Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 395: 395

"Suddenly A cold wind is blowing quietly, and the ground is full of broken limbs. The remaining golden sword light has strong killing power. It has been condensed in the open space for a long time and is unwilling to disperse easily.

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"Wow A mouthful of blood spurted out without any sign. Wan Shanhe's body swayed and nearly fell to the ground. It seems that the Qi and blood of the meridians in the body have begun to flow backward, and there is a life and death problem at any time.

JIANGSHA Road, known as refining corpse jusha in mainland China. Its unique secret method of controlling corpses has become the unique weapon of the martial arts cultivation in the stiff evil way. But in each body of Benming Sha, the essence and blood of the controller are condensed. Once benmingsha corpse is severely damaged, it will be destroyed. For the controller, it will also suffer a certain amount of backfire.

Now, judging from the current state of wanshanhe, it is obvious that the ghost corpse that just surpassed the quality of danhunjing is probably the original ghost corpse of wanshanhe.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, a road of evil spirit from wanshanhe behind the stiff evil road camp in the violent rolling out. A horror ghost corpse with full evil spirit, all of them appeared in a neat and uniform way beside a group of stiff ghost disciples. The second prince Ji Yun, who was among the guards of his disciples, looked at the face of the young man in white, but his face was pale, and no blood was visible.

"Who are you?" Wanshanhe forcibly stabilized his mind, and the fury evil spirit released from his whole body was still up and down. Wan Shanhe's eyes flickered with cold light, staring at the young man in white beside Wu trace and asked angrily.

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"The sword is nameless, the sword is nameless!" An extremely indifferent voice, clear and thick into the presence of all ears. The young man in white has an extremely cold face, like an iceberg that has never melted in a thousand years. He is very indifferent. One can't help but look at him, and then he has the illusion of being thousands of miles away.

"Keke, are you Jiange Jianzi? Your attitude represents the sword pavilion? " Wanshanhe resisted the Xuanli wave in his body. His eyes stared at the sword and asked in a cold voice.

"Ha ha, he is the appointed disciple of the seventh peak of our sword Pavilion and the future candidate of the seventh peak. Of course, his identity as a sword will not be recognized until he enters the inner door! As for now, he is just a disciple of my sword Pavilion! " In the team of sword Pavilion, the leading six disciples took a step forward. One of the leading young men, with an uncertain complexion, said in a loud voice to wanshanhe and all the large forces.

Hearing this, all the disciples in the major factions were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect that the people in the sword pavilion would take the initiative to tear down the platform. It seems that the competition among the seven peaks in the sword Pavilion must be very fierce. Even the disciples of the seven peaks are full of gunpowder when they are outside.

"The sword is nameless, the sword is nameless..." in the square array of Bixia palace, Ji Ruxue's eyes brightened in vain. Looking at a white sword, nameless heart was a throb. Immediately, Ji Ruxue's eyes fell on the traceless figure. The figures of these two people were engraved in his mind for a long time.

"Ha ha, it turns out that he is the future Jianzi candidate of Qifeng in Jiange. If you fall into this place, I'm afraid you won't be able to become a sword in the sword Pavilion! " A burst of arrogant sneer came from Lang Lang in the square array of array treasure house.

The leader of zhenbaozhai, Mo QingHan, steps out and walks slowly towards the direction of Wanshan river. Immediately, all the disciples of Baozhai didn't know, so they followed the steps of QingHan in the desert.

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"Brush!" Seeing that Mo QingHan leads a group of disciples from the array treasure house, dozens of figures in the sword Pavilion camp step out and rush to the unknown sword. The six disciples headed by the sword Pavilion looked at each other and motioned to the disciples of each peak behind them to stand by.

"Ha ha, nameless, it seems that you didn't have a good time in the sword Pavilion." No trace has already brought everything around into our eyes, half jokingly talking and laughing at the young man in white beside us.

"Keke, the first person in Tianyun sect. I've heard about it for a long time. I'm disrespectful!" Sword nameless light cough a few, have no good spirit of white have no mark one eye. Then he just heard Jian Mingming make up such a sentence, which made Wu trace almost fall to the ground on the spot.

"Damn, so naughty, are you still as nameless as I know?" Traceless feigned consternation, from the top to the bottom of the carefully looked up a nameless.

At this time, the nameless one dressed in white was more heroic and more mature than the handsome face. No trace has no doubt that if she is a woman, she will fall in love with the cold man at the first sight.

"Bah, don't disgust me, get out of here!" Sword nameless obviously can't adapt to traceless red fruit's eyes, wearing inexplicable a tremble to traceless scold. Then, his arms trembled in vain, and a golden Epee appeared on his palm in a moment.

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"Hum!" The golden Epee came out quietly, and the void followed with a golden flash. The terrible Epee's momentum and power spread slowly, which made the distant desert cold and the disciples of zhenbaozhai stop."Ha ha, matchless, long time no see!" See sword nameless sacrifice Epee unparalleled, traceless heart instantly rose a sense of inexplicable intimacy. Remembering the days when they were practicing together in Dazhou college, the smile on Wu Chen's face suddenly became chilly.

"Hum, it's time to avenge the hatred of Su Ji and Yan Yu!" Sword nameless eyes cold through the crowd, full of cold fell on the second prince Ji Yun body.

With only one look in his eyes, the second prince Ji Yun felt a tremor all over his body. His whole body suddenly tilted, and he suddenly sat on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Bah, useless thing!" Wan Shanhe is also aware of Jian Mingming's intention to kill him. Although he doesn't know the hatred between Jian Mingming and Ji Yun, the second prince, his heart is fully clear when he looks at the familiar relationship between Jian Mingming and no trace. He is afraid that he can no longer protect Ji Yun, the second prince.

What's more, the name of Liu Wuhen, the first person in Tianyun sect, plus a future Jianzi candidate of Qifeng in Jiange, if these two people work together to attack, even if he is a relative disciple of JIANGSHA Taoism, now he is afraid that he can't stop each other with one enemy and two.

"Hum, Liu Wuchen and the sword are nameless. How dare you two join hands to bully me? Can you really treat me as if I have no one?" With a cold hum, Wan Shanhe pulled all the students from the rear into the regiment.

"No trace, he said we cheated him together!" Sword nameless eyebrow slightly a pick, to no trace soft voice speech way. When the second year of junior high school, the prince Ji Yun was so rampant that he and the noble people of Wangdu family wanted to kill him completely. Even though they won the supreme honor for Dazhou college and the jurisdiction of city territory for Dazhou Dynasty, they still didn't get a word of favor from Ji Huang. Instead, they were chased and killed by Ji Yun, the second prince.

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In the end, Su Ji and Yanyu both died, and nameless was forced into the strange fire forbidden area with no trace. If it wasn't for Wuchen's acceptance of the strange fire, if it wasn't for their two lives, where would they have a chance to stand here now? Now they just want to avenge their old teacher, and they are said to be bullying others together.

"Ha ha, I'm deceiving you! Wan Shanhe, since you have said so, I will tell you clearly today that I am deceiving you. What can you do? " After listening to wanshanhe's question, Wuhen suddenly burst out laughing. Arrogant laughter mixed with extremely fierce voice, no taboo floated into the presence of the major forces to the ears of the disciples.

"Brush!" For a moment, all the disciples of the main sect glared at each other. They didn't expect that no trace would answer so openly and simply, and they all looked at no trace in their hearts.

"Ha ha, you have to be the no trace boss. If you say that, you'll be excited!" In the square array of tianyunzong team, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, clenched his fists and was very excited. He stared at the back of Wuchen and Jianming and muttered in a low voice.

On both sides, Manmeng, Zifeng, hualeilei, Li qiangshui, and a group of people were all covered with black lines and speechless. In their hearts, the secret way was stiff, and the hatred between Shadao and tianyunzong was completely settled by them this time

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