Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 342: 342

"Brush!" Traceless vision swept by, eyes touched the ground. Daodao young girl's posture twists and turns more charming. She gently lifts her arms and turns to chat up with her traceless body.

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"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword burst out from the body without any sign. The continuous meaning of the sword rose up in a flash, and the dozens of young girls who were close to no trace were crushed on the spot.

The bell and a series of rapid rings rose anxiously from the edge of the other side of the platform. Then, I saw a touch of green awn quietly across the sky, just broken dozens of young girl figure once again illusory intact.

"Ghosts travel at night!" A sharp low voice, suddenly spit out from the butterfly clothes mouth. I saw dozens of young girls who had just been transformed and formed move together. They are as light as the wind, and then come to the whole body of traceless again.

At this time, dozens of young women's figures close to each other have changed in an instant in traceless eyes. At the moment, dozens of young women have turned into extremely ugly poor evil spirits. A gust of wind blowing, dozens of ghost virtual shadow in no trace around the body crazy gnawing up and down.

"Hum!" Once again, the sound of the sword is loud, and the power of protecting the field is invisible. And dozens of ghost virtual shadow has not been affected, still to no trace crazy gnawing attack.

"Damn it, ghost!"

"Your sister, what a joke! I'm scared to death

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"Oh, it's so frightening that I can't gather Xuanli!"

"Waste, waste, this time this guy is dead!"

On the 18th square, the disciples of each family, who had been infatuated and almost crazy, were all sweating on their foreheads, and their heart beat as fast as they could. This even contains some of the later martial arts of Dan soul realm, who can't even raise a trace of resistance in front of evil spirits. Some even lost their fighting spirit by looking at them from a distance.

"Cluck, see so many fierce ghost, still don't frighten you this small white face to break gall!" Dieyi looks at Xiangzhan in the same place. He is dazed and has no trace. On his charming and moving face, there is a smile of pride. With the hands of the butterfly clothes shaking, the melodious bell sounds more loud and beautiful.

"Cough, traceless boy, fierce ghost cannibal, how do you feel?" A burst of embarrassed light cough, from the bottom of traceless heart.

At this time, no trace on the body has been covered with ugly, extremely vicious ghost. These fierce ghosts gnaw and tear the body of no trace, making the bright red blood has been dyed through the clothes of no trace.

"Ha ha, three thousand worlds, six realms. I've been to Fengdu ghost town in the ghost world, and the appearance of these ghosts is too bad! " In a daze in the no trace suddenly back to God, staring at the body in front of a grin to his evil ghost strange smile.

"Er..." the ghost's virtual shadow was obviously stunned, and his eyes were a little dull, and he shook his head towards traceless doubt. The rear bell rang again, and the ghost's body trembled and bit at no trace like crazy.

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"Quiet and dry!" No trace was obviously annoyed and impatient by the ghost illusion around him. With a wave of his big hand, two cold lights came out of his eyes.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Where the traceless eyes could reach, all the strange blue smoke rose. No trace of the divine sense along the flashing eyes burst out, in an instant will be around in a state of madness in the ghost one by one strangled.

"Ah With a cry of pain, the butterfly body trembled and spat out a mouthful of blood. In the void, the dim green awns trembled together, and turned into ashes to dissipate the void within the scope of traceless divine consciousness.

"Brush!" A silver flash out, no trace hand silver sword stab in a swing. The endless sword will rise and kill all the strange green awns covered by traceless divine consciousness.

"You are defeated!" Traceless mouth slightly up, gently shaking the hands of the silver sword. Corner of the eye remaining light vainly a pick, looking at the face of the pale butterfly clothes, the words of the breeze light cloud.

"Cluck..." pale butterfly hands in vain a shake, the clear and loud ring will be heard again. A trace of green awn quickly into the boundless rich green smoke, without warning will be a head of the traceless whole person to package in them.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh

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The strange green awn goes all over the place and ignores the power of protecting the field. Along with the seven orifices of no trace, rush into the body of no trace.

"Hum!" Strange green gas into the body of the moment, no trace will feel dizzy in the mind. The blood flowing in Zhou's body seemed to be still, making the face of traceless face green instantly.

"Hum!" A cold hum, no trace madness in the body to urge the eternal world. The gas source of Hongmeng chaos is flowing out continuously, and it is compatible with the green awn that attacks into the traceless body in an instant."Ha ha, look, he's poisoned!"

"Haha, this poison is our elder martial sister Dieyi's skill. It's said that the people in the medicine refining hall can't crack it! This time, the boy is waiting to be defeated! "

"Brother Wuchen, it's dangerous this time!"

"Oh, I didn't expect this guy to use poison!"

Around the 18th square, the disciples in each hall had different expressions. All of them looked at the green air mass on the edge of the square, and secretly pinched a cold sweat for traceless.

Boom, boom

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The eternal Heaven and earth determination skill is crazy. And no trace body at the moment is like ten thousand horses galloping general, like a continuous River, a gushing and uncontrollable.

After only a few weeks of operation, the strange green poison gas was completely submerged by Hongmeng's chaotic gas, and the gradually green skin of traceless body gradually returned to its normal state.

"Hum!" The loud sword once again resounded through the sky, and the endless sword wantonly spread wildly. After the shining silver sword Qi soared into the sky, the green fog gathered on the first floor of the battle platform all came together and dissipated in the wind between the heaven and the earth.

"This, how is this possible?" Opposite originally complacent poison girl butterfly clothes, at this time also stare big eyes, stunned in the spot. Then, there were only two clear sounds of PA, PA, and a bright silver light flying across the platform.

"Go away!" No trace a low ha, a huge and thin sword gas then explodes in front of poisonous female butterfly body. Then, two golden lights flashed, and the body shape of the poisonous lady butterfly suddenly flew out from the platform.

With the sound of Da, DA and two soft sounds, the two colored bells connected by the red rope fell to the ground. At the moment when all the people under the stage didn't come back to their senses, the body of poisonous girl Dieyi was straight and fast, and she fell heavily over the square array team of the wooden Xuan hall< br>

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