Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 325: 325

"Boom!"“ Boom

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The sound of terror and turbulence resounded from the damaged platform one after another. The two furies of Xuanli spread from both sides of the platform.

"Plop!" There was a heavy dull sound from the edge of the platform.

A purple light flashed away, and the Scorpio puppet's body turned into two ends. The whole figure of Zifeng below was firmly fastened on the ground of the battle platform.

All the rune paper dragons, which roared and weakened, bombarded the strong body of Scorpio puppet. The purple light on the Scorpio puppet gradually faded, bearing the breath of terror and fury from above.

"Ah Just as the Scorpio puppet was hit hard, a sad scream rang out on the edge of the other side of the platform.

Poop, poop, poop

Bright purple buds bloom on the edge of the challenge arena. The violent waves burst out in front of Wu Ji's chest, whistling through layers of waves, and all of a sudden, Wu Ji was overturned to the ground and blasted out of the battle platform.

"Dong!" A dull sound came, and Wu Ji fell heavily on the ground below.

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"Wow A mouthful of blood sprayed out, and there was no blood on Wu Ji's white face. His pale face was very gloomy, and there were many dark purple flower buds on his chest.

Boom, boom, boom

On the platform, the smoke of gunpowder filled the air. The furious Paper Dragon flew down and shook the whole platform.

Click, click

With the paper dragon roaring down, Scorpio puppet's body shakes in vain. Bursts of fragmentation of the sound of strange resounding, Scorpio puppet body on the even faintly appeared a striking crack.

"Boom!" Just as the body of the Scorpio puppet is about to fall, a dazzling purple light suddenly appears in the body of the Scorpio puppet. Then, the Scorpio puppet's body suddenly jumped up, and stood up in the face of the fierce blow of the paper dragon.

Holes, holes

The sound of violent turbulence is extremely terrifying. It is to destroy the whole battlefield. A body like a Scorpio puppet stands in the same place without any evasion. Let the endless paper dragon roar wantonly, let the endless Xuanli air beat on the body without moving like a clock.

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Tearing, tearing

With the last bit of thunder and lightning, it dissipated on the whole platform. In the sky, the momentum of the paper dragon in the seal script suddenly decreased, and gradually scattered all over the ground. But the Scorpio puppet body unexpectedly slightly moves, turns the body shape, impressively faces around the astonished incomparable public to smile slightly.


"Damn, is that really elder martial brother Zifeng?"

"He, how can he be integrated with the organ puppet!"

"Damn, that puppet, what's the matter? Elder martial brother Zifeng's appearance!"

"Wow, forbidden technique, that's forbidden technique!"

"Well, this guy is merging with the puppet. Is this guy crazy?"

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At this time, the Scorpio puppet on the stage has the same appearance as Zifeng. The only difference is that Zifeng's body today is actually made of Scorpio puppets. This scene came into everyone's eyes, and all the disciples in the eighteen hall were stunned.

"Brush!" With the war on the platform, the mysterious power on the last piece of seal script charm paper dissipated. A purple awn flashed up without warning, and then a dazzling purple awn stabbed everyone's eyes.

When the purple awn on the platform gradually weakened, the people opened their eyes again. Purple Maple and organ puppet Scorpio, two figures standing together appeared in the public eye.

"Ha ha, hard work, Scorpio!" Purple Maple looks very pale, obviously just the fusion of its own consumption is also very huge. Immediately, Zifeng patted the scorpion puppet standing side by side. With a silver flash in his hand, the scorpion puppet disappeared.

Gulu, Gulu

See Purple Maple is still intact standing on the platform, and there is still a war. All the disciples of each hall trembled, and they had a deep understanding of the puppet beast of the puppet hall.

"Old demon, Purple Maple that guy, really used forbidden technique?" Traceless brow slightly a pick, in the heart of doubt to demon respect fire Xiao asked.

"Ha ha, I don't think so!" Demon zunhuoxiao light smile, steady sound into the ear without trace. Originally flustered without trace, this just had the confidence gradually in the heart.To forbid Shu is to sell one's own spirit and communicate with some mysterious power to reach a contract. While acquiring some power beyond one's own power, it is also equivalent to selling the spirit of one's own noumenon. If Zifeng really used the forbidden technique, it would be intolerable for the whole Tianyun sect.

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The reason why ban Shu is called ban Shu is that users will be infatuated with external force and lose their mind of martial arts. Moreover, it will be gradually engulfed by external forces, and eventually lead to the mind of the fan rather than the tiger. In the era of the popularity of ban Shu, there was a tragedy of using ban Shu to go crazy and kill all the people in one night. This is the fundamental reason why all the major schools in mainland China banned ban Shu and destroyed it one by one.

Now, on the mainland of China, the only well-known forbidden skill is the secret skill of Tianyun sect. This forbidden skill is a skill of prophecy, and has no real attack power. Therefore, it will become the secret skill of Tianyun sect, and it will not fall into the hands of other major schools.

"You've lost, you've lost!" On the platform, Zifeng regained a trace of rudeness, swept his eyes, and Wu Ji, who was full of fear, whispered.

"You, you even use the forbidden technique!" Under the stage, Wu Ji's face was as pale as ashes. He looked at Zifeng with trembling eyes and screamed.

"Ha ha, if I shout" ban Shu ", it means I use it? Will you tell the world when you use the forbidden technique? Are you an idiot, elder martial brother of carve Fu hall On the platform, Zifeng burst out laughing, his eyes were full of disdain, and swept Wu Ji under the platform.

"You..." Wu Ji choked on the spot speechless, staring at the Purple Maple on the stage for a long time did not say a word.

Hearing this, all the disciples in the entrance of the hall around the 18th square were stunned. Recalling Zifeng's words, I drew a big question mark in my heart.

On the central position of the 18th square, I heard Zifeng's Frank questions. There was a flash in the eyes of Zhen Youcai, the head of the pre skill hall, and the nine elders of the inner door. Then, the nine elders of the inner gate had a heated discussion in a low voice. Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, was smiling and nodding in response< br>

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