Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 376: 376

"Brush!" With the release of a bright silver sword, the air of the five elements Xuanli rises up in a flash. A mask of the power to protect the field quietly blesses the whole body of no trace.

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"Run, protect them!" With the order of no trace, the puppet of the organ came out again. Run head son, black hat body tall burly, all of a sudden block in front of the little fat Zhen Bucai and four little body. Then, seeing that there was no threat at this time, Wu Chen was relieved and ready to fight second prince Ji Yun.

"Ha ha, boy, after you die, they all have to die! You ants, those who are against the Zhou Dynasty, should be ready to die... "Second prince Ji Yun suddenly looks ferocious and looks up at the sky with a laugh. His red eyes are as if he is looking at a dead man.

"Hey, where there is oppression, there will be resistance. Ji Yun, today next year will be your death day!" Traceless handsome face slightly up, the brain quickly flashed a wise saying. Then he saw the silver sword in Wu Chen's hand in vain, pointing coldly to Ji Yun, the second prince behind the two ancient doors.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Seeing the silver cold light flash, the second prince Ji Yun had no reason to tremble. Although the whole figure hid behind the door of inheritance, he was still afraid and could not help but step back.

"Asshole, you should die..." seems to be angered by the arrogant attitude of no trace, or maybe it's because you feel afraid. Ji Yun, the second prince, stares at no trace as if he's mad. The air of Xuanli in his body is poured into the two ancient and simple spirits in front of him.

"Brush!"“ Brush

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Two green awns soar up to the sky, and the primitive and simple atmosphere is crazy. The two doors of ancient martial arts were enveloped by green fog.

One of the ancient wooden doors turned and circled at once, moving slowly, and detouring to the direction of no trace.

And another door of inheriting ancient martial arts, which is full of ancient simplicity, trembles violently at this time. With the violent vibration of the simple wooden door, the two doors above the wooden door opened slowly towards the left and right sides.

Squeaky, squeaky

A burst of extremely harsh agitation resounded from the position of the ancient wooden door. With the two doors moving towards the left and right sides, a thick and incomparable green shadow rushed out in a flash.

All over the sky, the green mangman shadow rushed out like a storm. The emerald green tentacles turn into terrible thick vines, and they smash and crush towards the traceless body.

Boom, boom, boom

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For a moment, the sound of terror rang out. The virtual shadow of the green awn, which blocked the sky and the sun, bombarded the light shield of the power of guarding the field without any pause.

Click, click

It has always been regarded as an invincible defensive force in the field of protection, and even showed weakness under the attack of such a dense green awn vine. With the dense green mangrove vines coming down like free money, subtle cracks have appeared on the light shield of the guardian field.

"Shit, no, back up!" Looking at the front of the overwhelming green awn virtual shadow surging, small fat Zhen not just the first time to detect bad. Then, the compass in the little fat man's hand was shining brightly, and the light mask that he produced was immediately blessed on the body of himself and the four young people.

In front of him, the puppet stood upright and upright in the same place without moving. His eyes were always looking at the front without any trace, without any fear.

"Boom!" With the sound of fragmentation, the power of protecting the field finally collapsed. And the green shadow vines flying down from the sky are all turned into the dark edge of wood shining with cold light. On the edge of the edge, there is a terrible cold light, just like a sharp stab, it will stab the body without trace.

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"Boom boom!"

All over the world, the sharp sharp spikes rush out, and in an instant, like the vast ocean, they will submerge and devour the traceless body shape.

Just at this critical moment, I saw the purple and golden light in vain in the place of the red field on Wuchen's chest. Then I heard a roar like the roar of tiger and dragon.

"Ouch!" With a loud roar like a dragon's chant, a purple and Golden Shadow flashed out. Purple gold long ran triangle, head suddenly, the whole body has the power of thunder and lightning to swim and twinkle. But there are three bright claws under the purple and golden long rib, and the number of claw petals on each claw is totally different.

Poop, poop, poop

With the appearance of the purple gold long run out, all over the sky green Miscanthus vines by the sharp stab together will be down. A burst of terrible Xuanli's air rose up, and all the green Miscanthus vines in the sky had been bombarded on the purple gold long and huge body.All over the sky, the green awns are reflected, and the horror of killing will soon engulf the huge body of purple and gold. From the green awns lingering in the regiment came the shivering crashing sound. After several times of explosion, the Xuanli afterwave rolled and spread, and the hard walls around the impact all trembled slightly.

"Brush!" A transparent white awn flashed out, covering the puppet who was standing in the same place all the time.

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"Damn, it's such a pimple!" In the rear, the little fat man Zhen Bucai's teeth were clenched and his forehead was sweating. But the speed of the compass in his hand increased several times in vain, which made the mysterious light cover all over the people not affected by the turbulent air of Xuanli in front of them.

"Roar!" An extremely low and dreary roar came from the battle group covered by the green mangrove vines. With this terrible roar, the air above the labyrinth Corridor around us was much colder in vain. Then, I saw a purple golden light shining brightly, and the power of thunder and lightning was raging like crazy.

Just above the center of the battle platform, the virtual shadows of vine antennae wrapped by green awns were all ignited into dark ashes by the terrible power of thunder and punishment when they touched the power of these purple and gold lightning.

"This, how is this possible?" The second prince Ji Yun's face turned pale again in an instant when he felt that the connection between the green Miscanthus vine and his soul was cut off. The whole person's body was shaking for a while, and it was only when he was steady that he managed to stand firm.

"Brush!" At this time, in front of the second prince Ji Yun, the ancient wooden door had been completely opened, and a green ancient road vine figure flashed out. The simple and unadorned breath suddenly surged over the labyrinth corridor, which locked the purple golden long run in front of it and the handsome and strong body standing on the top of its head on the spot< br>

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