Huaqing pool on the ground.

Seeing Gu Zhong's martial spirit return to its original position without any action, it seems that he intended to release Huaqing pool, but did not kill it completely. Otherwise, relying on today's strength of no trace, I believe it will not waste much strength to destroy the soul of Huaqing pool.

"Ha ha, take your elder martial brother back to Huazhen hall! When he wakes up, remember to tell him to be nice to the disciples of the miscellaneous service hall and the kitchen hall in the future! Otherwise, I'll wait for Liu Wuchen to fight you! At that time, I'm afraid there won't be such a simple result... "No trace smiles, and the silver sword in his hand turns into a jade belt again and is tied around his waist. The momentum of Wu Chen's whole body gradually gathered in the body, and the whole person returned to normal again. There is no just powerful and domineering side, but let people see more like a weak and handsome Wensheng childe!

"Cough, thank you very much, elder martial brother Wuchen!"

"Thank you, elder martial brother Wuchen, for your mercy!"

All the disciples of the painting array hall quietly catered, and raised the faint Huaqing pool to leave quickly outside the square in the hinterland of the kitchen hall.

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"Ha ha, now you know our strength!"

"Ha ha, get out of here!"

"Hei hei, long live brother Wuchen!"

"Ha ha, brother Wuchen, good job!"

"Roar, no trace elder martial brother, I want to give you a monkey..."

On both sides, a group of kitchen hall disciples and dozens of miscellaneous service hall disciples were all boiling in vain. Everyone was excited, clenched their fists, and exclaimed in praise to the smile on the field< br>

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