Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 321: 321

Boom, boom

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Click, click

On the battlefield, the power of thunder and lightning gradually weakened and became calm. The vast rising flame and heat wave also began to sway with the wind and dissipate.

"Brush!" Two chills rose at the same time, which came from the Huazhen hall and the kitchen hall. Then, the smoke and dust on the platform disappeared quickly, and two burly middle-aged men appeared on the platform at the same time.



Fang Hua, the leader of the painting array hall, and Tiantang, the director of the kitchen hall, hold HuaQingChi and Hoff in their arms respectively. At the same time, two streams of Xuanli Qi enter into their bodies to protect their broken meridians.

"Whoosh!" Another figure flashed out. It was Qiu Yunsong, the leader of the steward's hall. I saw the head of hall Qiu's face a little dignified. He whispered to the two heads beside him: "how are they?"

"Qingchi, the muscles and veins are forbidden. It's even more difficult to recover. Even if you are cured, you will not be able to do your best in the future! " Fang Hua, the leader of the painting array hall, looks very ugly. Just now he has investigated all the conditions in Huaqing pool.

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I didn't expect that the first World War, which was once a sure thing, turned out to be the turning point of HuaQingChi's lonely life. If time can never come, I believe that Fang Hua, the leader of the painting array hall, will never allow him to fight again.

"Husband, he's useless!" Tiantang, the head of the kitchen hall, is furious and roars at Fang Hua. Hoff was hit by the power of thunder and lightning. Now his meridians are broken and his martial spirit is seriously damaged. However, his natural Qi of fire and Xuanli can't be seen in his body.

If Huaqing pool is seriously damaged, there is still a glimmer of hope for treatment. However, Hoff exhausted the power of fire in his body. Before the lamp ran out of oil, he suffered heavy damage from the power of lightning. Therefore, even if Hoff can recover a life and survive, he will not be able to practice martial arts again.

For a warrior, sometimes death is not terrible. To live like this is not to live like death.

So far in the first World War, Hoff was completely abandoned.

HuaQingChi, the talented disciple of Huazhen hall, was almost abandoned. Even if he spent a lot of natural resources and land treasures, his cultivation could reach the level of Dan soul state at most. It is better to use these cultivation resources to cultivate more excellent disciples in the painting circle hall.

Therefore, it can be expected that the future of Huaqing pool will be abandoned son, life is not like death.

There is no winner in this battle.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity!" The head of the steward's hall, Qiu Yunsong, sighed faintly, and glanced sympathetically at the two heads in front of him.

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Two cold hums came from Fang Hua and Nintendo at the same time. Then, after they looked at each other, they turned around one after another and headed for their respective square camp.

On the 18th square, after listening to the words of the two hall leaders, the disciples of the painting array hall and the kitchen hall were instantly quiet, and a touch of solemn and stirring feelings rose in their hearts at the same time.

When the other disciples saw that the confrontation between the two principal disciples was so fierce, they all lowered their voices for a moment, whispered and talked.

In the camp of the kitchen, Hua Lei Lei, the eldest martial sister of danmen hall, Li Qianshui, the eldest martial sister of lianyao hall, and Wu Chen, the three quickly came.

"Lord, this is the heart protecting pill sent by my father!"

"Lord, this is the Huichun pill of our medicine refining hall!"

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Flower bud bud, Li weak water, two people one after another from the arms took out a different color and vitality of Dan Yao, Qi Qi handed to the kitchen hall director heaven's hand.

See, Nintendo is a Leng at first, then hurriedly put two pills into the unconscious Hoff's mouth. A burst of Xuanli's air impelled the two pills into Hoff's body.

"Lord Ren, can I check Hoff's injury?" One side, no trace step forward, to Nintendo boxing salute.

Angry Nintendo swept his eyes without a trace, thinking for a long time without a reply. However, after seeing traceless's real eyes, Nintendo still gently handed Hoff's figure to traceless's side.

"Whoosh!" Seeing this, Wu Chen did not dare to delay at all. He quickly put his two fingers on Hoff's pulse. Then, a pure and exuberant atmosphere of chaos quietly injected into Hoff's body.

"Brush!" At the moment when Hongmeng's chaotic Qi entered his body, Hoff's body, which was like a dead man, suddenly trembled. Then, traceless divine sense explored Hoff's body and found that all the meridians in Hoff's body had been cut off, and there was no intact place in his body.The pure and incomparable Qi of Hongmeng chaos is like a shot of cardiotonic. After a week's rapid swimming in Hoff's body, immediately, all of them protect the soul of Hoff's Dantian.

Tengteng, Tengteng

Just as Hongmeng's chaotic Qi protected Hof's Dantian, a little green awn suddenly appeared in the dried up meridians of Hof's body. Although these green awns are weak, they are the real wood attribute Xuanli breath.

These wood attributes from the force of the gas, at this time is taking root in Hoff's body. In addition, Hoff was originally a fire Xuanli warrior, but now he became a wood Xuanli warrior whose attributes changed completely.

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"Ha ha, it seems that Guji Dan he took before has become his life-saving straw now!" Demon respect fire Xiao rough crazy bright voice quietly spread out, said with a smile in traceless mind.

"Cough, let's be the leader of the hall, OK!" The sweat on the forehead of no trace is not only flowing, but also cutting off the connection between the divine consciousness and the Qi of Hongmeng chaos. Traceless hand gently back to the kitchen hall director heaven gently clasped his fist. Immediately, no trace then under the eyes of the people surprised, turned around and returned to the square array of the miscellaneous service hall.

"Eh, what are you up to, boy?" The head of the dining room, Tiantang, was still angry. He gave a cold glance at the distant place. Then he put his hands on Hoff's vein again, and the divine sense quietly injected into his body to explore.

"This, this, how is this possible..." when Nintendo's divine sense was injected into Hoff's body, his whole body was stunned on the spot as if hit by electric current.

Both sides, Hua Lei Lei, Li qiangshui, and a group of disciples of the kitchen hall were all incomparable. Looking at the panicked Dean in front of him, heaven was a moment of doubt.

"Lord, if you know about it, I will! Brother Hoff is very angry because of our service hall. In the future, our service hall will protect our house. Until brother Hoff's cultivation is restored! " A bright and clean sound, quietly into the kitchen hall director heaven ear. Then, I saw Nintendo repeatedly infuse the divine sense into Hoff's body, after confirming several times.

Nintendo's angry face showed a touch of ecstasy in vain. Then, Nintendo's eyes were full of gratitude and nodded heavily to the traceless man who had returned to the square array of the service hall... < br > Nintendo's eyes were full of gratitude

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