Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 330: 330

Boom, boom

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A loud sound came, and the broken platform trembled slightly. Then, on the edge of one side of the battle platform, a breath of earthy power surged up, and the short and bloated earthy earth quietly appeared on the battle platform.

Only at this time of the dark earth, has not just the air. Now the long hair on the head of xuantu has disappeared, only the two sides of his cheek are covered with luxuriant hair. The whole person is like congenital decapitation, which makes people want to laugh at a glance.

"Ha ha, xuantu, xuantu, this time there is a piece of earth hanging on this guy's head!" No trace looking at the stage in a mess of xuantu, really did not control live, lost his voice and chuckled.

"Ha ha, Mo xiaorenwu, traceless boy, can you be more reserved?" Demon zunhuoxiao's words are full of laughter, even pretending to scold no trace.

"Wow At this time, there were bursts of snickering around the platform, and all the disciples of each family were not kind enough to point out. However, due to the strong power of xuantu, the disciples of each Tangkou still dare to secretly enjoy themselves.

"Wow, it's fierce. You really pissed me off this time!" On the platform, xuantu only felt the cool wind above his head, and his face was red and his ears were red. His eyes were fixed on the opposite side, his face was tense and fierce, and his whole body's momentum was released all at once.

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"Cough, if I say my leopard didn't mean it, can you believe that?" Pretty fierce, full of apology, holding a smile, asked tentatively.

"Are you insulting me?" At the moment, xuantu's lungs are going to explode. Looking at her serious and fierce, she is burning with anger. Then, I saw a sudden movement of xuantu's figure, and the flying sand of loess on the surrounding platform rose into the air. With the rapid development of the body shape of xuantu, the flying sand of loess quickly turned into a strong and violent sandstorm.

"Cough, finally, this hairstyle really suits you!" Feeling the fierce and terrifying momentum of the opposite side, he quickly patted the gorgeous leopard's body. One man, one beast, one left and one right galloped forward at the same time, facing the angry dark earth opposite, and they rushed away together.

"Hum!" With a cold hum, xuantu's body quickly ran to the left side, and the fierce blow came from the opposite side. The violent sandstorm rolling in front of xuantu seems to be alive, and it blows hard on the gorgeous leopard's body which dodges to the right.



The two great sounds resounded at the same time, and the sound of terror and turbulence was heard all the time. I saw a terrible wind blowing on the spot, xuantu and Manmeng were standing opposite each other at the moment.

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With one punch, the two were not even. The two men's fists were all wrapped in the air of Xuanli, and the stalemate was on the spot.

On the other side of the platform, the situation is even more infiltrating. The violent sandstorm smashed down from top to bottom and blasted half of the battle platform out of a deep pit. As the momentum of the sandstorm gradually weakened, an almost completely transparent virtual shadow of the leopard escaped from the sandstorm. Then, I saw a multicolored shadow across the sky, and my body gradually turned into a solid shape. I rushed fiercely to the frozen clay and ran to his choking throat, which was a claw of hatred.

"Ha ha, I got it!" Stiff with the dark earth, it was in vain before my eyes, and the air of the dark force all around me rose fiercely. The whole person's momentum locked the dark earth firmly, so as to prevent it from fleeing easily to avoid the attack of the colorful leopard.

"Ouch!" The colorful leopard opened her mouth and roared with excitement. Her two sharp forepaws were only a few inches away from her throat. Even the air waves generated by the colorful leopard's claws have been clearly on the skin of xuantu's throat.

A trace of red blood, faintly from the xuantu throat skin up. At this critical moment, I saw xuantu's bulging arms move in vain, and a streamer of light flew out quickly.

The flowing light of the golden awn suddenly blocked in front of xuantu. With the two cold lights coming, the strange golden mang suddenly burst out a more powerful and terrifying air of Xuanli.

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"Pa!"“ Bang

Two heavy rings came, and the talons that should have sealed the throat of xuantu hit the strange golden awn at the same time. And the strange golden awn floating in the air was not affected at all, so it blocked the two terrible claws of the beautiful leopard.

Not only that, but also a cold burst out from the strange golden Mang, which completely enveloped the beautiful Leopard on the ground. Then, the strange golden awn suddenly flashed forward and flew to the front of the head of the gorgeous leopard.

"Bang!" Above the platform, there was a loud crash. Then he saw the gorgeous leopard in the air trembling, as if hit by the strange golden awn, and quickly retreated."Whoosh!" See the gorgeous leopard body retreat, the strange golden awn in mid air is not eager to pursue. On the contrary, with a flash of gold, it quietly fell back on the shoulder of xuantu.

All the people saw xuantu standing on his shoulder. Now he was standing on a small, yellow, small, rat like road. The little guy disdained to show his teeth, and his eyes fell on the opposite fierce body.

"Brush!" Feel the gorgeous leopard was a shock back, pretty fierce all of a sudden will be the heart to lift up. Then, Manmeng's powerful force quickly withdrew, and the whole person flew back quickly. The gorgeous leopard just stopped.

"Tick, tick!" Drops of bright red blood, from the colorful leopard forehead above the scattered and down. Manmeng came to the gorgeous leopard, and a sense of anger rose in his eyes. In the twinkling of an eye, looking at the strange rodents on the xuantu shoulder, I was surprised.

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"Roar!" With an angry roar, the leopard threw its head. The cold light flashed in two fierce eyes, and growled at the short mice in front.

"Hey, hey, what do you think? Only the spirit beast hall can protect you! My flower mink is called Earth eater. Compared with your big cat, I can barely see it Xuantu saw that the leopard's forehead was injured, so he burst out laughing in a twinkling, and he was in a good mood.

I saw xuantu pat her shoulder like a ferret eating earth laughing with rats. She stared at the opposite fiercely and the colorful leopard, shouting.

Gulu, Gulu

On the platform, the atmosphere was solemn for a moment. Two people and two beasts are fighting against each other, and a terrible war is imminent.

Under the platform, all the disciples and elders of the eighteen clans were stunned. Xuantu, the disciple of tuxuan hall, had a mysterious beast. This is absolutely shocking news for them, and now it seems that the mysterious beast is no weaker than the colorful leopard.

The dark earth is so deep, who knows if this guy has any other cards. This made many people who were optimistic that Manmeng would win the war before, all of them wavered in their hearts< br>

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