Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 40: 40

At the quiet bottom of the valley, next to the stream.

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An ancient tree that was towering in the sky, exuding an exuberant life force quietly stood there.

Between the towering ancient trees and the stream, there was a huge python dozens of meters long. Its entire body was made up of black rocks, and at this moment, its head was swaying with its crimson eyes.

"Eternal Heaven Divine Art, the first layer of the Body Refinement Method. Now that I have mastered it, although Wu Hen is at the late stage of Soul Building Stage, his strength has already reached the strength of ten thousand dragons." Facing the vicious beast Cliff Python, it's not like I don't have the strength to fight! " Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao, who had been deep in thought, was finally awoken by the sound of the Flowing Water Tan. Gazing at the terrifying Cliff Snake that was several meters tall, he began to plan in his mind.

"Hehe, so this is a Vicious Beast. The strength of an early stage Soul Formation cultivator is indeed somewhat different!" Facing this vicious beast, the Cliff Python, Wu Hen actually had no fear in his heart. After a brief exchange of blows, both sides were actually on par with each other in terms of strength. Therefore, even against a Vicious Beast level Cliff Python, Wu Hen was still confident in his combat prowess.

On both sides, Jian Wu Ming and the beautiful young girl in white both dodged to the back. Once again, the two of them found their respective hiding spots and quietly observed the movements of the Vicious Beast, Cliff Python.

Hiss, hiss, hiss …

A horrifying sizzling sound appeared once again from the mouth of the Vicious Beast, the Cliff Python. Waves of a foul, fishy wind followed the Cliff Python's puff and puke. The fishy wind was abnormally sharp, like a blade of a sword, and all the plants at the edge of the pool were broken into pieces.

Seeing this, Wu Hen did not dare to be slow. The sword at his waist flashed, and the soft sword that had been transformed into a jade belt was grasped tightly in his hand.

"Hiss!" As if it felt that its dignity had been challenged, the crimson red eyes of the Vicious Beast Python suddenly turned savage and violent.

The Cliff Python struggled to open its mouth, and the stinky and stinky smell instantly turned into a cloud of smoke and gushed out. A pungent smoke came out from the pool and wrapped around the edge of the pool in the blink of an eye.

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"Willow Style Nine Swords, Willow Wool The Sky!" The profound energy aura on Wu Hen's body rose crazily, and he released all of his power, without holding anything back, at the late stage of the Soul Building Stage. The Cyclic Sword Flash appeared and enveloped Wu Hen in a layer of willow like sword Qi.

This Lala, this Lala, this Lala,

Waves of scorching sounds came out from the dense fog from time to time. A berserk sword Qi soared into the sky as a dazzling sword beam shot out explosively from the bloody mist.

A cyan silhouette with layers of pure sword Qis glowing red surrounded its body. Sheng seemed to be strolling leisurely, with an indifferent expression as he walked out of the bloody fog.

"Eh, what a pure sword qi!" Seeing the power of perception, I'm afraid that you have already reached the level of 'one with the sword'! " At the side, the beautiful girl's eyes suddenly lit up as she murmured to herself.

"Hehe, one with the sword. I never thought that this fellow's comprehension of the way of the sword is not inferior to mine!" For the first time, a smile appeared on the cold face of the nameless sword as he lovingly touched the sword on his back!

"Buzz!" Seemingly sensing the terrifying sword aura Wu Hen released, the longsword on the back of the nameless sword also started to vibrate uncontrollably.

The sword was the king of weapons, and was also one of the best divine weapon martial spirits. Only by awakening the Divine Weapon Martial Spirit would one be able to perfectly integrate the mind of a cultivator with the Divine Weapon. The so called 'one with the sword' was one in ten thousand. However, for those who had achieved great achievements in the path of the sword, they would only be able to combine the heaven and earth with the divine weapon in their hands due to a stroke of luck. Above the 'oneness' stage, as the cultivator's cultivation level continued to rise, he would finally be able to gain insights into the energy of heaven and earth and create his own domain of divine weapons. And in this domain, martial artists could kill the enemy at will. Of course, in addition to his own talent and great fortune, he also needed to be at least at the Dan Soul Realm before he could communicate with the world for enlightenment!

"Hiss, hiss." Another terrifying hissing sound could be heard, and the fierce beast, Cliff Python, within the Flowing Water Pond, raised its head and let out a strange cry. A terrifying aura of berserk beasts burst forth from the Cliff Python's body, and the shattered rocks on the ground all seemed to come to life in the blink of an eye.

One after another, the shattered pieces of stone, which were wrapped in the profound energy of the vicious beast, rose into the air. It was as if the shattered pieces of stone had all grown eyes. It was as if the sky and earth were covered by a dense cloud of them as they smashed towards Wu Hen who was standing at the edge of the pool.

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"Humph!" Wu Hen let out a cold snort. The Eternal Heaven Divine Art in his body was once again activated crazily. The Sword Qi around his body instantly surged out and protected Wu Hen even more tightly.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong …

One after another, the shattered rocks, which were wrapped in the profound strength of fierce beasts, heavily smashed against the sword Qi protecting their bodies. Slivers of cracks silently appeared on the sword energy.

Kacha, kacha, a crisp sound rang out, and the sword Qi protecting Wu Hen shattered. The flying debris seemed to have found a way to break through, hurling towards Wu Hen in a crazed manner.

"Hehe, since you want to play, then this young master will play to your heart's content!" A cold light flashed in Wu Hen's eyes. Suddenly, a faint layer of golden light appeared on both of his fists. When the golden light suddenly flew out, the profound strength produced by the swing of Formless Blade's fists had clearly exceeded the power of hundreds of thousands of elephants. A terrifying profound energy aura rose, and turned into a huge golden dragon that filled the air.

"Aooo!" The golden dragon let out a long roar, and its golden silhouette drew a golden line in the air. The unparalleled power of ten thousand dragons raged in the air, turning all the stones floating in the air into powder.

"The strength of ten thousand dragons?"

"The strength of 10,000 dragons!"

Both Jian Nameless and the beautiful young girl were shocked at the same time, as they looked at the gradually disappearing golden dragon with an unprecedented seriousness in their eyes.

The power of ten thousand dragons could only be used by experts who had entered the Soul Formation stage. Only by fusing with Traceless Aftermaths could one raise one's strength to the rank of Myriad Dragons. And Wu Hen, who was only at the late stage of the Soul Building Stage, was able to raise his profound strength to the strength of ten thousand dragons. If Wu Hen were to enter the Soul Fusion Realm one day, then wouldn't his strength be enough to instantly kill a Soul Fusion Realm expert at the same level?!

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"Hiss, hiss." Staring at the shattered pieces of rock that had turned into dust in the air, the Vicious Beast Stone Python was even more enraged than before. The massive body twisted and turned, causing the silent valley to tremble violently.

The Savage Beast's Cliff Python's eyes flickered with two scarlet, fierce lights as it smashed the body of Wu Hen in front of it. Formless' legs felt a wave of numbness, and his entire body seemed to have been locked in place by something.

Pah pah pah, pah pah pah …

A burst of terrifying profound energy rose as the vicious beast Stone Python swung its thick and huge tail, flew left and right from its back, ferociously smashing onto the body of Wu Hen who was unable to move at all.

"Hehe, Formless Boy, it looks like this Vicious Beast Stone Python's eyes have a certain degree of petrification power! The reason why you can't move is because of its innate ability! " The Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao curled his lips and stared at the beast's crimson eyes as he spoke.

"Hehe, so what? This power of Petrification is only delaying my actions. "Even if I stand there motionlessly, what can he do to me?" The corner of Wu Hen's mouth raised slightly, revealing an evil and extremely confident smile. A faint golden glow appeared around his body once again as the terrifying profound energy aura of the power of ten thousand dragons recklessly collided with both of Formless' fists at the same time.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong …

The terrifying sound was deafening, and the thick tail of the Vicious Beast, the Cliff Python, was firmly blocked by both of its two fists. After hundreds of exchanges, both of Wu Hen's arms were already slightly red, and the faint golden light surrounding his body was clearly showing signs of weakening.

As for the originally violent and violent Cliff Python, it was now surprisingly much quieter than before. The long tail of the Cliff Python swung back and forth in the air. There were a few fist marks faintly formed on its black rock-like skin.

"Haha, great, really great!" Feeling the petrification on his body dissipate, Wu Hen threw his head back and laughed out loud. Two cold glints flashed across his handsome face. Wu Hen turned into a stream of light as he charged forward.

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"Hiss hiss!" On the other side, the enormous python was shocked, and its enormous body swiftly swung out. As its head and tail connected, the body of the vicious python began to spin crazily.

A streak of light and two rays of fist light rained down from the sky like pear blossoms. The fist glow that filled the sky flew out and completely smashed into the wildly rotating body of the fierce beast, that of a rock python.

Dong dong dong, dong dong dong. One terrifying muffled sound could be heard before dust and dirt once again flew up into the air from the huge stream and the lagoon.

A berserk aura spread out in all directions, completely destroying everything around the pool. There was no place for them to hide. The face of Jian Wuming and the white-clothed girl were both filled with helplessness as they quietly stood at the sides of the well.

In the Flowing Water Pavilion, the towering ancient tree, under the protection of the Vicious Beast Stone Python, was completely unaffected. He was still fiddling with the branches and leaves of the tree with the wind, emitting an exuberant aura of life.

"Whoosh!" A green shadow flew out from the fluctuations of profound energy. At this point, Wu Hen's entire green robe was tattered. As he panted heavily, he looked around the Flowing Water Tan vigilantly.

"Hehe, it seems like you can't do anything to each other with just your strength!" The Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's shadow moved lightly, appearing behind Wu Hen like a ghost.

"Hehe, I am indeed unable to shake this beast. But at least, he won't be able to take me down! " A bright light shone in Wu Hen's eyes. He now had a clear understanding of his own standing power.

Rumble …

In the stream, the smoke gradually dispersed. A sturdy body that had spiraled into a ring gradually descended and once again stably plunged into the dried stream.

On both sides, the eyes of the beautiful young lady and the sword nameless who were both carrying swords on their backs lit up at the same time. After which, the two of them silently advanced towards Wu Hen.

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