Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 391: 391

Brush, brush, brush

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In the blink of an eye, there were nearly a hundred figures on the huge circular open space square. And accompanied by a flash of shadow, no trace and little fat Zhen Bucai also all have seen a familiar figure.

In the crowd, Manmeng, Zifeng, hualeilei and Li Qianshui all came to Wuchen happily. At the entrance of Wuxing Dharma hall, only Jin Peng and Yingyan were present. In front of them, there was a young scholar with a white face, who felt extremely white. This person is the disciple of the pre Art Hall who came with Zhen Bucai at the beginning. I don't know why they came together inexplicably.

As for Feiliu, Jiji, law enforcement hall, painting array hall, carving Fu hall and other disciples, no trace was found in the crowd. Obviously, this trip to the Star River Palace is full of crises, and it is reasonable that someone fails to pass the test. But fortunately, before they came to the secret realm, they all got the life saving talisman, so Wuchen didn't worry too much about the comfort of a few people.

"Brush!" For a moment, the huge square space was divided into dozens of square array teams. Among them, Jiange, zhenbaozhai, animal temple, Bixia palace, tianyunzong, jiangshadao, mifuzong and guimengzong are the eight most powerful forces in mainland China. However, the momentum of the other phalanx teams is much weaker. Among these people, no trace feels a sense of inexplicable familiarity. And this kind of feeling fluctuation is very strong, but in no trace want to find time in vain disappeared. This makes no trace can't help wrinkling a little, and again around carefully.

"Brush!" A beautiful shadow flashed into the square array of Bixia palace. No trace was surprised to see a dream figure day and night, that white dress fairy air ethereal, as well as that cold ice peerless face, all of a sudden made no trace stunned at the scene.

"Brush!" On the other side, a beautiful woman dressed in white is Princess Ji Ruxue, who seems to feel the hot eyes of traceless. Ji Ruxue frowned slightly on her cold face. She swept the scar with the extra light from the corner of her eyes with extreme indifference, and then quickly moved her eyes away. It seemed as if I had never seen a traceless look, and my eyes were cold and cold.

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"Cough, no trace boss, pay attention to the influence, so many people are watching!" Small fat Zhen not just the first to detect the strange trace, hastened to whisper light laughter to remind trace.

"Such as snow..." no trace ignore the little fat Zhen not just ridicule, but quickly away from the crowd, flying to Ji Ruxue's position.

"Damn it, no trace boss, you're serious!" Little fat man a exclamation, in any case did not expect no trace will directly jump out.

On one side, hualeilei and Li qiangshui's eyes all flashed a strange color, and even Manmeng, Zifeng, Jinpeng, Yingyan and others all looked back in amazement.

"Eh, there seems to be something wrong with that girl Ruxue!" A strange red awn rushes out from the traceless body. The demon zunhuoxiao's empty shadow looks puzzled and stares at Ji Ruxue, who is indifferent on the other side, muttering to himself.

Whoosh, whoosh

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"Stop coming!"

"Who, bold!"

Just as the traceless Turks rushed out, several beautiful fairies jumped out of the square array of Bixia palace. Several sharp long swords came out of the scabbard, and Qi Qi sealed the way of no trace.

A number of cold and soft killing ideas rose up, all falling on the traceless body. No trace of the strong body did not care about these pressure approaching, the body did not pause half a step out of stride forward.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A dull roar, Qi Qi Qi fell on the body without trace. The power of purple thunder and lightning on Wuchen's body swam away by itself, destroying all the power of these attacks one by one.

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"Snow, don't you remember me?" No trace plunges to the front of Bixia palace team, and his eyes are full of true feelings.

On both sides, all the other major sects turned their eyes. All of them looked curiously at Wu trace and the fairies in Bixia palace.

"Who are you?" A voice of extreme indifference comes out, Ji Ruxue's cold eyes seem to flash a color of doubt. Usually, Ji Ruxue, who is cold to everyone, has an inexplicable sense of closeness in her heart when she sees no trace in front of her. But in front of this young person actually really has not seen, at least in her memory does not have any regarding young person's memory existence.

In the square array of Bixia palace, all the fairies frowned inexplicably. At first, when people heard Wuchen calling out Ruxue's name, they thought he was Ji Ruxue's old friend. But after hearing Ji Ruxue tell you who you are, all the fairies immediately stare at Wu trace with hostility."Like snow, I am traceless! What did Ji Huang do to you? How can you suddenly forget me? " No trace eyes is full of anxious color, hope to Ji such as snow facial expression concern of ask a way.

"No trace, no trace, familiar name..." after listening to no trace, Ji Ruxue began to murmur to herself. Then, I saw Ji Ruxue's breath fluctuated very strongly and violently, and his face turned pale instantly. Ji Ruxue quickly pressed her head with her hands, and began to struggle in her mind with a look of pain.

"May there be wood in the mountain here, and the stars last night are just like you. The body has no wings, but the heart has a little soul. May there be only one you in the world, spring and autumn, heaven and earth. Bitterness, happiness, sorrow and joy are the most incisive in the gains and losses No trace hope to look painful struggle Ji Ruxue, strong as a rock, the heart is like a split in an instant. In the past, I used to read poems to Ji Ruxue quietly, and I can't help but blurt out again.

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"May there be Mu Xi Qing here and in the mountains, and the stars last night are just like you..." Ji Ruxue hears the low voice of no trace, and her face is more tangled with pain and struggle. The pain in my heart surged like a knife. The traceless figure in my memory began to overlap and merge with the figure in front of me.

"Hum, the prodigal son of Dengtu dares to attempt to harass the fairies in Bixia palace. When all the men in the world are dead, it's your turn to be a nobody and act recklessly here!" In the distance, a young man hums coldly in the square array of treasure house. Then, I saw the young man step out, walking towards the direction of no trace, and at the same time, he spoke coldly.

"Cluck, my younger martial sister has already said that she doesn't know you. I think you must be a man of status. Before we all tear our faces, please come back first In the square array of Bixia palace, a beautiful young woman smiles faintly, and a mysterious force is quietly injected into Ji Ruxue's body. Ji Ruxue, who has a splitting headache, gradually calms down.

"Thank you very much for the help from the fairy. This feeling is traceless." No trace didn't pay attention to the young man who spoke rudely in Baozhai, but said thanks to the woman in Bixia palace. Then, no trace then deeply looked at Ji Ruxue, no longer entangled, turned around and walked slowly towards another direction.

"No trace..." looking at the back gradually away, Ji Ruxue unexpectedly unconsciously felt a pain in her heart. No trace two words blurted out of the moment, Ji Ruxue cold and indifferent face unexpectedly unconsciously on their own slide out of two hot tears.

"Hum, no trace, isn't it? It seems necessary to get rid of you first!" On one side, the young man of zhenbaozhai stopped slowly, his eyes staring at the footstep of no trace. And Ji Ruxue just all the reactions did not escape the youth's eyes, traceless suddenly became one of the targets in the youth's heart< br>

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