Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 387: 387

"Brush!" The fierce Xuanli's power was exerted, and no trace only felt that there was a flower in front of his eyes. An irresistible power of the teleportation array spread and enveloped the whole group of people, such as traceless, into another mysterious space.

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Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A series of flustered landing sound, no trace and so on a group of people are all unstable on the ground. Immediately, all of them immediately released the momentum in their bodies and looked at their current environment and situation with extreme vigilance.

"Suddenly Bursts of cool full of cold wind, from the four eight sharp blowing. No trace look around, even unconsciously hit a cold shiver out of thin air.

Today, Wuchen and others are in a dark place. Above their heads, they can see the rising of the sun and the moon under the cover of the dark stars. In front of no trace and others, the path of sheep farm is covered with dust.

On the left and right sides of this sheep farm path, it can be said that there is a clear distinction between bright and dark.

On one side of the road, there is a faint vitality nourishment, which makes people feel relaxed and happy at a glance. On the other side of the road, there is a dark atmosphere, which makes people feel anxious and afraid.

"Cough, no trace boss, this should be the way of life and death, we have to be careful!" A burst of light cough, small fat Zhen not just holding a simple compass, gently lying in no trace ear whispered.

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"Ha ha, the road of life and death, a thought of life, a thought of death..." no trace mouth slightly up, handsome face with a faint evil smile. Looking at the subtle anger and death around the two sides, no trace was nourished by a very familiar feeling in his heart.

"Well, no trace boss, this is the way of life and death, but don't be careless! According to the records of zongmen's historical materials, all the major sects had many demons and geniuses with excellent talents in the past, and they never came back after stepping on this road of life and death... "Little fat Zhen Bucai's face suddenly became dignified, and reminded Wuchen, spring, summer, autumn, winter and Sishao.

"Oh, can't I be buried here, Chun Shao?"

"Damn, I haven't married yet. I'm not reconciled!"

"Cough, if you die together with the three of you, how can you think of such a shame?"

"Bah, bah, bah, you three guys go with ease! I will accompany my eldest brother and fat brother to gallop through the Six Dynasties and be proud of the mainland of China

Spring, summer, autumn and winter four little is a noisy, did not care about their trap. It seems that as long as the four of them can be together, nothing in this world can make them fear.

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Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

In the spring, summer, autumn and winter, when they were laughing and scolding, the dim sheep farm path was surrounded by lights and shadows in vain. There were hundreds of figures penetrating out of thin air around Wu Chen and others. However, all these false shadows disappeared in the same instant.

"Ha ha, the space overlaps and there are many illusions. It seems that this place is extremely similar to the previous giant maze." With the sound of yaozunhuoxiao, a fire red virtual shadow flashed out of the traceless body.

"Ha ha, it's good to see you again..." Wu Chen stood in a daze, looking at the two sides of the dark sheep farm path, murmuring in a low voice. The whole person seemed to be in a trance. He moved his feet unconsciously and went straight along the dim path of the sheep farm.

"Damn, traceless boy, what did you see? Why did you suddenly go crazy?" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow flying out, following the traceless body shape slowly forward.

See, small fat Zhen not just also quickly carrying the hands of the ancient compass, three and two steps to keep up with the steps of no trace.

In spring, summer, autumn and winter, the four little animals, the four bodyguards, and the puppets of the organs all stepped out of nowhere, following closely behind the traceless figure.

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Dada, dada, dada

A light footstep came from the path of sheep farm. The originally dark sheep farm path was even more strange.

"Suddenly A cold wind rolled out without warning. In addition to no trace and little fat Zhen Bucai, the four little and four big bodyguards all shivered. Then, on both sides of the dark sheep farm path, the air of life and death, which symbolizes the mysterious air of life and death, slowly spread over the sheep farm path.

"Brush!" Just a moment later, the path of the sheep farm was full of strange life and death. At this time, in addition to the deep place of Wuchen and others, the rest of the empty space has been completely occupied by the surging air of life and death.

"Hum!" The five colors of Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body rise up and merge perfectly with the sword spirit released by his whole body. The power of guarding the field spread out and enveloped the four little people."Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." the strange and unpredictable air of life and death, surging, and then gathered towards no trace and others. The heavy and dead spirit and the vigorous and surging power of life suddenly rushed over the cover of the mask of the power of guarding the field, and madly attacked and rushed to the bodies of Wuchen and others.

"Brush!" A light shield hits on the body of little fat Zhen Bucai, and a steady stream of Xuanli's power is released from the simple compass in the hands of little fat Zhen Bucai. The air of life and death is surging around, constantly impacting the Xuanli light shield released by the ancient compass.


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When they were at a loss, eight monsters, lazy cat, general, red hair and four fierce beasts were first trapped in the middle by a mass of dead air. The horrible and strange death seemed to be continuous, and the four animals were tightly strangled on the spot. The vitality of the four beasts was quickly weakened, and the whole body was black.

At the moment, spring, summer, autumn and winter are few. It was wrapped by a strong vitality, and the air of Xuanli in the four people suddenly increased uncontrollably.

At the beginning, Si Shao was very excited and thought that he wanted to break through the realm of cultivation. But just after a few breath, the four's bellies swelled like a ball. And endless vitality is still gathering towards the body of the four people, as if at any time to burst the body of the four people and make them die.

"Ha ha, this is an extremely rare mysterious Qi of life and death. It's a big chance to meet just a little on weekdays. Now, there are so many mysteries of life and death. It seems that you are really lucky. You are the man I like The demon zunhuoxiao looks at the gray air of life and death around him, and even shamelessly enlightens him on the traceless platform.

"Ha ha, I'm not polite for so much life and death!" No trace looked around the gray tossing of life and death of the gas, the eyes of Turks between the two Shuo Shuo cold light. Then, the breath of the whole body of Wu trace disappeared in vain. The five elements of Xuan Li Qi and the continuous sword spirit disappeared quickly. Instead, two mysterious lights, one bright and one dark, flashed and rose slowly in his body< br>

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