Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 343: 343

"Dong!" With a dull sound, the body of the poisonous Girl Butterfly fell heavily on the platform. In front of her charming posture, between her two plump breasts, there was a bright red sword tip mark at the moment.

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On both sides, all the disciples of the five elements hall opened their eyes, their eyes were dull, and they were stunned on the spot.

All around, other alliance disciples were also shocked. All of them swallowed their saliva and looked at the poisonous Girl Butterfly clothes under the stage. They didn't even dare to breathe!

Manmeng, Zifeng, Li qiangshui, hualeilei, Jiji, fengma, Niu and so on, all of them had a strange light in their eyes at the same time. When everyone gathered their eyes again to the proud figure on the stage, they were not only full of awe, but also showed their admiration.

After a series of defeats, several principal disciples of each clan, the elders and the leader of each clan, once again, look into the traceless eyes, and there is a look of astonishment.

In particular, the nine elders of the nine temples who came to watch the battle from the inner door, staring at the no trace standing on the stage, were not stingy of their love in their eyes.

"Ha ha, good! This is my disciple, my disciple Under the stage, Li Qiufeng, the leader of the danmen hall, grinned wildly and patted Hua Ti Tang on the shoulder.

"Bah, you guy, stay away from me. Look at you. It's not humiliating enough! " Flower Ti Tang full face of dislike, staring at the side of Li Qiufeng is full of black line, a burst of speechless.

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"Ha ha, next one!" No trace stands on the platform with pride. He shakes his silver sword and looks at the square array of the five elements hall.

As for the entrance of the five elements Dharma protection hall, the poisonous butterfly dress had been helped back to the square array. After taking the pill, he retreated to one side with a pale face and no longer spoke.

The main faces of the wooden hall, the fire hall, the earth hall and the three halls were as usual, sitting quietly in front of each square array. But the three disciples in the rear were all low headed, each with a depressed face and no anger at all.

"Well, Hawkeye, you fight him!" A cold hum came from Jin Peng, the chief elder martial brother of Jin Zhixuan hall. After hearing Jin Peng's words, the square array at the entrance of the five elements Dharma protection hall, which was originally low in momentum, all of them trembled.

The previously lifeless phalanx team suddenly rose again and became active. It seems that as long as Jin Peng is not defeated, they will not give up.

What's more, the eagle eye, who is about to appear on the stage and named by Jinpeng, is second only to Jinpeng in combat power, and is known as the strongest swordsman in the mouth of the five elements Dharma protection hall.

"Hey, brother Peng, I'll wait for you! Look at me, I'll wring his head off for you to have fun With a cruel smile on his face, the one eyed young eagle arched his hand to Jin Peng's solemn fist. Then, a shadow flashed out, and a violent gust of wind blew up on the calm platform.

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"Whoosh!" Shadow slowly gathered, at the end of the shadow, one eyed man eagle eyes standing quietly. On the other side, Wu's eyebrows gently picked and looked at the eagle's eyes.

"Brush!" A sense of fearfulness burst out from the one eyed young eagle's eye. All of a sudden, the invincible sword will turn into a frenzied momentum, and it will be crazy to put pressure on the body of no trace.

"Hum!" The silver sword in Wu Chen's hand shakes in vain. It seems that it is responding to the rising sword. The continuous sword spirit diffuses, and it is in touch with the sword spirit.

Click, click

There was a fierce crash, one after another on the whole platform. In the void, the sword light and the sword light interweave, and they burst apart beside the traceless and eagle eye.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous breathing sound, resounding in the 18 square of each hall entrance square. The terrible awn and sword are intended to fight fiercely on the void. Traceless and eagle eye seem to be in the center of two violent storms.

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The terrible sword idea is equal to the sword awn, and it can't compete for a time. And in the most violent area of violent rolling attack, no trace and Hawk Eye look at each other, no one is the first to say a word.

"Bang!"“ Bang

Two terrible muffled sounds resounded from the platform. Then, a shadow of a sword flashed back, and a long, broad sword, which was full of horror, floated down beside the one eyed man's eagle eye like a towering sword.

"Suddenly Mianmian sword meaning quickly retreats, all adsorbed on the silver sword in no trace hand. A face indifferent without trace gently shook his head, the twinkling eyes faintly flashed an invisible sense of war."Ha ha, you are proud of me! But in this battle, you will surely lose! " With a cold smile, the one eyed young eagle put out his hand and grasped the handle of the long knife suspended beside him.

"Boom!" At the moment of the collision between the heavy sword and eagle's eye, the more terrifying meaning of the sword burst out from the heavy sword.

At the moment, it seems that the heavy sword has been integrated with the whole person of eagle eye. A fierce and murderous sword suddenly enveloped the whole platform.

"Ha ha, before you, the people who said this are all healing under the stage now!" Traceless mouth slightly up, showing a smile of disdain. Then, the momentum of Wu Chen's whole body was instantly integrated with the silver sword in his hand. A long sword standing proudly rises in the sky.

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Kaka, Kaka, Kaka

Endless knife meaning crazy attack, like wind and rain bombarded in the opposite body without trace. The endless sword meaning released from the whole body of Wuchen is released continuously, and the silver long sword body will release endless sword awn as soon as it shakes. With the attack from all around him, the intention of Dao is not to be outdone. It's a fierce battle.

On the whole platform, the figures of Wu Chen and Ying Yan disappeared instantly. In the eyes of the disciples at the entrance of each hall, they can only see the sword awn all over the sky, which collides fiercely with the wandering sword Qi.

In addition to the light of the sword, there is the shadow of the sword. There is still the power of the five elements rising, mixed with the wind whistling in the battle platform.

"Eh, the power of the field. It turns out that this guy also understands the power of the field. No wonder his Dao is so powerful!" The voice of demon zunhuo Xiao's rough and crazy voice came out quietly and echoed in traceless mind.

But at this time of no trace, but completely no time to pay attention to the words of demon zunhuoxiao. As if the whole person had entered a state of selflessness, he was in harmony with the silver sword in his hand.

In the face of the storm like attack from the sky, no trace of the whole person as a peerless sword like motionless as a clock. No trace stands firmly on the edge of the battle platform, strangling and blocking all the horrible sabres from the crazy attack around him< br>

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