Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 374: 374

Boom, boom

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The silver light in the sky gradually turned into rosy clouds, the dazzling red clouds gradually lost their luster, the terrible rising sword spirit gradually surged to a place, and the turbulent labyrinth corridor restored some of the previous silence.

"Brush!"“ Brush

Just as the silence of the corridor was restored, the light shield on the top of the huge maze suddenly flashed a silver, a red and two strange lights.

At the top of the huge maze, above the left and right halves of the canopy. There are mysterious and strange things like the sun and the moon hanging high, which in vain release silver, red and two-color bright light and flash away.

"Wow!" With the gradual disappearance of the silver, red and two-color strange light masks, the whole dome light masks are densely presented with countless colorful star maps.

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A series of star maps are slanted on the canopy of the sky, just like the suspicions of the Milky Way hanging in vain, as if falling under nine days, resonating with the sun and moon on both sides of the world, forming a magical and strange spectacle.

"Damn it, the sun and the moon shine together, and the stars flow obliquely. This is a sign of good fortune. There will be the birth of the master of the sun, the moon and the stars! No trace boss, according to historical records, this is a sign that the Star River Palace is about to open... "In the rear, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, immediately recovered from his shock and whispered to no trace in front of him.

"The sun and the moon shine together, the stars slant..." no trace looked at the magical scene of the sun and the moon above his head, and the Milky way light curtain as bright as the stars. In the heart unexpectedly has one kind of inexplicable palpitation to come, as if has something to summon oneself in the dark.

"What's the matter with you, traceless boy?" Demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow a flash but come out, stare at some to be in a daze of have no trace light voice speech way.

"Cough, no, nothing!" No trace was scared by the demon zunhuoxiao, and suddenly he came back to God. But when he looked at the canopy above his head again, he felt nothing more.

"Bang!" At the moment of no trace Lengshen, there was a sound of footsteps in front of him. I saw the second prince Ji Yun step out, his eyes staring at Wu Chen coldly and said: "Liu Wu Chen, I didn't expect you to reach the later cultivation level of Dan soul! His highness is willing to let bygones be bygones and give you another chance. How about you submit to me? "

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"Keke..." as soon as the second prince Ji Yun said this, Zhen Bucai, the little fat man in the rear, and the four young men in spring, summer, autumn and winter all swallowed their saliva. They looked into the eyes of Ji Yun, the second prince, again. In addition to admiration, they still admired him.

It's already this time. This guy can even think of this move. These two princes are really the only successors to the throne of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Ha ha, Ji Yun, is your brain rusty? If I submit to you, what face do I have to see Master Yanyu and master Suji? The Su family has been slaughtered, and nameless and I have been forced to flee. Now you want to resolve these blood debts with a surrender sentence. Don't you think you are too naive? " No trace cold smile, once again look to the second prince Ji Yun's eyes full of cold. Think of what happened in the past one by one before, the anger of traceless heart will be more indignant ignited up.

"Ha ha, is it the king's land in the whole world. And there is no absolute loyalty in this world, only if the offer is attractive enough. As long as you are willing to submit to me, this great Zhou Dynasty will have half of you. I will also let my royal sister marry you. From then on, you will be able to live and fly with her. As for the dead man, why do you have to show your highness again... "Second prince Ji Yun, with a smile on his face, stares at Wu trace with a confident look.

"Wow The second prince Ji Yun's words brightened the eyes of all the core disciples of the Zhou Dynasty who could not afford to be seriously injured. With such rich conditions, Liu Wuchen would certainly agree. As long as he agreed, all of them would have a chance to live again.

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In the rear, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, with a faint smile on his face, gently pulled out a simple compass from his arms. Five fingers of the right hand gently deduce and calculate, and begin to concentrate on looking at the dome of light on the top of the head. I don't know what to mumble in my mouth. I mumbled to myself.

Behind him, his face changed in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After looking at each other, they set their eyes on the traceless figure again.

"Ha ha, the conditions are really attractive! But I'm sorry, I refuse! " No trace a cold smile, a throw hand silver sword. Sword light in the void hit road silver, straight to the second prince Ji Yun mercilessly.

"Why? Don't you have other additional conditions? If you have them, just ask. As long as the prince can be satisfied with you, he will absolutely agree! " The second prince Ji Yun's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. He looked at Wu trace and asked.

"Ha ha, in fact, what I want is very simple, and my second highness will be satisfied with me!" With a faint smile, the momentum of the whole body began to rise slowly. The air of the five elements Xuanli in the body is released and spread out, and the killing intention on the silver sword in the hand has risen without concealment."Ha ha, you want the prince's life?" Opposite, the second prince Ji Yun's eyes flashed cold. The air of Xuanli in the body rose in vain, and the whole body burst out a surge of Xuanli.

"Ha ha, your second highness is really clear. You and I are doomed to have only one person alive. As for who is going to die, it depends on your second Highness's ability! " No trace roared with laughter, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly climbed to the highest level of the cultivation realm in the later period of Dan soul realm.

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The fury of the five elements Xuanli rises and engulfs the whole corridor. At the same time, the dozens of seriously injured core students of Dazhou college were all oppressed by the Xuanli released by Wuhen. They were shocked and fainted on the spot.

"Well, a bunch of useless things! Since you don't know how to praise me, the prince will end up with you here! " The second prince Ji Yun snored coldly, and looked at all the people who fainted on the ground with disdain. Then, I saw the second prince Ji Yun's green awn rush out of his body, and the imperial power spread out without any sign.

The terrible imperial power mixed with strange green awn always lingers around the second prince Ji Yun. It collides with the violent momentum released by Wu trace, which makes the surrounding space appear somewhat abnormal and disordered.

"Ha ha, it's time to finish it, or this guy will become a heart disease in the heart of traceless boy sooner or later!" The demon zunhuoxiao is red and the virtual shadow flashes slightly, and the whole body quickly retreats from the battle group.

"Brush!" In the rear, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, shakes his simple compass in vain, and an invisible water curtain light shield emerges as the times require. The invisible water curtain light shield is crystal clear, and the body shapes of little fat Zhen Bucai, four little animals and even four animals are all wrapped and protected in it.... < br > the water curtain light shield is crystal clear

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