Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 351: 351

"Hum!" There was a loud sword sound, and the silver and white light was shining on the purple and gold armor of no trace. The purple golden Thunder Dragon on Wuchen's body quickly turns into a purple golden undercurrent, surging up by itself.

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"Dragon shadow kill!" With a cruel smile, Jin Peng's whole body quickly merged with the golden spear in his hand. I saw a golden light across the sky, and a golden flash came in vain. Then, the long golden dragon came down from the sky, breathed its tongue with great momentum, and rushed to the whole body without trace.

"The sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword cover is endless!" Looking at the Golden Dragon shadow galloping down all over the sky, his calm face was in vain. At the same time, the Qi of the five elements Xuanli in the body and the sword intention of the whole body rose up, and the improved Liu style nine swords were used all at once.

For a moment, the continuous sword spirit soared away, turned into a strange fog surrounded by five colors of light, enveloped the whole person's traceless body shape, like a natural barrier hindering the Golden Dragon shadow running down in the void.

"Ouch!" Accompanied by a loud dragon chant, the strange dragon shadow in the void disappeared into the sword aerosol in a moment.

Poop, poop, poop

A burst of explosive wind and torrential rain like rapid bombardment came from the void in an instant. The endless sword is like continuous River rain. It seems to build a strange Jiangnan beauty on the endless sky.

The terrible Golden Dragon shadow bombards the illusion created by mianmianjian. In an instant, a series of pavilions and courtyards collapse suddenly. The continuous rain in the south of the Yangtze River billows, and all the violent dragon shadows falling from the void are taken down.

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Boom, boom

The sound of the terrible turbulence was earth shaking, and there was no trace of the guarding field from below. His eyes were slightly frozen. Looking at the fierce Xuanli momentum above his head, he quickly flew away towards the edge of the platform.

"Brush!" Among the endless overcast void, all the beautiful scenes of Jiangnan were destroyed. But the same half of the sky that terrible dragon shadow, also by this continuous Mengmeng sword meaning to all resist dissipated in the air.

"Hoo Seeing the terrible dragon shadow disappearing in the void and holding the silver sword without trace, he took a long breath slowly.

The Xuanli turbulence just came from the void, and each dragon shadow contains the momentum of a powerful blow beyond the later stage of Dan's soul.

Fortunately, no trace has integrated the power of the five elements with the meaning of the sword. This is the only way to buy a more powerful painting scroll of Jiangnan beauty. And even so, the final is to fall into a situation of two equal, which is enough to see, Jin Peng's attack power has been strong to what extent.

With the Dragon shadow and the beauty of Jiangnan, the artistic conception disappeared, and there was no one in the void. The traceless eyes on the edge of the lower platform coagulated in vain, and the divine sense released quickly, searching for the trace of Jin Peng on the huge platform.

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Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of intense breathing, as the turbulence on the platform dissipated and slowly spread. The eighteen disciples swallowed their saliva. In the face of Jin Peng's Dragon shadow killing, none of the disciples dare to say that they can take this move.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, this guy is very aggressive. I'm afraid even your body can't resist for long!" Demon respect fire Xiao voice is full of smile, to no trace remind said.

"Ha ha, this guy even practiced the fengxuanli attribute. Now I can only capture his general position, but I'm not sure to take him down immediately. " Wu Chen's face became more and more serious, and his whole body was closely related to his silver sword.

"Boom!" A loud noise, no trace just feel that the space in front of his body is shaking violently. A dazzling golden awn is shining, and Jin Peng's body shape is like a gust of wind, whimsically galloping to a place not far from the traceless body.

"Brush!" Golden spear straight out, a thunderous momentum suddenly locked in the body without trace. The long golden gun is like a long golden dragon. It rushes out and pours at the traceless chest.

"Click!" A purple golden streamer flew out, and the purple golden undercurrent quickly turned into a purple golden Thunder Dragon shadow, which was madly shrouded in the terrible power of thunder and lightning. All of a sudden, it bombarded the Golden Dragon shadow.

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"Hum, the confinement of earth!" See purple gold undercurrent surging out, a heart that no trace is carrying this just put down. Then, I saw the dark power of the earth around Wuchen surging out in a frenzy, controlling all the dark power of the earth in front of me.

A heavy pressure, in a flash, will be blessing on the opposite Jinpeng. And around Jinpeng's body, he rose up in vain, surrounded by yellowish walls, and all of a sudden, Jinpeng was imprisoned and imprisoned."Well, it seems that the technique of imprisoning is the same as that of imprisoning." Demon zunhuoxiao voice is full of surprise, looking at the front of the four walls of thick barriers, praise up.

"Ha ha, if you don't get angry, you really don't think I'm a sick cat!" Traceless mouth slightly up, staring at the front of the imprisoned Jinpeng youyou said.

Boom, boom, at this time, the majestic Golden Dragon transformed by the golden spear has been fiercely collided with the purple golden Thunder Dragon.

For a moment, Xiao Sha's spirit flew wildly, and the power of thunder and lightning flashed and thundered. But Jin Peng, who is imprisoned in the high wall barrier, has become the safest existence.

Seeing this, Wu Chen turned his eyes hard, and his body moved to make Liu style nine swords flow. The whole person's body was like a streamer, flashing one after another, and all of a sudden he flew to the edge of the other side of the platform.

"Roar!" At the moment when Wuchen's body just stood firm, a terrible sound of dragon chanting resounded through the sky again. I saw four high walls trembling together. A little above the center of the front wall, there was a golden light shining up.

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"Boom!" With the strange golden awn more and more dazzling, the surrounding barriers began to tremble for no reason. The terrifying power of Xiaosha rose from the confinement of the barrier. In a moment, the whole platform began to become dazzling.

"Damn it, elder martial brother Jinpeng, it's time to break free from the shackles!"

"Keke, I didn't expect that Liu Wuchen was still good at tuxuanli magic!"

"Damn, all attribute warrior, the attack means is really superb!"

"Hum, elder martial brother Jinpeng is the first one in our outer door. His attack is comparable to that bullshit Liu Wuchen!"

On the 18th square, all the disciples of each sect were staring at the changes on the platform. All the disciples in the mouth of the alliance hall were silent, and silently kneaded a cold sweat for no trace in their heart. While the disciples of the five elements hall kept on shouting for themselves and for Jin Peng on the stage< br>

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