Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 394: 394

"The sword cage is in the south of the Yangtze River, and the sword cover is endless!" Without any excessive words, the whole person suddenly seemed to move. The endless sword meaning rises from the silver sword in traceless hand and becomes a beautiful dreamland in the south of the Yangtze River.

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Under the continuous haze and drizzle, the magnificent Jiangnan scenery directly envelops the Wanshan River and the horrible corpse in the beautiful dreamland.

Poop, poop, poop

In the beautiful painting of Jiangnan composed of continuous sword meaning, countless cold swords are shining into continuous drizzle. The dense cold drizzle became more and more urgent, and it turned into a storm in an instant.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong

Among the endless beautiful scrolls of Jiangnan, the horrible corpse moved for the first time. His huge and burly body suddenly pressed, and all of a sudden he was escorted under his body. There was a piercing crash, and countless cold and continuous sword Qi were all bombarded on the body of the terrible ghost.

Gulu, Gulu

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Wanshanhe, who had been domineering before, was besieged in a twinkling of an eye by the sword of no trace. In addition, seeing the sword intention gathered on Wu Chen's body become more and more fierce, all the talented disciples of the major forces around felt a chill on their backs.

The eyes of all the disciples of the sword pavilion are shining. The continuous sword spirit released by Xiang Wuchen is rising up with an inexplicable sense of war.

There is no doubt that the cold desert in the ranks of the zhenbaozhai group is the most worried person in my heart. Just now, he made several remarks to ridicule Wu Chen, and even intended to instigate Wan Shanhe to teach Wu Chen a lesson. But now no trace has shown extraordinary toughness, which makes the desert cold give birth to an inexplicable sense of crisis.

"Younger martial sister, don't you really know this person?" In the square array of Bixia palace, the young and beautiful fairy who was in charge wrinkled slightly. She turned and looked at Ji Ruxue, who was also stunned, and asked softly.

"Report back to elder martial sister. Ruxue really can't remember where she met him! However, I don't know why, this person always gives me a very familiar feeling! " Ji Ruxue's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, and her face is full of struggling color. Obviously, the appearance of traceless has completely upset Ji Ruxue's heart, but I don't know why Ji Ruxue just can't remember where she has seen traceless. And often think of Liu no trace these three words, Ji Ruxue will have a headache to crack, pain unbearable.

The fairies in Bixia palace looked at Ji Ruxue with painful eyes, and all of them showed a strange look on their faces. Ji Ruxue fairy face struggling look, in their eyes, it is obvious that a pair of is in love with small lovers make uncomfortable scene.

"Suddenly The wind and rain like fury of the sword gradually weakened its power, while the horrible corpse in the beautiful scenery of the sword illusion in the south of the Yangtze River was full of holes and depression on the rigid body.

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"Roar!" A roar burst out from the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. The boundless evil spirit wrapped in the huff and puff of the flame, all of a sudden, will destroy the whole pleasant Jiangnan beautiful scroll artistic conception on the spot, while the terror evil corpse shakes his body and slowly stands up.

Gulu, Gulu

At the sight of the horrible corpse, all the disciples of the main sect swallowed their saliva. It's the body of a strong one in the soul of a baby. It ended so miserably under the attack of no trace sword. This if the General Dan soul state later martial arts met no trace, that is not to say to be killed on the spot.

"Whoosh!" A remnant shadow flashed out, Wan Shanhe's face was pale, and he quickly rushed out of the scope of Jiangnan sword. And the horrible evil spirit corpse at this time is the whole body is a blood sample, the appearance is miserable, the whole body evil spirit a burst of violent fluctuation ups and downs. Like crazy general ran out, concentrated on all the remaining strength of the body, ran to the place where no trace, then flew to attack.

"Hey, no trace boy, this guy is at the end of his rope!" Demon Zun Huoxiao Huohong virtual shadow moved slightly and appeared close to the traceless figure.

"Damn it, you have to say it!" Traceless mercilessly turned over white eyes, not good spirit in the heart of the demon respect fire Xiao disdain way. Then, the silver sword in Wuchen's hand was sharp and sharp, and the meaning of the sword rose in vain.

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"Brush!" In a twinkling, the evil spirit of terror came to the place not far from the body of no trace. The evil spirit of terror mixed with the bloody air scraped up, and there was a tendency to devour the sword spirit released by no trace.

On the other side, Wu Chen stood in the same place, holding a silver sword, ready to go. Yin Han's sword idea is instantly released without trace, locking the terror ghost not far ahead on the spot.

"Sword three!" In the no trace ready to go, as well as with the terror evil corpse at the moment. A deep and thick male voice came out from behind the traceless body. Immediately, I saw a touch of gold across the sky, a very bright golden light flash away.The golden light came and rose at the same time, and the golden sword Qi flashed out. The three golden swords are full of cutting power, and they even go straight over the place where no trace stands. Toward the terror evil corpse not far in front of him, his shoulders and forehead.

"Poop, poop, poop, poop, poop..." there was no violent collision in my imagination, only three slight sounds. Three golden sword light then flash away, Qi Qi disappeared into the terror evil corpse's shoulders and forehead.

All the people felt the terrible power of the three golden sword lights. Just as the three golden sword lights disappeared, a tall young man with a cold look and white clothes appeared beside no trace.

"Eh, isn't that the seventh peak sword?" At the moment when they saw the tall young man, all the disciples of the sword Pavilion were stunned. In the camp of these disciples, there were six leading young men who frowned at the appearance of the young men in white. An invisible animosity rose up in unison. It was obvious that the interior of Jiange Zong's peaks was not a group of harmony on the surface.

"The son of the sword pavilion?" After seeing the reaction of the people in the sword Pavilion, the other disciples of the major sects knew the identity of the comer in a flash.

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"This, how can it be? The swords of the sword pavilion are all disciples of the inner gate, and their accomplishments must be above those of the infant soul realm. How can there be swords of the sword Pavilion in the Star River Palace?"

The sword Pavilion is surrounded by thousands of mountains and the peaks are sharp. Among the peaks of Qianshan, only the seven peaks of Neimen command the whole pavilion. Among the seven peaks, there are thousands of sword cultivation disciples, but only one can become a sword. The so-called Jianzi, in fact, is a disciple handed down by the master of each peak. Its own strength and talent are all the best in the world, and Jianzi's position in the sword pavilion has the undoubted privilege and prestige.

Boom, boom

At the same time that everyone in the sword pavilion was stunned and the disciples of the main forces were stunned, there were bursts of terrible explosions from the Turks on the open space square. In a moment, countless golden swords stirred out of the body of the terror evil.

The body shape of the terrible corpse shook, and the huge body was swallowed by the golden sword. Then saw boundless evil spirit as if suddenly lost the backbone of the general, began to fly around, fluttering around.

"Plop!" A dull sound is like a dull hammer beating among people's hearts. It's like the horrible corpse of the strong one in the realm of infant soul cultivation. At this time, the bloody smell turned into pieces and scattered all over the floor< br>

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