Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 320: 320

Boom, boom

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The flames, which cover up the sky and block out the sun, are falling like beacon fire. In a flash, the whole Huaqing pool was submerged in the sea of fire.

"Hoo“ Hoo A burst of coarse Qi called out, and Hoff, the chief disciple of houfang hall, looked ugly. His Xuanli Qi was obviously unstable. It was obvious that the continuous large-scale attack on Xuanqi consumed a lot of Xuanqi.

Besides, Hoff has just been promoted to the later cultivation level of Dan soul realm. It's also the first time that he has really fought against an opponent of the same level, and his opponent is also the elder martial brother of Huachen hall, who is different from ordinary people in strength.

Therefore, as soon as Hoff made a move, he tried his best to win by surprise, and the result seems to have achieved some expected results.

Yilala, yilala

Fire lingered all over the sky, and a series of terrible waves came out one after another. The scorching air gradually condenses in the void and turns into a python again. The shadow falls steadily in front of Hoff.

"Damn, the cook is so powerful!"

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"Hum, it's not the magic weapon in his hand, otherwise how could he be so strong all of a sudden?"

"Oh, if only I could break through the later cultivation of Dan's soul state!"

On the 18th square, there was a lot of hot discussion among the disciples. It seems that everyone has decided that Hoff has won, and Hoff has become famous in the first World War.

"Roar!" A dull roar came from the fire in front of us. Then, the fire all over the sky trembled in vain, and the burning flame separated from the inside out toward both sides.

"Suddenly A gust of violent wind blows all the flames to both sides. And at the source of the wind, a ragged and scorched figure suddenly came into everyone's eyes.

Pedal, pedal, pedal

The whole body of this man was blessed by the Xuanli Dharma array, and the whole man slowly walked out of the fire with a heavy step.

"Huaqing pool..." opposite, Hoff's face suddenly startled. Looking at the people in front of him, he was surprised. In my heart, HuaQingChi is worthy of being the chief disciple of Huazhen hall. He has suffered such a heavy blow and has the strength of the first World War.

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"Wow On both sides, when the disciples at the entrance of each hall looked at Qinghua Qingchi's tragedy, they were all shocked. Everyone looked back at Hoff on the stage with a look of worry in their eyes.

"Hey, you cook, you've succeeded in provoking me!" The eyes of Huaqing pool, which was covered with scorch, showed a fierce light, and looked very sad and gave Hoff a smile. Immediately, I saw the Xuanli Qi in Huaqing pool gushing out, and behind it, an ancient bell like shadow appeared.

"Gu Zhong Wu soul..." in the camp of the miscellaneous service hall, Wu trace recognized the virtual shadow at the first sight. At the beginning, if it wasn't for traceless physical strength, and as a full attribute practitioner of martial arts. In the face of the attack from the magic array in the soul of the ancient bell, I'm afraid it's really hard to tell the difference between them.

"Hoo On the other side, Hoff gave a deep breath and looked anxiously at the martial spirit of Guzhong, which gradually appeared in mid air. Immediately, Hoff's figure began to move in vain, and the black fire stick in his hand quickly danced like flying. Fire snakes roar out again, and the blue fire rushes towards the miserable Huaqing pool.

"Hum!" A dull and loud sound suddenly resounded from the air. The martial spirit of the ancient bell, which has just been assembled and formed, suddenly trembles, and the body of the ancient bell turns red. The dense array of Dharma images spread out, and the ancient bell body also flew out of the flames, towards the front of the flying fire snake crazy impact.

Poop, poop, poop

All of a sudden, the rising flame from the array's blessing collided with the fire snake in front of it fiercely. All over the sky, the firelight scattered like a meteor, and the battle platform above the bombarded square trembled violently. Fortunately, the power of prohibition had been laid around the platform for a long time, which made the fury of Xuanli not leak out.

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Otherwise, tens of thousands of disciples of the outer gate who are watching the battle on both sides will not be able to bear the damage caused by the fire.

The two flames were fighting in the void, and they were even for a moment. For Hoff in the past, it was a thing that he didn't dare to think about. Hoff, holding the staff, had a stronger sense of war in his eyes, which made his confidence soar.

"Click, click!"

The miserable Huaqing pool was obviously really angry. I saw HuaQingChi's hands painting array, and the power of thunder and lightning gradually gathered on the palms of his hands.

"Go The two lightning arrays turned into two lightning beams, which directly bombarded the body of the ancient bell in the void. The spirit of the ancient bell suddenly trembled in the air, and on the red bell, it quickly evolved into a lightning array made by blue mang.Boom, boom

Without any sign, the power of lightning array in Guzhong's soul burst out madly. Although the power of thunder punishment is weak, it is still not able to stop by flame and fire snake.

There was a roar in the earrings, and the whole platform shook violently again. The power of thunder and lightning flashed in and split all the fire snakes in the air. Then, another flash of lightning and thunder came across the sky, and all the power of the lightening came towards Hoff.

"Hum, I've done it!" Hoff looked at the sky of ray Mang, his heart suddenly cool to the extreme. Immediately, I saw the dark fire stick in his hand suddenly thrown, and the virtual shadow of the fire Python melted by the heat wave in front of him quickly merged in one place. Then, a dark fire Python suddenly opened its mouth and ran to the chest of Huaqing pool.

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"Ah A scream resounded from the platform. Huaqing pool is engulfed by fire python. The ghost of the ancient bell above suddenly lights up and darkens. The original terror of the ghost of the ancient bell suddenly disappears.

"Bang!" Another heavy dull sound came, and the other side of the platform was covered with the power of thunder and lightning. Originally, the Qi of Xuanli in the body had already consumed more than half of Hoff, and was swallowed and submerged by the power of thunder and lightning in an instant.

"Elder martial brother Hua!"

"Brother Hoff!"

On both sides of the battle platform, the disciples of the painting array hall and the kitchen hall all stood up together, and all of them were deeply worried when they looked at the chaotic battle platform.

Around, the rest of the disciples all swallowed their saliva, and felt the fury and surging waves on the platform. All of them could not help shivering.

"Brush!" When everyone's attention was attracted by the battle platform, traceless keenly noticed that there were two chills surging up on the square.

Fang Hua, the leader of the painting array hall, and Tiantang, the director of the kitchen hall, look at each other and then quickly separate. Although the time is short, they have already made no secret of their intention to kill each other

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