Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 397: 397

Alas, the story is still very long, very long

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Before I knew it, four hundred chapters were complete, almost a million words. No matter how busy I was, I would take the time to code every day. I had formed the habit of doing my best in the early morning, good or bad,

I hope every brother and sister who read this book will like it,

The Star River on the sky is more and more bright, and the luster of the stars around the palace is gradually weakening. The huge Star River Palace seems to be getting closer and closer to the public. All these indicate that the Star River Palace is about to be completely unsealed and opened.

In front of the seal mask of Xinghe palace, on a ring-shaped open space square. All the young disciples of the top eight forces in mainland China are here, but now everyone's eyes are focused on a beautiful young man in a blue dress.

"Hum!" The sound of a sword was loud and clear, and a long silver sword flashed in vain. Then, with a slight shake of his arm, Wu Chen put the silver sword directly on the second prince Ji Yun's chest.

"Liu Wuchen, you, you can't kill me, I'm Ji Yun, the prince of the Zhou Dynasty..." Ji Yun, who was sitting on the ground, had no resistance. The silver white sword point had pierced into his body, but at this time, the second prince didn't care about the pain of his body. He just roared at Wu Chen in panic.

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"Brush!" Ji Yun's identity is self-evident. Looking at Ji Yun who was forced by the long sword in Wu Chen's hand, the younger generation of disciples of all major forces were surprised.

Although the imperial power could not compete with the zongmen power, there was the support of zongmen power behind the major dynasties in mainland China.

If someone is killed in a dynasty, there is still a reason for it. But as a prince of a country, if he is killed, I'm afraid that without the soul of that dynasty, the emperor will sit back and ignore him.

If the king of the dynasty went to the door to ask for help and made a profit from the treasure in Xu, it is still unknown whether a younger generation of disciples would be able to survive in the door.

Therefore, killing the prince of a country has all kinds of harm but no benefit. Even the major disciples will not easily get into such a big trouble unless they have to.

"Liu Wuchen, let Ji Yun go. I promise that the enmity between you and me will be eliminated, and I will never trouble you again after going out! " Stiff evil road a group of people have already quit to go far away, but wanshanhe can only watch Ji Yun was arrested, helpless. However, even so, wanshanhe still issued cruel words, trying to save Ji Yun in the last attempt to struggle.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, if you have the ability, you can kill him. I'll see how brave you Tianyun disciples are today!" A wild laugh came from the cold mouth. All the disciples of Baozhai are silent and follow Mo QingHan's obedience.

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"Quiet and dry!" On the other side, a sword in white with a cold face, the nameless face sank in vain, and an invisible sense of killing burst out slowly from him. His heavy sword seemed to feel the anger of his nameless sword, and his heavy body began to tremble.

"Keke..." I felt the sword Qi released by the nameless sword. In the distance, I stepped back unconsciously. The weapon power of the whole body flickers out, ready to guard against the unknown attack of the sword at any time.

Gulu, Gulu

On both sides, all the disciples of the major sects swallowed their saliva. Just by the subconscious action of Mo QingHan, people can see that the pressure brought by the unknown sword is absolutely fatal.

"Ha ha, do you think I dare to do it?" No trace full face of fun swept wanshanhe and Mo QingHan two people one eye, the silver sword in the hand suddenly forward to explore, a few save more than.

With a flash, the second prince Ji Yun's chest was bright red, and the bloodstain overflowed. The weak body of the second prince Ji Yun could not help twitching and shaking in vain.

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"Keke, Huangmei, Huangmei, please help me, I'm your second brother!" Ji Yun in panic sees Ji Ruxue in the square array of Bixia palace. Immediately, Ji Yun's eyes once again rose out of the hope of survival, and exclaimed to Ji Ruxue's position.

Smell speech, all people's eyes all unconsciously toward Bixia palace square array position look, and Bixia palace a fairy all face stunned. You look at me, I look at you, obviously don't know who Ji Yun's imperial sister really means!

"Second brother?" Ji Ruxue flashed a fluster in her eyes, and her cold face was full of struggling color. The growing headache makes him feel worse than death, unable to think about whether what happened in front of him is true or not.

"Ji Yun, Prince of the Zhou Dynasty. Younger martial sister, do you know this person? " In the square array of Bixia palace, the beautiful fairy who led the team frowned slightly and looked down at Ji Ruxue beside her."Hoo Ji Ruxue breathed heavily, and her tense look relaxed slowly. Then, tears flashed in Ji Ruxue's eyes, and she whispered back to the beautiful fairy beside her: "elder martial sister Yunni, this person really gives me a very familiar feeling. But I don't know why, when I see this man, I have an indescribable hatred in my heart. I wish I could kill him quickly! "

"Cluck, since the younger martial sister doesn't know it, let's go!" Yunni fairy light smile, to Ji Ruxue comfort nodded. Then, they saw a group of fairies in Bixia palace, looking coldly towards the middle of the square.

On both sides, all the people from the major forces are looking forward to the next action. After all, it has nothing to do with them. If they can see tianyunzong, Jiange, jianshadao and zhenbaozhai fighting for this, it will be no different for them to reduce the number of competitors, and they will naturally enjoy it

Why not.

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"No trace, you or I?" Sword nameless carrying Epee unparalleled, slowly came to Ji Yun's body. Epee peerless by its high over the head, epee reflected just shadow completely Ji Yun to shrouded in.

"You, you can't kill me. When I die, my father will not let you go!" Ji Yun's mental state at the moment, has reached the verge of collapse, his eyes are full of dead ashes, no longer a ray of light, and his mouth is repeatedly talking about something.

"Well, I'll do it! I'm the cause of things, and there's always an end to it! " No trace sighs and looks at Ji Yun, the second prince who is now almost in a state of madness. No trace also has to sigh that the creation makes people angry. The second prince who is in high spirits on the spot, the heir to the throne of the Zhou Dynasty, who ever thought that he would be reduced to such an end. If you want to blame it, I'm afraid you have to blame yourself. If you do anything unjust, you will die. Sooner or later, you will have to pay it back!

Think of here, no trace bright eyes in vain a flash of cold light. Then, the silver sword in his hand was thrown in vain, and a flying leaf swayed and flew out, hitting the second prince Ji Yun in the chest. Then he saw the silver light rush out of the body, and the second prince Ji Yun was killed by the sharp sword Qi on the spot.

"Poof!" In its bright sword light and shadow, a nameless flame suddenly rises. The scorching flame instantly burned the remaining limbs and even the spirit of the second prince Ji Yun into nothingness, even the ashes were not left behind... < br > all of them were destroyed

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