Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 392: 392

Dada, dada, dada

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Traceless step steady and powerful, in a group of Bixia palace fairy doubt under the eyes of quietly leave. Just when people thought that Wuhen would go back to the square array of tianyunzong, Wuhen turned around and went straight to the direction of JIANGSHA road square camp.

"Brush!" See no trace no taboo toward his square, wanshanhe's face suddenly sank down.

In the square array of the stiff evil way team, everyone showed a look of amazement. But Ji Yun, the second prince in the crowd, looks pale and trembles.

"Well, no trace boss, you really don't want to stay overnight revenge!" Small fat Zhen not just suddenly understood the intention of no trace, quietly shrugged, but stepped out.

Seeing this, Manmeng, Zifeng, hualeilei, Li Qianshui and a group of people all stepped out one after another. Although they didn't quite understand the intention of Wuhen, they decided to believe Wuhen and stand with Wuhen.

Seeing a group of people stepping out together, they all ran to the location of no trace. Jin Peng, Ying Yan, all looked suspicious and looked at the weak young man in the pre art hall.

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"Well, let's go and have a look! If they are shameful here, it's the face of our tianyunzong! " The weak young man sighed and said softly to Jin Peng and eagle eye. Immediately, Jin Peng and Ying Yan nodded their heads, and they also moved towards the direction of Wu Chen and others.

On both sides, the large forces and some unknown small forces all looked like they were watching a good play, and their eyes fell on the figures of Wu Chen and Jiang Sha Dao.

"Hum, Ji Yun, do you stand up by yourself or wait for me to kill you?" No trace in distance stiff Sha Road still have tens of meters of place slowly stop, eyes indifferent stare at the crowd Ji Yun cold said.

"I, I'm a disciple of Jiansha Taoism. You, you have no right to deal with my life and death!" Ji Yun lips a strength of shake don't stop, voice extremely weak of startle voice call a way.

Smell speech, one side of a group of stiff evil way disciples all slightly Zou Mei, all people's eyes unconsciously toward the leader of Wanshan river body to see.

"Ha ha, it's all blocked up at the door. Can you swallow it?" An extremely disgusting voice, the Turks from the array Baozhai team in the square resounded. The crowd gathered their eyes and looked into the ranks of the array treasure house. At this time, the speaker was just the indifferent young man who had spoken before.

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"Hum, Mo QingHan, you don't have to talk about strange things. There's nothing wrong with you! It's not up to you to tell me what I'm doing! " Wan Shanhe's face was gloomy, and he glared at the indifferent youth in the treasure house. Then, I saw Wanshan River step out, and suddenly came to the front of the square array.

"Suddenly An invisible pressure burst out from Wanshan river. The momentum of terror spread out, all of a sudden will be no trace to firmly locked on the spot.

At this moment, wanshanhe's momentum is gloomy and cold in vain, and there is evil spirit hovering around him. A cry like cry of ghosts and wolves resounds in the vast silence.

"Hehe, can you stop me?" No trace a cold smile, the whole body five color Xuan force of Qi Qi Qi Chong body. As soon as the Qi of the five elements Xuanli of the gold, wood, water, fire and earth comes out, the cry of ghosts and wolves becomes weaker. Then, the continuous sword spirit rose up, and all of a sudden, it directly pressed against wanshanhe.

"Brush!" Feeling the endless sword meaning released by no trace, a group of stiff evil disciples released their Xuanli Qi. Then, dozens of Dan's later cultivation state spread out, and all the continuous sword meaning released by Wu trace was resisted outside the square array of the Gang Sha Dao camp.

Miso, miso

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Little fat Zhen Bucai, Manmeng, Zifeng, hualeilei, Li Qianshui and others are not willing to be outdone. They all release their cultivation momentum, and stand in a deadlock with the other disciples of Gangsha Road on the spot.

In the distance, all the young people of the main forces were looking forward to the confrontation. They hope that the two forces will fight now. After a while, the Star River Palace will be officially opened. No matter who wins or loses, it will be easy for them to sit back and reap the benefits.

"Hum, Liu Wuhen, do you really want to cause a scuffle between us? As long as you are willing to give up now, after you enter the Star River Palace, I will share the treasure with you Wan Shanhe looks blue and white. The current situation is obviously out of control. At least it's not the same as what he imagined. Liu Wuhen doesn't have the slightest scruple to act recklessly. He doesn't have the appearance of a big sect disciple."Ha ha, it's a matter of principle. It's not negotiable." No trace cold smile, waist silver sword in vain a flash. A bright silver cut through the sky, the quiet palace castle in the light of this road appears particularly powerful.

"Brush" open space square, hundreds of figures all at the same time in front of a bright. In particular, the disciples of Jiange sect all flashed a different look in their eyes. No trace just released the continuous sword meaning, only as a sword repair they feel the most real.

In the square array of Bixia palace, all the fairies looked at Wuchen in amazement. And after seeing no trace release the whole body sword idea, Ji Ruxue, who has always been indifferent, unexpectedly has a knowing smile for no reason. On the other side, the leading fairy was slightly stunned. Thoughtfully, she set her eyes on the traceless figure again.

At this time, in the fog of the distance, a white figure is speeding. When he felt the rising sword without trace, his figure trembled slightly. Then, the white figure stepped up a little more, and a faint smile crossed his cold face.

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The sword Pavilion, the most evil and indifferent sword in history, even shows a smile. At this moment, if the other disciples of the sword Pavilion see this man with such an air, they will be stunned and suffocated on the spot

"Hum, Liu Wuhen, can you represent the whole tianyunzong by yourself?" In the middle of the confrontation group, Wan Shanhe made a sharp sound, and the ground in front of him trembled in vain. An extremely huge and burly figure came out of the ground under his feet.

"Boom!" As soon as the big figure came out, there was a terrible evil spirit. A momentum comparable to that of a baby's soul rises majestically, which suddenly presses back the momentum released by all the people of Tianyun sect.

Gulu, Gulu

The rest of the big families and the people in the nameless forces all swallowed their saliva. At this time, the terrible momentum released by this evil corpse seemed to have surpassed every talented child in every big door. And this horrible ghost body can be brought into the Star River Palace. It's obvious that Jiang Sha Tao has made careful preparations for this trip to the secret world. Similarly, it also shows Wan Shanhe's unusual identity in Jiansha road

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