Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 352: 352

"Boom!" A loud noise resounded all over the world, shaking the whole platform. Like a wall of copper and iron, the ancient fortress of rock disintegrated and scattered in an instant.

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"Whoosh!" A golden awn suddenly appeared. It was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, it came to the front of the traceless body. Immediately after that, I saw a golden long gun shaking in vain, and countless empty shadows of the Golden Dragon rushed to the traceless body in an instant.

At the same time, on the back side of the golden spear, Jinpeng's body is wrapped with a golden awn. He strides tens of meters in one step and quietly appears on the back side of the traceless body.

"Streamers flying!" At the moment of the golden light, the body shape of no trace moved quickly. The whole person turns into a bright remnant shadow and walks leisurely among the Golden Dragon shadows.

At this moment, I see no trace walking through the sky without damage. Jin Peng's whole body seems to be incarnated as a terrible God of killing. He waves his arms wrapped with Xiao Sha's Qi and comes to Wu Chen's back. He waves his fists together and runs to Wu Chen's back heart.

"Ha ha, I want to compete with you. I'm afraid you've got the wrong opponent!" In the void, Wu Chen's step glides gently. In an instant, he turns around and meets Jin Peng face to face. Then, the purple and gold undercurrent around the body of traceless surged out, and wound around traceless's arms and bombarded them.

"Boom!"“ Boom

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Fist to fist, flesh to flesh. No trace and Jin Peng's four fists collided, and their footprints all stepped into the bluestone on the platform in an instant.

The golden awns of the road are scattered and galloping, and the power of purple and gold lightning is rolling violently. No trace and Jin Peng both stare at each other coldly, and let the terrible Jin Mang and the power of thunder and lightning, wantonly bombard each other's bodies.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

A series of deafening sounds, one after another, resounded on the platform. The power of prohibition around the platform trembled again, and the elder level masters in the front of each hall under the platform quickly moved together.

All the defensive arrays containing all kinds of Xuanli Qi are generated at the same time. He escorted all the terrified disciples of each family one by one.

"Keke, I'm afraid the fighting power of these two men has exceeded the limit of the later cultivation realm of Dan soul realm!" Fang Hua, the leader of the painting array hall, was surprised. He looked at the two people on the stage who were engulfed in the intersection of the terrible Xuanli light and murmured softly.

"Well, I'm not reconciled, but I have to admit it. I believe that even in the ninth Hall of the inner gate, their fighting power is enough to step up against the inner gate disciples! " Spirit beast hall master time inch a face wry smile, gently shake his head and sigh.

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"Ha ha, all the bones are first-class materials. But it's still too low. It takes a long time to grow up. " Tang Tianxin, the leader of the carved Fu hall, has a funny face and a sarcastic voice.

"Brush!" Although Tang Tianxin's voice is not big, it seems that he is talking to himself rather casually. However, all the elders at the entrance of the hall who were above the level of strength heard it clearly.

Although Tang Tianxin said things, most of the time, his words were cruel words when he threatened others with equal strength. As the leader of Tianyun sect, Tang Tianxin said this to his younger generation. Obviously, it's extremely inappropriate. It's easy to be misunderstood and intriguing.

For a moment, the head of each hall and the elder all looked at Tang Tianxin strangely. Even the nine elders who came to see the ceremony in front of the ninth Hall of the inner gate all frowned, while Zhen Youcai, the leader of the pre skill hall, seemed to have heard nothing and nothing happened. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he turned to the battlefield with more interest.

Boom, boom

The fierce golden light is like a sharp blade, which blows on the traceless body under the strong wind. There are countless visible scars on the bronze skin. Fortunately, the purple and gold undercurrent surged up on Wuchen's body, which removed most of the strength of Wuchen's heavy blow.

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Click, click

On the other hand, Jin Peng's situation at this time is even worse than that of no trace. The strange purple and gold undercurrent has wantonly swam on Jinpeng's body. Originally, Jinpeng's hair was black and elegant, but now it has been scorched and confused by the power of lightning.

Not only that, although Wuchen's body was attacked by jinmang, Muxuan's vitality in his body began to turn, but his injury began to recover slowly. Jin Peng, on the other hand, is not. A steady stream of terrible thunder and lightning will be on his body, and there is still a faint smell of scorch rising. In addition, Jin Peng's Xuanli Qi obviously began to become scarce, and his body shape even began to shake consciously."Ha ha, I want to compete with you. Take a broad view of the mainland of China, in the same realm of martial arts. I'm afraid I can't find a few people who can compete with you Demon respect fire Xiao smile is full of pride, extremely rare even face to face praise its traceless.

"Cough, old demon, every time you praise me, it's no good! How suddenly, I also had an unknown premonition... "Traceless side of the madness in the body to urge the eternal Heaven and earth, resist the fierce attack around the golden Miscanthus. One side mercilessly rolled to roll eyes, have no good spirit in the heart to the demon respect fire Xiao to return a way.

"Roar!" At the moment when no trace had just raised his ominous thought, the original calm void trembled violently in vain.

For a moment, the sky and earth above the whole platform turned pale, and all the gravel above the ground rolled up with the wind.

In the high altitude of the battle platform, a bright Golden Shadow rushed down to the sky. Accompanied by the terror of the high pitched sound of birds everywhere, has been suspended in the air, the tardy golden winged Mirs. The Turks waved their wings like swords and torches, and all of a sudden they carried the mysterious force of gold, the mysterious force of wind, and the mysterious force of earth.

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The air of wind, gold, earth and mysterious force, carrying the body of the golden winged Mirs, turned into a violent storm.

Below, there is a turbulence around the body. There was a terrible pressure all over the body in a moment. It was so hard to breathe.

"Hum, the flying leaves are falling!" The cold light in traceless eyes flashed, and the momentum of the whole body burst out in an instant. The two forces of terror collide and squeeze each other. No trace takes advantage of this gap to raise his hand, which is a sword.

The meaning of a sword is continuous. In a moment, it turns into falling leaves and comes out with the wind. Fallen leaves floating, seemingly weak, but hidden layers of murder.

"Whoosh!" On the other side, Jin Peng, who could not resist the purple and gold undercurrent, broke away from the purple and gold undercurrent as soon as it was attacked by the golden winged Mirs. His body moved and fled. He also retreated to the edge of the other side of the platform< br>

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