Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 329: 329

On the platform, Manmeng stands with the colorful Leopard on his back. At the same time, the two fury surged up and locked up the whole platform.

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All the disciples of each sect around the 18th square were focused on the stage. Even the elder level strong men in each hall all looked at the fierce and gorgeous Leopard on the stage with interest.

"Poof!" A dull sound came quietly from the foot of the place where he was. Then, I saw a small body galloping out, and a breath of earthly power quickly blessed the fierce body.

"Brush!" The air of Tu Xuan Li shrouded him, and he felt that the pressure of his whole body increased in vain. The whole human world seems to be heavy and dull, and his body is unconsciously bent and pressed down. It's as if there is a big mountain pressing on me now. It's so hard that I can't breathe for a moment.

"Roar!" A roar of fury came with a gust of wind. The fierce wind blows on the fierce body and breaks up all the power of Tu Xuan. Then, I saw the gorgeous leopard's figure flying out like an arrow. Towards the mid air, just detour pretty fierce, behind the small figure is a claw.

Click, click

Two sharp claws flashed out of thin air, and two terrible lights were drawn on the small body of xuantu. The sharp and gorgeous leopard's claws bombard xuantu and make two strange sounds.

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There are still two flames in the air. The whole body of xuantu is full of Xuanli, and the whole body is covered by yellow sand. On the top of his yellow sand battle clothes, there are two noticeable scratches.

"Brush!" There are two claw marks on my body for no reason, which makes me angry. Then, I saw the figure of xuantu flash away, reappear, and came to the back of the gorgeous leopard.

"Evil animal, please fight!" With the pressure of the earth Xuanli on xuantu, the gorgeous leopard in the void trembles. After that, the speed of the gorgeous leopard obviously dropped a lot, and the figure behind him moved to see the dark earth coming to him.

"Boom!" Xuantu's face showed a sneer, and he hit the gorgeous leopard's body with a heavy blow. On top of the fist style, the thick earth awn flashed in vain, turned into sharp earth lines, and smashed away towards the gorgeous leopard.

"Ouch!" A scream resounded from the mouth of the gorgeous leopard. I saw a strong figure standing in front of the gorgeous leopard.

"Boom!" The earth lines of the earth awns came at a high speed, almost bombarding the burly body. The fury of Xuanli spreads, and the Xuanli of the wind blows all over the body of the burly figure. The burly body was wrapped with the colorful leopard, and in a flash, it fell on the edge of the battle platform.

"Dong!" Another figure flashed out, and the dark earth fell on the ground on the other side of the platform with a grim smile.

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On the other side, the gorgeous leopard was stunned and fell to the ground, while the one standing beside him was fierce.

At the moment, pretty fierce slowly turned around, the look on his face was obviously flashing a touch of pain. On the back of it, the clothes have all turned to ashes, and a deep blood mark has been printed on the dark back.

"Ha ha, you are really strong!" Pretty fierce gently touched the heart, a burst of hot pain spread all over the body. Then, in his eyes, he locked his whole body's momentum on the shape of xuantu.

"Roar!" Seeing that Manmeng was injured for himself, the gorgeous leopard was furious on the spot. Only four grasp in vain a shake, the whole body quickly from the entity to the transparent state.

"Suddenly A strong wind blows on her face, and the gorgeous leopard pounces on xuantu in the twinkling of an eye. Feeling the anger of the colorful leopard, the air of Xuanli around xuantu came out quickly.

"Poof!" The thick earth Xuanli came out of the vine cloth, and even went straight through the translucent body of the gorgeous leopard. The beautiful leopard's body shape was not hindered, and it would rush to the xuantu's body in a moment.

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"Whoosh!" Seeing the dark earth close at hand, the gorgeous leopard jumped up again without hesitation. With a quick wave of the four sharp claws flashing cold light, the cold light of the road galloped out towards the xuantu, and then bombarded away.

"Shit, bastard!" Xuantu was shocked when he saw that his Xuanli's power had failed, so he immediately performed the technique of escaping from the ground again. His short body was extremely fast, and in a moment he stepped on the ground with his feet and turned his body toward the bottom of the platform.

Whoosh, whoosh, claws of the cold light like four sound wind. Above the top of the head of the xuantu, one of the sharp blades was flying by, just close to the scalp of the xuantu.

The wind of the sharp blade has passed, and the body shape of the dark earth has just fallen into the ground. See only in its figure disappear place, a head of black hair scattered disorderly stay on the ground."Roar!" The colorful leopard's four hooves fell steadily on the ground, grabbing the black hair in front of her angrily. Then, in the eyes of the gorgeous leopard, the cold light was fierce, and she kept scanning around the battlefield.

"Keke, look at you. People's xuantu is short and bloated. Now you've lost their hair. An old, short and rustic ugly ghost, how do you want him to marry a woman in the future? " A burst of light cough, Lang Lang came out, took a square step and came to the beautiful leopard. Although the mouth said the words of blame, the hand was also very cherish the incomparable knock on the head of the beautiful leopard.

"Cough, it's fierce. This guy is really bad!" No trace see pretty fierce bad acting, on the spot will lose voice light smile.

"Well, what a serious boy! He has become so out of tune since he has been obedient to you! It's a pity, it's a pity, it's all brought bad by you Demon respect fire Xiao voice obviously contains smile, in no trace mind to its joke said.

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"Ha ha, when it comes to bad, it depends on you forever Traceless turned his eyes hard, in the heart of the demon respect fire Xiao disdain back.

Not only that, when he was talking, he even blinked at the woman in red in the mouth of huoxuan hall under the stage. Obviously, the derogatory remarks just now were intended for this woman.

However, the woman in red in huoxuan hall didn't care about it and waved the whip fiercely.

"Ouch!" The gorgeous leopard shakes her head excitedly and rubs her legs with her head. It was just like a harmless little cat, without the ferocious beast style.

"Wow Seeing the seamless acting skills of one man and one beast on the platform, the disciples of all the clans under the stage stared at each other, and all the horses in their hearts were galloping< br>

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