Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 326: 326

On the battlefield, there was a depression and a mess. Around the eighteen square, all the disciples' camps at the entrance of the hall began to discuss in a low voice in the direction of the camp.

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"Whoosh!" A gust of wind blows, and elder Liu of the steward's Hall floats and falls on the platform. Then elder Liu looked around and said with a smile, "in this battle, the puppet hall will win. Carve Fu hall, defeat

"Wow As elder Liu announced the result of the contest, a group of disciples of the puppet hall, as well as those of the kitchen hall, the miscellaneous service hall, including the spirit beast hall, the medicine refining hall, the Dan gate hall, and several other halls, all cheered together. On the other side, the disciples of the carving and painting array halls all look very ugly. They have won one battle and one draw in two battles, which is a shame for them who are full of confidence.

On one side, the five elements Dharma hall, which has always been a common enemy, did not show any unusual color. It seems that even if the carved Fu hall and the painted array hall were defeated, there was no loss for them.

"Cough, I dare to ask elder Liu. Can the steward's Hall investigate this matter strictly? " A burst of light cough, faint out, saw carved Fu hall leader Tang Tianxin slightly owe body, toward the battle platform above elder Liu asked.

"Brush!" With this remark, the whole eighteen square was quiet for a moment. All of them were still silent in the fight just now. Suddenly, they looked at Zifeng who had returned to the puppet hall.

"Hehe, do you bully the small with the big? This carving Fu hall is just like the painting array hall. It's shameless! " After hearing the question from Tang Tianxin, the master of carve Fu hall, Wu trace in the miscellaneous service hall muttered to himself with disdain.

On both sides, a group of disciples of the miscellaneous service hall could not help laughing when they heard the words without trace.

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"Brush!" For a moment, the eyes of all the people around were full of amazement, and they all fell on the traceless body in the square array of the miscellaneous service hall. Although Wu Chen didn't speak very loud just now, it was clear enough for people practicing martial arts.

The disciples of carving Fu hall, painting array hall and the two halls glared at Wu Chen with fierce eyes.

Not only that, but also Tang Tianxin, the leader of the engraved symbol hall, who had just asked questions, couldn't help but focus his eyes on his traceless body and looked at him.



In front of Wu Chen's body, two cold hums of disdain came in vain. The two figures, like light and shadow, were in front of traceless body in an instant, blocking Tang Tianxin, the leader of the engraved symbol hall, who quietly released his divine knowledge in the distance.

In front of Wu Chen's body are two familiar figures: the leader of miscellaneous service hall, Tian Buluo, the leader of Dan men hall, Li Qiufeng. They looked at Tang Tianxin, the leader of the carved Fu hall, with fierce eyes, which made the rear Wu trace deeply moved.

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"Ha ha, younger martial brother Qiufeng, what does this son have to do with you Tang Tianxin glanced at the field and did not speak to it. But the vision falls on Li Qiufeng's body, is full of pondering the speech to ask a way.

"Ha ha, it's funny to elder martial brother Tang. Wuchen is my disciple who can't do anything. Of course, it's just the way of Dan Dao. I dare not be arrogant in other aspects of cultivation! " Li Qiufeng skin smile meat don't smile, to Tang Tianxin arch arched hand back road.

"Wow As soon as the words came out, the hearts of all the people in the hall above the eighteen square were trembling again. It turns out that people only know that the danmen hall is allied with the Zayi hall, but they have never heard of when the hall leader Li Qiufeng accepted Wuchen as an apprentice. Even the news that Zimu Shending was obtained by no trace is that only the strong one above the elder level in Tianyun sect is qualified to know a little.

"Ha ha, I see. Congratulations, younger martial brother! But there is only one place in each hall. Younger martial brother Qiufeng should take good care of you, you precious apprentice. Don't let anything slip by and there will be no successors in the danmen hall. That's pathetic! " Tang Tianxin, the master of engraved Fu hall, said to Li Qiufeng with a cold smile.

"Ha ha, definitely! However, elder martial brother Tang is the same. Don't let your own precious disciples have poor strength. They just charge others with using forbidden techniques. Otherwise, I'm afraid you, the head of the hall, will only make people laugh and be generous! " Li Qiufeng is obviously also the master who has to be reasonable and unforgiving. He replies to Tang Tianxin.

Seeing that the two hall Masters had openly fought, the disciples in the two halls quickly hissed and closed their mouths. After all, the gods fight and the mortals suffer. If you make your own master unhappy, how can you have your own good fruit to eat in the future.

"Ha ha, steward Liu, Zifeng, a disciple of our hall, is fused with Scorpio, the puppet of the organ. It's all because of his special martial spirit. If there is any doubt in the clan, the puppet hall is always welcome to investigate. However, if there is no doubt about the result of the investigation, I hope steward Liu will give me a statement then! " Cheng Qian, the master of the puppet hall, gave a faint smile without looking at Tang Tianxin, the master of the carved symbol hall. Then, I saw him gently clasp his fist and say in a loud voice to the ugly steward Liu on the platform."Well, what do you want to say?" Tang Tianxin, the master of carved Fu hall, looks very gloomy. He stares at the puppet and asks coldly in front of Cheng Qian.

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"Mr. Liu, you can be the master of this?" Cheng Qianli ignored Tang Tianxin, but continued to smile and look at the battle platform.

"This..." for a moment, the atmosphere around the platform was extremely strange and depressing. On the platform, steward Liu's face was even more tangled. From time to time, he looked at Qiu Yunsong, the leader of the middle hall of his own square array.

"Ha ha, well, I'm not afraid to be laughed at by the disciples of each hall! If anyone dares to bring it up again, it will be handled jointly by the discipline hall, the law enforcement hall and the second hall! " Qiu Yunsong, the head of the steward's hall, laughs and says in a loud voice to the heads of the surrounding halls with a wave of his big hand.

Smell speech, the main face of each hall mouth all a burst of change, a each desire to speak and stop, Qi Qi Qi closed his mouth.

"Keke, Zifeng, puppet hall. After this battle, you can go straight to the inner gate holy puppet hall to practice!" An old but peaceful voice came out at this untimely moment.

Brush, brush, brush

Hearing the old voice, all the disciples in the eighteen hall were stunned. Immediately, everyone's eyes were all looking at one place, and they fell on the nine elders of the ninth Hall of the inner gate, which symbolized the Supreme Identity of Tianyun sect.

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"Purple Maple, shouldn't it go down?" Pre surgery hall master Zhen Youcai light smile, swept the eyes of the crowd, fixed in the scene of Zifeng light voice to remind.

"Disciple Zifeng, please obey the elder's orders!" Always calm and indifferent Purple Maple, even now excited. Zifeng quickly lifted his skirt, clasped his fist and arched his hand, and solemnly saluted the nine elders who came to watch the battle in front of the inner gate of the ninth hall.

Gulu, Gulu

He became famous in the first World War and went straight to the ninth Hall of the inner gate. This is the dream of all the disciples of Tianyun sect. Now it is realized in Zifeng. All the outer disciples' eyes fell on Zifeng, with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

At the moment, Tang Tianxin, the most embarrassed master of the engraved symbol hall, and Wu Ji, his chief disciple, are also in charge. After they looked at each other, they heard Tang Tianxin snort coldly, and yelled at Wu Ji very plaintively: "bah, useless thing!"

"Puchi!" After hearing Tang Tianxin's reprimand, Wu trace burst out laughing on the spot. All the disciples of each family on both sides were holding their smiles and secretly raised their thumbs to Wu trace. Dare to tease the head of the hall in front of all the people. In the history of Tianyun sect, I'm afraid only no trace dare to be so arrogant< br>

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