Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 398: 398

"Suddenly With a gust of cold wind blowing, the last rising flame on the ground is out of the air. There is a pool of blood red mark in the air above the open space square, and the second prince Ji Yun has already been reduced to ashes and disappeared between the heaven and earth.

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"Brush!" The presence of all the major forces in the hearts of all one shiver. All the people looked at the smiling, handsome and extraordinary figure on the empty field, and there was an inexplicable chill all around them.

"Ha ha, Liu Wuchen, good, very good, you are very good, we have written down this account!" Wan Shanhe's face is black and blue, and he has no blood color. He bites his teeth and stares at Wu trace coldly.

"Ha ha, if you have seed, come. Anytime, anywhere, I will accompany you to the end! " When you pick the silver sword in your hand, a sword flower will fly out. The bright sword flower releases bursts of chill, and flies to the place where Wanshan river is.

"Whoosh!" The sharp sword Qi seemed to be an invincible weapon. It penetrated through the whole body of Wanshan River and released the evil Qi defense. In a flash, it rushed to the front door of Wanshan river.

"Bang!" With a sharp sound, the bright sword flowers scattered in all directions. In front of the Wanshan River, a ghost appeared again, which stopped the sword flowers released by no trace.

"Hum, Liu Wuhen, do you really think I'm a bully?" Wanshan river surface dew ferocious color, almost roaring toward no trace, roaring loudly.

In the rear, a group of stiff evil way disciples were all filled with righteous indignation and controlled their evil corpses one after another to stare at traceless. At the command of Wan Shanhe, the crowd would fight the corpse and crush the no trace in the surging momentum on the spot.

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"Ha ha, what about deceiving you?" No trace stands up with his sword, his eyes disdain, wanshanhe says. Then, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man in the rear, and Manmeng, Zifeng, hualeilei and Li qiangshui all stepped out together and stood side by side with him.

On the other side, dozens of disciples who were about to enter the seventh peak of the sword pavilion to practice also came out with swords, and stood together with the unparalleled sword in their hands.

"Ha ha, why do you want to bully others?" QingHan in the desert of zhenbaozhai laughs wildly again, and the fluctuation of the magic weapons on his body spreads out faintly again.

All the disciples of Baozhai released their Xuanqi of cultivation one after another, and stood side by side with the gang of disciples of Jiansha Taoism.

Seeing this, the rest of the major forces all retreated to both sides, and completely let go of their open space square, so as not to be involved in the scuffle once it started.

For a moment, the two sides were against each other on the open space square. Once again, the tension between the two sides was extremely intense.

Boom, boom

At this time, the seemingly distant but near Star River Palace, Castle palace itself is inexplicably trembling. Then, the stars around the palace flickered and lit, and the bright star mask quickly turned into countless light spots, which instantly lifted the power of prohibition on the palace.

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"Shit, look, the power of the seal has been lifted!"

"Ha ha, the release of the seal means that the Star River Palace is about to open!"

"Let's go and occupy the favorable terrain. Once the Star River Palace is opened, we need to enter the palace at the first time!"

The forces of all sides looked up to the top of their heads, and some people began to whisper. Most of the disciples of the sect responded at the first time and took their disciples to the square surrounded by a ring, looking for the best place to enter.

All of a sudden, the major forces and a few small to unknown forces all spread out at the same time.

On the open square, there are only no trace, no sword, no name and others, as well as wanshanhe and Mo QingHan.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

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With the inexplicable trembling of the galaxy palace, the gray Galaxy above the sky has all lit up a bright light. And the stars on the sky curtain seem to have been pulled by some kind of mystery, and all of them turn into bright streamers.

Poop, poop, poop

Like a meteor falling, the whole sky is lit up in a flash. Even the dazzling light and shadow of the sun and the moon above the sky are eclipsed by the magnificent scenery of the end of the Milky way.

Countless falling meteors rushed up towards the Xinghe palace, lighting up the ancient Xinghe palace in an instant.

A vast momentum diffuses from the Grand Star Palace. The seal cutting array made up of stars around was quickly swept away and destroyed by the surging momentum.Countless dots of starlight floated up and flowed towards the sky curtain. The radiance of the Star River above the dome was calm again, and the scene reflected by the three lights of the sun, the moon and the stars rose again.

The confinement and seal around the Star River Palace completely disappeared, and the huge Star River Palace suddenly appeared and reflected in the eyes of the public.

On both sides of the road, the disciples of the main forces, who were waiting for the opportunity, all rushed out at the same time. No less than a hundred figures disappeared in a flash. Qi Shushu rushed into the palace and disappeared.

As the bodies of the disciples disappeared, the people on the open space square could not hold their breath.

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Wan Shanhe and Mo QingHan look at each other and understand the meaning in each other's eyes. Then, they turned left and right and sped out. They quickly bypassed Wu Chen and other people, turned into two aurora and sped in towards the location of the Star River Palace.

Brush, brush, brush

Just as the two of them were in the palace of Xinghe, JIANGSHA Dao, zhenbaozhai and the other disciples all urged the Xuanli Qi in their bodies to turn into streamers and fly out from left to right.

In the blink of an eye, there were only a few people left in the open space square, such as no trace, unknown sword, Zhen Bucai, Hua Lei Lei and Li qiangshui.

"Cough, no trace boss, what to do next!" The little fat man Zhen Bucai looks embarrassed for a while, and whispers to Wu trace.

"Damn, what else can we do when we're all gone. Hurry into the Star River Palace, go late, baby can have no... "No trace ruthlessly white little fat Zhen not just a look, a look of hate iron not into steel preaching. Then, as soon as the silver sword in Wu Chen's hand was closed and his body moved, he was the first to throw away the crowd and rush to the palace.

"Brush!" Before everyone came back to his senses, the sword, who knew nothing about traceless, sprang up. Then, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, shakes and his fat body moves suddenly. He turns into a remnant and runs to the palace of Xinghe.

On the open space square, there were only Manmeng, Zifeng, hualeilei, Li qiangshui and dozens of sword Pavilion disciples. These people are still in the state of being forced, and they are still in the same place, and they are in a daze

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