Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 354: 354

"Suddenly Endless cold wind whistling across, no trace around the body of the nine contain all kinds of mysterious force of the ancient words crazy operation circling.

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The whole battle platform is full of simple and majestic atmosphere. At this time, the disciples, elders and leaders of each hall under the stage are all shocked and look at the traceless figure above the battle platform.

"This, this, this is..." Zhen Youcai, the deputy leader of Tianyun sect, the head of the outer gate and the head of the pre art hall, had a look of consternation on his face. Zhen Youcai's eyes flickered, and he opened his mouth to stop talking.

On one side, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was puzzled, staring at his father with a blank face. After all, in Zhen Bucai's cognition, there has never been anyone or anything that could make his father so abnormal.

"Chirp!" At the same time that everyone was shocked, a trembling roar came from the platform. Then, the Qi of gold, wind, earth and Xuanli complemented each other and turned into a violent wind, which wrapped the huge body of the golden winged Mirs. A fierce man rushed to the no trace not far from the opposite.

"Kill A long suppressed low roar came from the edge of the platform. Jin Peng's whole body is full of gold, which is quickly integrated with his long golden gun. The whole person seems to be a powerful weapon, and from the top to the bottom, they attack and kill him fiercely.

For a moment, there was a strong wind on the platform, and the sharp golden air was swirling and surging. The endless earth covered the sky and blocked the sun. The golden winged Mirs were like aurora and lightning, and they rushed to the traceless body in a flash.

"Brush!" Nine strange ancient Chinese characters hover around, one of which trembles in vain. With the emergence of the spiritual power fluctuation in Wuchen's body, the endless thick and steady earth Xuanli breath burst out in an instant.

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"Yes A deep male voice came out coldly, and the air of Xuanli in Wuchen's body was completely transformed into the air of Xuanli in the earth.

"Whoosh!" At the same time of no trace pouring out Zhu characters, the nine ancient Chinese characters hovering and hovering all trembled. One of the ancient Chinese characters with the word "Lin" floated out like an ocean. Then, the mysterious and strange ancient characters gradually become larger and become nothingness, and suddenly hit on the body of the murderous golden winged Mirs in front of us.

"Chirp!" An extremely bitter cry came from the mouth of the mighty golden winged Mirs. Then, the body of the golden winged Mirs trembled in vain, and the terrible and violent Qi of gold, wind, earth and three colors of Xuanli all over the body passed away by itself.

What's more, the golden winged ROC bird seems to be bound by an invisible force at this time. No matter how its huge body gets rid of the swing, it is always fixed in the same place and can't move any more.

"Death Just when the crisis brought by the golden winged Mirs is resolved, the golden Mirs with golden spears have been killed to the top of the head without trace.

The terrible jinmang devours the Xuanli Qi released by Wuhen, and the momentum of Jinpeng's whole person locks Wuhen firmly. The sharp golden spear tip contains endless killing intention, and it stabs the traceless head fiercely.

"Soldier I felt the crazy killing intention from the top of my head, and the light in traceless eyes flashed in vain. Two sharp cold awns rose up from the sky, and one of the ancient words shuixuanli, which contained a piercing chill, rushed out.

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All of a sudden, the strange and mysterious ancient Chinese characters turned into the power of Dao Yin and cold, and they smashed into Jin Peng's body.

Boom, boom

The sharp golden awn flashed away, and was swallowed by the cold awn released by the terrible ancient words. But Jin Peng's body trembled in vain, and the whole person's skin was covered with frost.

"No!" Jin Peng exclaimed, and his figure fell from the air. Fortunately, Jinpeng's whole body is filled with the air of jinxuanli, which makes Jinpeng not suffer from strong inertial impact.

"Chula!" A strange and harsh sound came slowly from Jin Peng who fell on the ground. At the moment, Jin Peng's whole body has no place in good condition. All over Jinpeng's body, there are scars of ice sword Qi, and the chilly blue frost quickly covered every inch of Jinpeng's skin.

"Boom!" Jin Peng at this time half of the body, have been completely covered by the chill of terror. The whole person hastened to stir up Jin Xuanli's Qi in his body, trying to relieve his cold.

It's a pity that the strange and mysterious ancient Chinese characters are not the existence of terror that Jin Peng can resist. Even if Jin Peng exhausted the whole body solution, it just delayed the speed of the catalysis of Yin cold.

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"Damn, the golden winged Mirs have been suppressed!"

"Oh, my God, is that really an earthly power attribute spell? It seems that the terrible momentum is even more powerful than the code books in our tuxuan hall! ""Alas, it's over, it's over, elder martial brother Jinpeng is injured!"

"Well, the jinxuanli in elder martial brother Jinpeng's body is the highest quality jinzhixuanli. What kind of magic method does this guy use? Even elder martial brother Jinpeng's jinzhixuanli can't crack it! "

"Damn, can't you say that the level of Xuanli in this guy's body is even higher than that of elder martial brother Jinpeng?"

On the platform, the golden winged Mirs were fixed on the spot by the ancient word "Lin". Jin Peng was also attacked and defeated by the ancient word "Bing". The war situation is clear and clear, and the five elements Tangkou disciples who had vowed to do so. At this time, then all collective silence, all hearts of all covered with an invisible haze.

"Ha ha, you see, elder martial brother Wuchen has won!"

"Ha ha, elder martial brother Wuchen won. Doesn't that mean that from now on, we will never be bullied again?"

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"Damn, why do I have an impulse to cry?"

"Long live brother Wuchen

"No trace elder martial brother, mighty!"

"No trace elder martial brother, good job!"

"Brother Wu Chen, I love you!"

On the other side of the 18th square, all the disciples in the entrance of the alliance hall were full of excitement and emotion. In particular, a group of disciples in the miscellaneous service hall were all trembling and excited and speechless.

"Ha ha, tell your story and start your performance! Jin Peng, next, it's my turn! " Traceless mouth slightly up, in front of the people's face showed a harmless smile. Then, in front of Wu Chen's body, the remaining seven ancient characters trembled slightly, marked with "Dou!" The golden ancient characters of the Chinese characters floated out of their traceless bodies in front of the people's frightened eyes

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