Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 355: 355

"Whoosh!" A gust of fierce Xiaosha's air flew out and covered the whole damaged platform. And with Dou Da's golden word "Dou!" Gradually disappearing into nothingness, the golden winged Mirs bird, which has been confined on the spot, suddenly burst out from its body to kill Jin mang.

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"Boom!" With a deafening sound of terror, the whole body of the golden winged Mirs burst out. The endless golden awn seems to turn into a terrifying and deadly sword Qi. In the blink of an eye, it blows the huge body of the golden winged Mirs, scarred and bloody.

"Whoosh!"“ Bang Facing the mysterious and strange ancient Chinese characters, the endless golden sword spirit burst out. The captive golden winged mirroc had no resistance at all. It was suddenly overturned by this violent momentum, and with its huge body, it was bombarded under the platform in an instant.

At the same time, the aftereffects of the golden words spread to the whole battlefield in an instant. Xiao Sha's sharp sword Qi rolled up again, and Jin Peng, who was struggling to resist the cold attack on the platform, flew out of the platform with his gun.

"Brush!" Just as Jin Peng's body flew out of the battle platform, a sharp golden awn quickly flew out of the square array at the entrance of the Xuantang hall.

Endless golden awn completely envelops Jinpeng's body, and slowly drags Jinpeng's body towards the entrance of jinxuantang. What's more, Jin Peng's cold air, which was originally covered by layers of frost, gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared in the light of Jin mang.

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"This battle, I jinxuantang, admit defeat!" On the 18th square, there was only a chill. Then, with a big wave of Jin Wuli's hand, a golden awn wrapped in Jin Peng's body flew back to Jin Wuli's side and slowly fell.

"Master, I am defeated!" The air of Xuanli in Jinpeng's body fluctuated, and his face was very pale. Jin Peng's eyes are full of unwilling color. He looks at Jin Wuli, the leader of Jin Xuantang, and lowers his head in shame.

"Ha ha, there are people out there and heaven out there. It may not be a bad thing for you to lose the battle Jin Wuli, the leader of Jin Zhixuan hall, smiles and pats Jin Peng on the arm.

"Brush!" When the Xuanli Qi in Jinpeng's body was weak, the golden light on his chest flashed in vain. In the distance, the body of the golden winged ROC bird, which had fallen under the platform before, trembled in vain. Its huge body quickly turned into a golden streamer, and disappeared into the body of Jin Peng.

"Cough..." Jin Peng on the ground coughed fiercely, and his pale face became more miserable and powerless. The whole man struggled to sit up, his eyes extremely lost, and looked coldly towards the platform.

Gulu, Gulu

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On the 18th square, all the disciples were silent. Among them, even the elders in each hall were all looking at the traceless words on the stage, and they were secretly surprised.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid gas, slowly no trace, spit out heavily in the mouth. The dazzling ancient Chinese characters gathered around the body of no trace trembled slightly, quickly turned into bursts of terror, and the sword spirit melted into the body of no trace. Then, the Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body seemed to be emptied in an instant, and disappeared out of thin air.

"Bang bang!" A whole three steps back, traceless, which was buffered from the strong inertia. No trace at this time of complexion has no blood color to speak of, the whole person's chest is also a burst of ups and downs.

It can be seen that the nine character sword formula of jiuxiao dragon formula has just been used. For the later cultivation of the soul state of traceless Dan, the amount of Xuanli Qi consumed is still very huge. In terms of Wuchen's current state cultivation, it's obvious that you can't use and control the nine character sword formula for a long time.

"Ha ha, just after learning the nine character sword formula, you can trigger his fight! Traceless boy's talent and perseverance are rare in the six realms! " See no trace just fight of performance, demon respect fire Xiao heart instantly felt comfort incomparable.

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"Keke, Liu Wuchen, you are welcome to give us some advice!" No trace is still standing on the platform, holding his fist and bowing his hand, and standing on the entrance of the five elements hall, as well as on the entrance of the painting array hall and the carving symbol hall. His eyes are calm and warm, without lethality.

But even so, now the disciples of all the schools on the 18th square look into the traceless eyes again. There is no other color except the color of awe.

Today, no trace has been recognized as a strong one in their hearts. No matter they are the disciples of the alliance or the hostile five elements, Wuchen is the first person in the outer gate.

For the martial arts world, strength is everything. And it happens that Wuchen is the one who has the biggest fist in the outer door, which makes the disciples of each hall not afraid to be convinced.

After dozens of breath, there was still a dead silence around the huge eighteen square. The eyes of the disciples of each family were extremely focused, and Qi Shushu fell on the body of the first person in the new Jin Dynasty."Keke, Liu Wuchen of the miscellaneous service hall won the battle in this battle! From now on, in the next ten years, the service hall will enjoy the best resources of the outer gate. If there is any objection from other hall masters, elders and disciples, it will be regarded as a blatant provocation to the whole outer gate. According to the rules of the patriarchal clan, the leader of the steward's hall, Qiu Yunsong, announced to Lang Lang Lang in the entrance of the 18 square.

Gulu, Gulu

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With these words, there was even more silence on the 18th square. Although many people in Tangkou had known the result for a long time, they were still shocked and sighed after the announcement.

After all, the miscellaneous service hall is the existence of the outer gate of Tianyun sect. Now they have changed and enjoyed the privilege of resources for ten years. How can they accept it in the minds of the other disciples who have been used to treating themselves with dignity. However, just now, all the disciples of Tangkou have personally verified the powerful evil without trace. Now even if they are dissatisfied, they can only accept it.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen's hall is full of people. Thank you very much for the care and acceptance of all the people outside." On the platform, the corners of Wu Chen's mouth rose with a slight smile, and arched his hands toward the entrance of each hall under the platform. Then, as soon as Wu Chen raised his foot and took a step, he jumped down from the platform and walked slowly towards the square array of the jubilant miscellaneous service hall.

Above the square array of the service hall, the hall leader Tian Buluo and a group of elders, such as Hu Dao, all look at Wu trace with a smile on their faces.

One after another, Feng Ma, Niu Bu, as well as the old and new disciples of Yigan miscellaneous service hall, all of them were ruddy and wet in front of their eyes. They all stared at Wu trace, who came slowly. They were so excited that they could not speak for a moment.... < br > they could not speak for a moment

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