Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 380: 380

Brush, brush, brush

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Accompanied by a series of fierce sound rising, all over the sky of vine tentacles together to burn up. The dark branches scattered all over the ground, and the endless morning glow also slowly dissipated in the void.

"Boom!" Above the canopy of the sky, the excited bright stars gradually began to subside. The sun and moon's shining shadow gradually faded and restored the calm posture of Qi.

Gulu, Gulu

Zhen Bucai, a little fat man who has been in the rear, flashed a flash of brilliance in his eyes. He stared at the canopy above his head and lowered his head to meditate.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter, four little and four big guard fierce beasts, looking at this strange scene in front of them, they all couldn't help swallowing. Whether it's the combat power of no trace or the twin martial spirit released by the second prince Ji Yun, these terrible powers and extraordinary combat power are completely beyond their reach.

"Hum, Ji Yun, take your life!" A cold hum, in the silence of the corridor, it is particularly abrupt and harsh. A cyan figure is like a hurricane. In the blink of an eye, it rushes to the back of the first simple wooden door.

"Pa!" Just as no trace is stepping on the wind and waving his sword to kill the second prince Ji Yun. A dark and slightly burnt shadow of the vine body appeared behind the traceless body like a ghost.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

The shadow of the vine body suddenly came out, and the path fell directly on the traceless back heart. Then, I saw the dark branches of the vine, which turned into an invisible net and locked the whole person in the void.

"Bang!" The body shape of no trace falls in vain, and the whole body is locked by the branches of dark vines. The Qi of the five elements Xuanli surging in the body was obviously affected, and began to weaken slowly, unable to release completely.

"Hum!" In Wuchen's hand, the long silver sword shakes in vain and turns into thousands of empty shadows of the long silver sword. The silver swords cut through the sky, and they cut down on the branches of the vine bound by the traceless body.

Poop, poop, poop

All the dark branches of the vine turned into shadows under the shining light of the silver sword. Traceless body is free again, but the dark vine body on the back heart is still attached to it. The terrible sword attack just now didn't cause any fatal damage to it.

"Boom!" At the moment when no trace had just regained the power of action, there was a violent sound above his head.

I don't know when the first simple wooden door came down from the sky with a strong attitude of suppression. When you run to the body without trace, you will be mercilessly oppressed.

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"Hoo A dull gasp came from the mouth of no trace. The first simple wooden door on the void swept down, and the invisible force of pressure surged up and down the body.

The eternal Heaven and earth in traceless body will run wildly, and the surging and majestic air of Hongmeng chaos is surging. The Qi of Xuanli in the five elements radiates in all directions, and the Qi of Xuanli in Wuchen's body is released without reservation.

"Boom!" Wu Chen, who had been ready for a long time, suddenly raised his arms and burst out in his body. Mingled with the simple atmosphere, the simple wooden door, which was strongly suppressed, was directly oppressed on the arms of no trace.

Click, click

The ancient wooden door is surrounded by green fog, and the pressure it carries has increased several times in vain. At this time, the whole wooden door seemed to be the heaviest thing in the world. It was pressed on the arms of traceless. The body shape of no trace falls slowly unconsciously, and the bone joints around the body creak. The whole person's white and clean face turned red instantly, and the blue veins on his face and body were all beating tightly.

Today's traceless appearance is extremely frightening. It seems that the blood vessels are beginning to flow backward, and the meridians of the whole body will collapse at any time. As a result, they are oppressed and suffocated by the ancient wooden door above their heads.


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"No trace boss!"

"Boss, hold on!"

"Damn it, fat brother, leave us alone, you go to help the boss out!"

See, rear spring summer autumn winter four little complexion is extremely pale, to the body in front of the little fat Zhen not just repeatedly call way. Small fat Zhen not just at the moment the complexion is also solemn incomparable, a pair of small eyes dribble around, obviously also some indecisive.

"Whoosh!" At the moment when Wuhen tried his best to resist the suppression of the simple wooden door above his head, the dark vine body, which was originally attached to his heart behind him, moved in vain.

I saw a dark vine branches diffuse out, into a sharp dark weapon. Towards the seamless tight body, crazy attack and kill.Bang bang, Bang Bang

A harsh sound resounded through the silent labyrinth corridor. When countless dark vine sharp blades pierced into traceless flesh, they broke into two pieces on the spot. And the tight body of no trace was suddenly shaken, and all the clothes were destroyed. A strange white spot prick marks, on its bronze skin appears particularly eye-catching.

"Whoosh!" Just as the traceless body had just resisted the critical blow, the dark vine body on the back heart released a weak green light again. Then, I saw a dark vine branches reproduce again, turning them into sharp weapons and stabbing them fiercely on the rock like flesh again.

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"Hum!" At the same time, the momentum released by the first simple wooden door almost climbed to the extreme. The spirit released by him has even surpassed the later cultivation level of Dan's soul realm, and almost reached the spirit realm of Xuanli in infant's soul realm.

Bang bang, Bang Bang

It was a messy attack again, and traceless knees could not help bending down. The whole person's arms support, the waist is still straight against the terror and repression brought by the overhead.

At the moment, the scars on the traceless body have obviously begun to turn red. If you encounter several such attacks in a row, you will not be able to carry down the strength of your body.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, your body is really strong, and you can resist the attack of my vine spirit. But with your body, I see how long you can hold on. "

"Haha, without the help of martial spirit, you are nothing. You Liuwu trace is a waste, in my Ji Yun's eyes, you will always be a mole ant... "The second prince Ji Yun's piercing laughter rang out, and the whole body of the emperor's spirit ran wildly. The whole person walked forward carefully with square steps, and came slowly with the body shape of no trace that had been suppressed and attacked< br>

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