Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 369: 369

Boom, boom

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The blade of terror flashed up, and the fierce intention of killing soared to the sky. On the straight corridor, the air of Xuanli rises, and the intention of killing becomes more and more intense. It has obviously surpassed the attack of the strong man in the middle cultivation stage of danhun realm, and even reached the power of Xuanli released by the strong man in the later cultivation stage of danhun realm.

In the rear, the faces of the four little and the four beasts were extremely embarrassed. Looking at the turbulent aftershocks from the sword light Lin Yu in front of them, all of them felt a deep fear from each other's eyes.

"Ha ha, with your cultivation level, there is only one way to die here. When you get out of the maze, you four guys should find a chance to escape from the secret realm of trial training! " Small fat Zhen not just try to make his tone calm down, in front of the side Lengshen four less whispers.

After listening to the words of the little fat man Zhen Bucai, the four little faces all show the color of struggle. However, the four were still silent and didn't say anything to refute little fat Zhen Bucai for a long time.

After all, what little fat Zhen Bucai said is true. It's not easy for the four of them to be able to protect themselves, let alone help Wuchen. If forced to stay, it will become a fetter without trace.

Therefore, the four little thought again and again, and all agreed with the words of little fat Zhen Bucai. Although they were full of unwilling, they still silently dropped their heads and did not make a strong argument.

"You four guys, don't be so depressed! Take this. After you get out of this huge maze, I will find an opportunity to let you leave. Remember to practice well when you go back. On the day when I return to Wangdu Chaoge, I still expect your four families to work hard for me! " No trace light smile, gently swept an eye, momentum low four little one eye. Then, no trace took out a jade bottle from his arms, poured out four pills, and threw them in front of Si Shao.

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"Brush!" Four solid base Dan gallop out, all of a sudden attracted the eyes of spring, summer, autumn and winter four less. The refreshing aroma, the collection of Danyun, and the pure Xuanqi emitted by the pill itself all indicate that the pill is not ordinary.

"Brother several, fast strong Dan medicine put away!"

"Come on, don't be polite to the no trace boss!"

"Hey hey, listen to the boss's instructions. Who dares to be lazy after going back? I won't break his leg!"

"Bah, you are a dog leg, your whole family is a dog leg!"

Spring, summer, autumn and winter four little reaction is very fast, command the Dan medicine income each storage ring. The four swept away the haze before, and ordered the smiley face to return to normal.

"Ha ha, remember to do business when you take things. Help me to go to the soul hunting pavilion to find out Liu Shuanger's whereabouts after I go back!" Traceless white eyes before the four less, low voice whispered.

"Boss..." smell speech, four little complexion at the same time become normal color incomparable rise, four people mercilessly nodded, clapped to clap chest in succession, signal no trace rest assured.

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See, no trace, this is a long sigh of relief. Turn around and gaze out of the shield of the guardian field again.

"Wow At this moment, outside the light shield of the guardian field, the terrible sword awn forest feather has gradually weakened and dissipated. In the fury of Xuanli, you can still see a tall figure standing on the spot. And in the rear of his big and straight figure, there is a strange figure with fierce and fierce killing intention.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

Just as he was observing the situation of the war not far from him, the strange figure moved in vain. Several cold light steel swords rose out from both sides of his ribs again, and thrust fiercely into the big and straight body in front of him.

There was only a loud crackling sound in the eardrum. Several steel knives, shining with cold light, broke neatly at both ends several meters away from the tall figure.

"Roar!" Several broken knives on both sides of the rib clenched, and the strange figure's face was obviously puzzled. Then, the strange figure roared furiously, and flew to the tall figure in front of him.

"Run, solve it!" In the power of guarding the field, the corners of the mouth rise slightly above the traceless handsome face. An extremely indifferent voice resounded, echoing in the silent straight corridor, which was extremely strange.

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The tall and burly figure is no one else. It's really a puppet who was repaired by the puppet hall. This is also the first time that the puppet is summoned to fight after being repaired.

"Boom!" At the moment when the voice of traceless voice fell, the tall and upright figure who had stood upright and did not move suddenly seemed to have come to life. As soon as the figure turned, it was facing the strange figure. With the roar of terror, the momentum of the puppet suddenly burst out. The organ puppet of the later cultivation realm of Dan's soul realm rushes to his head, and his momentum is like a flood of beasts. On the spot, he locks the strange figure coming from mid air in the air."Pa!"“ Bang

There was no chance to dodge and struggle. The strange figure flying in mid air was caught firmly by the hands like a palm fan, which were protruded from the head.

"Roar!" Only a long suppressed roar came out of the mouth of the puppet. The puppet ran to his head, and a strange light flashed in front of him. His strong arms were afraid of martial arts, and he forced one point to both sides.

On the silent straight corridor, there was only a loud sound of "tearing" in the eardrum. A terrible air of mysterious force spread out everywhere. Looking at the strange figure in the void, it was torn in two by the puppets.

As the strange figure was torn in two, the air of earth, wind and two mysterious forces came out of his body. Two tarnished heart-shaped stones fall from the heart of the body.

"Pa!"“ Bang

Two clear sounds came out, and two heart-shaped stones fell heavily on the ground. As the air of Xuanli on the two heart-shaped stones disappeared, the two stones turned into two pieces in full view.

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"Suddenly A gust of wind slowly blowing, road dust fragments with the wind. The organ puppet ran to throw the body of the strange figure in his hand, and then walked back to the body of no trace and others.

"Puppet Xuanshi, the heart of organ puppet! If the puppet Xuanshi is destroyed, the puppet beast will be completely abandoned! " The light in Zhen Bucai's eyes kept flashing and murmured in a low voice as if there were no one else.

On one side, after listening to the words of little fat Zhen Bucai, Si Shao is all like waking up from a dream. In the eyes of looking at little fat Zhen Bucai again, there is no contempt at all. Instead, he is full of sincerity and admiration.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, this little fat man stinks more than you!" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow move, then smile again fell on the side of no trace.

"Well, they call it real talent and practical learning! It's better than some guys. They don't know anything for thousands of years, and they always pretend to understand people. It's a hundred times better than others! " No trace sighed and waved his hand to remove the mask.

"It's hard work, run for it!" The power of guarding the field is removed, and no trace will stride out. Then, under the eyes of demon zunhuoxiao, he patted the puppet on the shoulder, and walked away along the long straight corridor without looking back< br>

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