Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 370: 370

On the silent and straight labyrinth corridor, no trace and other people continued to walk along. During this period, I occasionally encountered some attacks from different forms of organ puppets, but all of them were stopped one by one and killed on the spot.

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Therefore, all the people walked in the maze for nearly an hour. Fortunately, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, calculated again and deduced the changing rules of the array, which made no trace and others less detours.

"Haha, no trace boss, the exit is just ahead. As long as we cross this corridor, we can walk out of this huge maze!" The little fat Zhen Bucai wiped the sweat on his forehead hard, and the light on the simple compass he was holding in his hand was suddenly great. The hesitation of continuous deduction and calculation, as well as the huge consumption of Xuanli, little fat Zhen Bucai's five fingers of the right hand began to shake unconsciously, and the whole person's fat figure made people look much weaker.

"Hard work, good life and rest!" No trace did not say much, but looked at the little fat Zhen not just heavy nodded. Then Wu Chen looked forward and saw a straight corridor leading to the distance. There were no forks around him. At the end of the corridor, there was a simple wooden door, which exuded a strange and mysterious atmosphere.

"Haha, this little fat man is really good at finding out the students of this array!" The shadow of demon zunhuoxiao flickered gently and floated towards the simple wooden door inlaid in the thick stone wall in the distance.

"Brush!" Rear tired four little eyes in vain a bright, four people together to the little fat Zhen not just pick the thumb. And the four fierce beasts, who are arrogant and arrogant, now follow the crowd quietly like little kittens.

"Run, go and have a look!" Traceless looking at the front of no strange straight corridor, heart suddenly inexplicable tremor. Immediately, I saw no trace slightly frown, a big hand waved to the body in front of the organ puppet command way.

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"Dong!" Step out, organ puppet ran head, no fear of stepping on the straight corridor. There was a dead silence all around, as if the surrounding air had condensed at this moment.

"Eh, it's nothing. Is it because I'm oversensitive?" Looking at a quiet straight corridor without any change, the expression on traceless face was more dignified. After all, sometimes the danger is not terrible. The more unknown the crisis is, the more frightening it is.

Dada, dada, dada

The puppet stepped out of the corridor and walked along the corridor to the end of the passage. The simple wooden door stands still, and the puppet of the mechanism looks back and looks at Wu trace.

At the side of the puppet, the demon zunhuoxiao, who turned into a fiery red shadow, was also full of doubts. His fiery red eyes kept flashing back and forth, and he looked at the quiet Corridor around him.

"Ha ha, boss, it seems that there is really no danger here!" Chun Shao comes forward with a smile and comforts Wu trace in a soft voice.

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"Hey, hey, let's be careful. We'll walk along the track of the past. I believe that even if there is any ambush, we won't encounter it!" Xia Shao's mind flashed, and he was extremely intelligent and said to the people.

"Xia Shao, I've known you for a long time. You've said something today!" Qiu Shao's face is full of excitement, and he gives a thumbs up to Xia Shao.

"Oh, I'll tell you something about it, come to see Dong Shao!" Winter little a face of disdain swept to sweep the side three little, the body shape move then soar. Behind him, an electric light flashed like a flint, and the lightning leopard lazy cat leaped out to lift Dongshao in mid air.

"Brush!" Lazy cat as lightning leopard, its own speed is unique. In addition, its body contains electricity, wind, two kinds of Xuanqi properties, so its advantage in speed is self-evident.

A vigorous blue awn is like a flash across the straight corridor. The lightning leopard lazy cat holds Dongshao's body and jumps to the middle of the straight corridor.

"Bang!" The four claws fall together, and the lazy cat holds Dongshao firmly on the straight corridor. The clear and loud sound of landing came clearly, and the surrounding straight corridor was still silent without any difference.

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"Ha ha, you drag your feet. If you don't hold tight, I'll be out of this bullshit maze!" Winter little awe inspiring sitting on the body of lightning leopard, toe high gas to the other three little one said.

Spring, summer and autumn rolled their eyes, but they were not willing to be outdone. They took their own guardians and went out along the route they had just passed.

"No trace boss, how can I always feel something wrong?" After taking some tonic pills, the Xuanli Qi in the little fat Zhen Bucai's body has obviously recovered. Then Zhen Bucai stared at the simple wooden door in front of him with a puzzled face, and whispered to traceless with worry."Well, there's something wrong with that student. It seems strange!" No trace looking around no different straight corridor, an invisible sense of crisis in the heart suddenly began to play more and more intense.

"Don't, don't touch that door!" Demon zunhuoxiao's thick voice suddenly rang out, startled the distance without trace is a cold sweat. However, among the people present, only no trace one heard the warning of demon zunhuoxiao. At this time, standing at the end of the corridor, Dong Shao has quietly reached out and touched the strange and mysterious door with his hands.

"Bang!" There was a huge dull sound, which started from the front of Shengmen. An extremely violent Xuanli momentum burst out, and all of a sudden, Dongshao's body shape flew out to the whole bomb.

"Ouch!" After Dong Shao's death, the lightning leopard lazy cat suddenly reacts and jumps to connect Dong Shao's body in the air. However, due to Dongshao's violent Xuanli's terrible pressure, it was just like sweeping. Together with the lightning leopard and lazy cat's body shape, they were all blown out by the fierce atmosphere.

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"Bad!" No trace heart secret way a not good, the whole body soil Xuan force breath vainly ascend and rise. A wall rose out of thin air and intercepted the flying Dongshao and lightning leopard.

"Poof!" One person and one leopard, two figures hit on the wall, the hard wall quickly turned into soft soil, wrapped the body shape of Dongshao and lazy cat in it, turned into an awn of earth, and then fell on the side of no trace.

"Wow A mouthful of rich blood sprayed out, and Dongshao's face became very pale. All of a sudden, the whole color of people became depressed, and the breath they sent out was extremely weak, and the chest fluctuated.

"Ouch!" A weak low roar, lightning leopard lazy cat breath also began to wither up, the huge body in vain curled into a ball, it seems that the body is extremely weak.

"Take the pills quickly!" See, no trace quickly took out two good healing pills from the storage ring, one by one to Dong Shao and lazy cat. These pills were given by Li Qiufeng, the leader of danmen hall, before he left. He said that they could be used to renew his life at the critical moment.

On one side, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who had been stunned, was even more shocked when he saw the pill that Wu trace took out. Small fat Zhen not just unexpectedly unconsciously swallowed saliva, obviously to no trace out of the pill is very tempering desire< br>

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