Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 375: 375

On the silent labyrinth corridor, the endless sword spirit collides with the emperor's authority.

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"Bang!" No trace step out, the terrible momentum will be crazy toward the second prince Ji Yun attack and go. And the strange green light around the second prince Ji Yun flickers, struggling to block the traceless pressure from the body of the second prince Ji Yun.

"Boom!" A heavy dull sound rang through the corridor of the silent labyrinth. The fierce pure sword was intended to destroy mula, crushing the imperial spirit gathered around the second prince Ji Yun. Then, feeling the terror in front of him, the second prince Ji Yun quickly turned around and ran to the rear.

"Liu style nine swords, flowing light and flying!" The sword moves are made in one style. Without trace, the whole person turns into a streamer, and the light and shadow flash out. A torrential, continuous and cold sword fell obliquely on the second prince Ji Yun's body and cut it off.

"Brush!" Second prince Ji Yun's face was very pale, and his steps were extremely messy. The intention of killing and cutting sword shrouded his whole body made him feel an irresistible fear.

"Boom boom!" A series of roars were heard in the earrings, and the continuous sword Qi around the second prince Ji Yun exploded at the same time.

On the silent corridor, the smoke of gunpowder suddenly rises, and the terrible silver sword light instantly engulfs the second prince Ji Yun's body.

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"Whoosh!" A remnant shadow dodges from the light of the sword. Traceless face calmly back to one side, holding a silver sword, standing proudly.

In the field, the endless sword is more fierce and bright, as if to destroy the sky and the earth. The two walls all around trembled slightly, as if they were deeply afraid of the terrible sword.

Gulu, Gulu

A group of core students of Dazhou college, at this time, most of them have fainted. Only a few people with high qualifications are still struggling, but when the traceless eyes fall on these people's bodies. All of these people rolled their eyes and fainted on the spot.

In the rear, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, was expressionless and did not show too much reaction. After all, Zhen Bucai had seen it with his own eyes. Wu Chen fought alone in the battle of the five elements Dharma protection hall.

It was spring, summer, autumn, winter and Sishao. Now they all wiped their eyes and looked at the place where the sword light gathered.

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After all, in the Da Zhou Dynasty, Ji Yun, the second prince, had the best talent. He was a legendary evil figure in Da Zhou College. Later, Ji Yun, the second prince, was favored by a certain sect and went to practice and study. It is said that the second prince Ji Yun is the first of the younger generation of the Zhou Dynasty. I'm afraid no one dares to refute him.

However, such a demon, whose intelligence and fighting power are close to those of the same generation, can't even resist the several sword moves released by no trace.

"Boom!" Another series of dull sounds came, and the sword spirit gradually disappeared from the corridor of the silent labyrinth.

Just as the crowd was looking forward to the battle group where the sword light had dissipated, they were surprised to see two ancient gates, which were green and mysterious. And there was a strange blue mist around the two ancient doors,

"Bang!"“ Bang

Two simple and mysterious ancient doors seem to come down from the sky, emitting the ancient and simple atmosphere. The door fell gently and steadily on the ground of the labyrinth corridor, which made the ground below the labyrinth corridor vibrate slightly.

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"Eh, martial spirit breath, is this twin martial spirit?" Yao Zun's fire sky is red, and the virtual shadow suddenly trembles. He looks at two ancient gates not far ahead, which exude a simple atmosphere and linger in the blue fog.

"Ha ha, it seems that it's the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, the gate of inheriting martial spirit and ancient martial arts..." behind, little fat Zhen Bucai's eyes lit up in vain, staring at two mysterious ancient gates full of ancient simplicity and murmured in a low voice.

Behind him, there were four young people in spring, summer, autumn and winter. When the ancient wooden door appeared, their faces were as pale as paper. A kind of martial spirit from the bottom of their hearts oppressed and frightened them deeply.

Even the four guardians, who were not afraid of heaven and earth, were all curled up on the ground and did not dare to make mistakes easily.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, you forced me to do that!" A burst of arrogant laughter came from behind the two simple wooden doors. Then, I saw a figure with blood clothes and ragged, ferocious and terrifying face flashed out.

"Ha ha, second highness, do you think you can beat me by inheriting martial spirit through twins?" No trace gently shakes his silver sword and stares at the second prince Ji Yun right behind the two ancient wooden doors. Immediately, a silver sword light is like a leaf falling in the air, and then runs to the second prince Ji Yun."Whoosh!" The silver sword Qi turned into flying, and in an instant, it flashed to the front of the two ancient wooden doors. With flying leaves falling, the murderous spirit of the sword on his body rises violently. Ji Yun, the second prince hiding behind the two ancient wooden doors, suddenly gets flustered in his heart. His ferocious face twinkles repeatedly, and his face looks cloudy and sunny.

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"Brush!" Just as the flying leaves are about to fly over the two ancient wooden doors, one of them trembles in vain. Then, I saw a green light reflected from the inside of the ancient wooden door in a flash, and a strong man green strange shadow came out with a blow, and it hit the flying leaves.

"Poof!" A very strange light sound came from the flying leaves. The emerald green awn was extremely strange, and it suddenly submerged the flying leaves. A thick green shadow disappeared in a flash, which completely bombarded and crushed the flying leaves wrapped by green awn.

"Wow!" With the flying leaves falling into pieces, the pure and fierce Xiao Sha sword Qi was swallowed by the green awn, and all of them turned into nothingness and disappeared in an instant.

"Eh, this guy can break my flying leaves and float away!" Feel the released sword Qi dissipate, and a touch of shock is obviously across the traceless and handsome face. After all, Ji Yun, the second prince, couldn't even resist his sword moves before. After summoning his twin martial spirit, he not only took his sword attack, but also completely destroyed it. How can Wu trace not be surprised by such strange things, so as to arouse Wu trace's vigilance.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of inheriting the martial spirit. It seems that the ancestors of Ji family must have been able to pass on the martial arts above the realm of transforming the soul at that time!" Yao Zun's fiery red shadow trembled slightly and looked forward to the two strange wooden doors with ancient and simple atmosphere. He praised them again and again.

"Hey, boy, even if you kneel down to beg your highness this time, your highness will not let you go..." the second prince Ji Yun's face showed ecstatic color, and his whole face looked ferocious at this time. The red eyes hesitated and excited. They were opened several times. Their eyes were full of hatred and murderous spirit. They were staring at the front of traceless body< br>

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