Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 386: 386

"Boom!" There was a loud bang from the end of the frozen corridor. The faint light was shining more and more, and a door full of simple flavor was suddenly reflected in the eyes of the people.

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Click, click

With the dazzling light from the ancient doors, the ice on the surrounding corridor quickly broke.

"Suddenly A violent wind surged out of the simple door. The ice covered by the ice quickly melted and disintegrated, even with the corpse mountain and Shahai, which was frozen up by the ice. It was also affected by this strange wind, as if it had never appeared before, and disappeared into nothingness.

Gulu, Gulu

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four little people and the four shivering protective animals around them all swallowed their saliva when they looked at the corridor which was as quiet as death. Immediately, a group of people and so on all stare big eyes, some can't believe that toward the corridor at the end of the ancient wooden door on the body and look away.

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"Hey, no trace boss, Xiaosheng has already calculated, and this is where the giant labyrinth gate is..." little fat Zhen Bucai quickly closed his ancient compass in his arms, blinked his two little eyes and said with a cheap smile to no trace.

"Ha ha, you are so unprofitable! Are you willing to deal with those guys because you have already arrived and the students are about to show up Traceless swept an eye, complacent Zhen not just, full face disdain of light smile Ask a way.

"Cough, no trace boss, what you said is too straightforward. I don't want face if I don't have talent!" Little fat man a burst of light cough, pretending to be embarrassed to no trace smile back.

"Bah, I'm afraid no one can match your shameless energy in the whole Tianyun sect! If you know how shy you are, I'll write three words backwards! " Traceless white little fat Zhen not just one eye, step out, then toward the emergence of the simple door to explore.

"Ha ha, no trace boss, does it really matter that the guy escaped?" The little fat man Zhen Bu Cai stands in the same place with a smile and asks in a soft voice to Wu trace as if he didn't mean to.

"Ha ha, there is no need for useless people in this world." No trace did not directly answer the question of the little fat Zhen Bucai, but did not mind. Then, seeing no trace's body move, he came to the front of the simple door with a silver sword.

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"Whoosh!" There was a strong wind blowing from one side, and the organ puppet ran to the side of no trace with a straight guard.

"Hey, boss, Wan Shanhe is known as the first disciple of the younger generation in the outer gate of Jiansha Taoist school. It's said that he has become a disciple of Jiansha Taoist school. This time, I'm afraid it's imperative to get up and explore the secret environment. I'm afraid this guy has another plan! " Small fat Zhen not just let go of the pace, slowly forward, a moment's effort will also come to no trace side, the other side standing firmly in place.

See, spring, summer, autumn and winter four little quickly trot, with the side of the four protective fierce beast, closely followed in no trace and little fat Zhen not just two people behind.

"Ha ha, that's good! If this guy goes out of this secret place, I can't find them! The more greedy he is, the more chance we will meet him! " After listening to the words of little fat Zhen Bucai, the expression on Wu Chen's face relaxed in vain. The figure of the second prince Ji Yun flashed out in his mind again, and the killing intention of Wu Chen's whole body could not help leaking out.

Since the death of Su Ji's tutor and Yanyu, Ji Yun, the second prince, has long been included in the list of must kill.

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"Cough, traceless boy, with a sharp weapon, you must be temperate!" A slight cough came out faintly, and the rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao quietly came into Wu trace's mind.

"Brush!" No trace body shape slightly a Zheng, this just realize oneself some lose manners. All over the body surging intention of killing slowly closed in the body, no trace around the body up and down momentum, this just restored to the state of peace.

On both sides, spring, summer, autumn and winter, four Shao brush and swallow saliva together, and their lapels are all wet with sweat. Just now, just in the face of the murderous intention released by no trace, Si Shao almost had the crisis of suffocation on the spot. But fortunately no trace in time to take back the breath, which makes four less to breathe again.

"Ha ha, no trace boss, according to the data of zongmen, you can leave the maze magic array only after you enter Shengmen. Then, we will step on the road of life and death, which is the only way to the star palace! " The little fat man Zhen Bucai caresses the simple door in front of him and confidently introduces him to Wu trace.

"Why, life and death? Sounds good! " No trace gently shrugged, can not deny the smile. Then, he set his eyes on the simple door again. In the mysterious air above the door, Wu trace always feels the breath of a large array of transmission array.

"Ha ha, the road of life and death is the place where the alternation of life and death takes place. At least the information in the clan is recorded in this way. As for the situation inside, we have to understand it by ourselves after we enter it! " The little fat man Zhen Bucai's face is full of recollection, and he talks to Wu trace. It seems that tianyunzong's record of life and death is not very detailed. It is obvious that there are many strange changes in the secret realm of this trial, and not all the crises encountered are exactly the same."Ha ha, you can settle down as you come. Sometimes know too much, but will become a drag! No matter what, let's leave the maze first... "Wuchen smiles and says to the little fat Zhen Bucai without thinking. Then, the Qi of Wuchen's sword spirit rose up and merged perfectly with the Qi of the invisible Xuanli in his body.

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"Brush!" The power mask of guarding the field came into being, which immediately enveloped a group of people such as no trace.

"Haha, no trace boss is right. This kind of free and easy mind is really worth learning and worshiping!" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, pondered over Wu Chen's words carefully, and then said with a smile. On one side, four little all rolled their eyes together, to the little fat Zhen not just behavior extreme disdain up.

"Ha ha, you boy, don't follow me! Everybody follow up, let's go Traceless smile, mercilessly white little fat Zhen not just one eye. Then, the mysterious power of Wuchen's whole body was released, and the power of protecting the field was covered by the mask. They ran to the door full of ancient and simple atmosphere, and stepped straight into it.

"Brush!" A faint light flashed away, and the power of the array suddenly appeared. Wu Chen and little fat Zhen Bucai were covered by the power of the array.

In an instant, the rustic atmosphere spread out, and the bodies of Wu Chen and others disappeared without entering the door. The dazzling light of the turbulent corridor gradually weakened, and the corridor was heavily fortified and empty, which restored the previous silence and tranquility< br>

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