Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 379: 379

"Suddenly Strange and cold wind comes from the second simple wooden door. The mysterious and strange blue fog instantly enveloped the huge body of the little earthworm and swallowed it.

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Under the blue fog, the second simple wooden door opened slowly. A mysterious and terrible seal force, without deviation, fell on the body of the little earth dragon. Xiaodilong's violent momentum suddenly stopped in an instant, and his huge body was sealed and imprisoned on the spot by the restraining force released from the ancient gate.

"Roar!" A very angry low roar came out from xiaodilongkou. Xiaodilong's abdomen symbolizes the power of the five elements and the power of purple gold lightning. Its two legged claws shine with all kinds of light. It wants to use it as a force to break through the confinement of Kaifeng's body.

"Hum!" Qi Qi's open ancient wooden door stood out of the air, trembling slightly, as if feeling the angry resistance of little earthworm. The power of the seal inside the wooden door is several times greater than before, and the mysterious and strange blue fog is also surging out of the ancient door.

At this time, xiaodilong had been completely imprisoned by the second ancient wooden door. Of course, although he tried his best to resist, he could not break through the shackles of the second ancient wooden door for a while.

"Well, the martial spirit of the royal family of this big week is really good. The twin soul of the prince alone has two different abilities: summoning and sealing. It seems that the battle of traceless boy is not so easy to deal with! " Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow slightly move, fire red eyes in vain flashed a different color.

"Er, little earthworm..." he felt the crisis of little earthworm, and his face became cold in vain. The silver long sword in his hand flashed suddenly, and he flew to kill the second prince Ji Yun.

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"Boom!" A series of tumultuous explosions, one after another, resounded through the corridor. In front of the bright silver sword, the first simple wooden door stood in front of the second prince Ji Yun.

"Hum!" With a loud sword sound, the silver sword in Wuchen's hand quickly released a continuous meaning of Yin cold sword.

"The sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword cover in the south of the Yangtze River," and the endless cold sword spirit spread all over the sky, gradually sketching a beautiful scenery out of thin air.

When the first simple wooden door was quickly covered by the continuous cold sword, it gradually formed a misty scenery of Jiangnan.

At this time, the first simple door in this beautiful picture, there is no sudden, no sense of disobedience. As if this simple wooden door should have been like this, it naturally grows in the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan.

Hua La, Hua la

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Thin and dark vine tentacles stretch out along the strange spread of the first simple wooden door. The shadow of the beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, which is made up of the cold and Yin sword, is destroyed by these strange vine tentacles.

The beautiful painting scroll of Jiangnan scenery has been damaged more than half. And the spread of the vine tentacles did not seem to take any advantage, all kinds of broken limbs and leaves like the spring rain general crackling scattered all over the ground.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, you are dead this time!" Seeing the first simple wooden door, he completely blocked the sword spirit released by no trace. Ji Yun, the second prince who had been hiding behind him, was as excited as a chicken.

"Ha ha, I said that today next year will be your death day. Ji Yun, you will die today! " The cold light in traceless eyes flashed in vain, and the whole body was released with the intention of killing. The five elements Xuanli's Qi in the body rose up crazily, and the fierce momentum immediately locked the second prince Ji Yun's body on the spot.

"Brush!" The second prince Ji Yun looks at Wu Chen's eyes full of killing intention, and his body trembles in vain for no reason. An unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly surged into my heart, and unconsciously stepped back several steps.

"Hum!" The second prince Ji Yun stepped back several steps, and then he managed to stabilize himself. Then, the second prince Ji Yun gave a cold hum, and his imperial spirit rose again.

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In the front, the first simple wooden door was obviously influenced by the momentum released by the second prince Ji Yun. The left and right wooden doors slowly opened to both sides.

"Whoosh!" A dark and slightly burnt vine body flashed out. It ran straight to the opposite side, and the sword standing on Wu Chen's body was pounded away.

"The moon rises with the sword and the morning glow falls with the sword!" Feeling the bad offensive coming from the front, Wu trace immediately raised his silver sword to deal with it.

I saw the silver sword Qi floating out of the sky, turning it into a little bit of starlight. Instead, a dazzling bright moon rose slowly and absorbed all the sharp sword Qi contained in the air around it into the virtual shadow of his whole body.Pa Pa, pa pa pa

In a flash, countless vine tentacles sprang out, protecting the dark and burnt vine body, and fighting madly against the rising moon and shadow in the void.

"Boom!" Although the Xuanli power released by the wild vine tentacles is not as violent as that at the beginning. But the power generated by all the superposed bombardments is enough to kill the later cultivation of the General Dan soul realm for 100 times.

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Poop, poop, poop

Countless vine tentacles, all together, straight through the body of the moon virtual shadow. However, all the penetrating tentacles of vines turn into bright red. Then, I saw the bright silver moon quickly turned into a little starlight floating in the sky, and the remaining light of every starlight began to turn into the rising brilliance of blood red.

"Brush!" At the same time, thousands of stars shine with blood red light, just like the rising morning clouds all over the vast land.

All the way down against the background of the rays, galloping out, into a fiery red river running around. Innumerable vine tentacles stained with strange red awn, even at the same time, all ignited a rising flame. And then, with the cover of dawn and twilight across the sky, all of these vine tentacles burned spontaneously on the spot.

"Hum!" Thousands of rays slant down, reflecting the whole labyrinth corridor. And above the labyrinth, above the canopy. The bright image of Xinghe trembles in vain. Even the two bright illusions on both sides, like the sun and the moon, are just like some kind of traction resonance. Qi Qi trembles slightly in the air< br>

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