Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 41: 41

The four sides of the valley returned to its quiet state, and streams of water began to flow out of the dry ground. Within the Flowing Water Tan, a nearly pitch black rock was rising and falling, while the towering ancient tree behind it was still swaying in the wind as if nothing had happened. Three figures quietly gathered together on the desolate plain.

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"Hehe, my name is Liu Wuhen, what about you guys?" Wu Hen looked at the two people beside him and chuckled.

"Blade Master Nameless, Blade Master Nameless!" Contrary to Wu Hen's expectations, the white-clothed youth carrying a sword on his back had actually answered his question. Although the youth's tone was icy, there was nothing unusual about it.

"You all, just call me Ninth Miss!" The cold and elegant white-clothed young girl slightly creased her brows. She had an appearance of being able to move thousands of miles away as she spoke in a dry voice with her delicate mouth wide open.

"Ninth Miss? "What a strange name!" Wu Hen looked at the beautiful young girl in white and curled his lips in confusion. Then, he turned to look at the white clothed youth beside him and laughed as if he was familiar with him, "Hehe, I say Nameless, we brothers are really fated to be each other! Not long ago, we met again here! "Furthermore, we are going to be schoolmates again soon. It looks like we'll have to get closer from now on!"

"You're at the late stage of the Soul Building Stage. It seems like you've hidden your strength quite well last time!" A trace of anger appeared on the face of the nameless sword. Recalling the cultivation that Wu Hen had revealed in the forest not long ago, coupled with the combat power that Wu Hen had just used against the Crazed Killer Python, he mistook that as Wu Hen deliberately concealing his strength!

"Hehe, breaking through occasionally is really just a fluke. Brother, I've let you down!" Wu Hen laughed dryly and replied to Jian Wu Ming in embarrassment.

"Humph!" Jianming coldly snorted, he no longer bothered with this topic. Its sharp eyes were like swords as it stared at the towering ancient tree in the pool of water.

"Cough cough, Ninth Miss, why are both of you here at the same time? This place is guarded by Fierce Beasts. Did you discover some strange treasure? " Wu Hen could not help but cough dryly when he saw Jian Nameless was no longer paying attention to him. He turned and looked at the similarly cold young lady in white beside him, forcing himself to open his mouth to ask.

"Passing by!" The girl in white, who claimed to be the Ninth Miss, rolled her eyes at Wu Hen and spat out two words with a cold voice.

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"Cough cough …" It was obvious that he had been taken advantage of. A sense of gloom filled Wu Hen's heart. He had wanted to kindly step forward and talk to her, to liven up the awkward atmosphere. And the result? On the left side, there was an old man with a sullen face and on the right side, there was an older sister with a frosty expression. The two of them stood there as if everyone owed them money. This depressing atmosphere made Wu Hen extremely unhappy.

"A few days ago, I stumbled upon this place! I've seen the scene here in a book! The ancient texts once said, "Where the Cliff Python sleeps, there must be a great treasure in the world!" Swordname stood with his hands behind his back, staring into the distance with his sharp eyes. His face was still abnormally cold, but he started to strangely explain to Wu Hen.

"Yi, so that's how it is. There are definitely strange treasures here!" Wu Hen's eyes lit up when he heard that. He remembered that Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao had also said that there would be great treasures here. Now that he had obtained both the main chamber of the nameless sword, Wu Hen naturally no longer had any doubts about who he was.

"Then, Ninth Miss, you also saw that there is a treasure here?" Wu Hen patiently asked the young lady in white again in a soft voice.

"Passing by!" The ninth lady gently lifted her willow leaf arched brows and said the two familiar words from her mouth, neither cold nor indifferent.

"Three days ago, she came here by chance. When she found me, she didn't leave!" Jian Wu Ming rolled his eyes at Wu Hen who was by Bai's side, his face ashen as he whispered to him in the darkness.

"Cough cough, so you're saying that the Ninth Miss is really just passing by!" Traceless Aftermaths gulped his saliva. It was likely that the nine misses had indeed stumbled upon the hidden Sword Nameless when they passed by this place. If it was said that there was no oddity in this place that could cause Jian Wuming, who was an absolute genius, to halt his steps and wait patiently, even if he were beaten to death, he would not have believed it. It was no wonder that Ninth Miss kept hiding to the side and refused to leave!

"Nameless, how long do we have to wait?" Looking at the water in the lake, Wu Hen secretly transmitted his life force to the towering ancient tree, which was emitting an increasingly purer aura.

"I've been guarding this place for a few more days. The aura coming from this ancient tree is now very mature. I believe that tonight, a great treasure will appear! " Jian Wu Ming's eyes swept across Wu Hen and then looked at the cold and elegant white-clothed female beside him. He did not secretly send a sound transmission and instead spoke straightforwardly.

"Hey, it's ten in the morning!" "Looks like there's still some time before I take a good rest!" Wu Hen looked at the darkened sky and sat down cross-legged to meditate. The Myriad Ancient Art activated quietly, and Wu Hen started to silently absorb the pure life-force emitted from the surrounding air. Once this pure life force entered his body, it quickly fused with the primordial chaos. The originally pure and terrifying grandmist energy began to surge with more and more power as it fused with the faint traces of life energy.

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"Yi, the chaos energy of grandmist is actually much thicker than before. It seems like this strange treasure will certainly bring great benefits to me!" Wu Hen's eyes suddenly lit up. Without saying anything further, he began to circulate the Eternal Heaven Art, secretly absorbing the vigorous life energy around him.

"Why are you telling me this?" The cold and beautiful ninth lady knitted her brows in confusion, and asked Sword Nameless by the side in a low voice.

"Hehe, with just my strength alone, I am unable to cut down that vicious beast Cliff Python! I believe that even you will not be able to take it down! " Jianming stared at the black rocks that were moving up and down in the pond and spoke unhurriedly. To the side, there was no trace of happiness or anger on the cold and elegant face of the Ninth Miss. She only looked ahead and nodded her head lightly.

"Hehe, but adding Wu Hen, my chances of winning will be above level 7! The feeling you give me is that you are always in danger! I believe that if you are willing to make your move, our chances of winning will be above the ninth floor! " The eyes of the mysterious man shone with a bright light as he spoke with confidence!

"How can I trust you?" A sneer appeared on the ice-cold face of the ninth lady, as she asked the nameless sword in a low voice.

"This is still an area where beasts roam. Don't take risks unless you are completely certain! Moreover, who knew if the Cliff Python had any other companions! "Although great treasures are good, if one doesn't have a life to enjoy them, what's the use of having such great treasures?" Jian Wuqing continued to stare into the distance as he muttered to himself.

"Hehe, Ninth Miss! Swordsmen cultivated the heart the most! If he had betrayed us today, he would not have been able to go a long way in his cultivation of the path of the sword! For a treasure, he had to lay down his future prospects! This sort of foolish act, he, Jian Wuming, would not do! Even if this treasure is worth it for him to do so, I believe that he will still not do such a despicable thing! " Wu Hen, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, slowly opened his eyes. With a handsome face looking at the ninth girl, the corner of his mouth slowly suffused a wicked smile.

"There's no point in speaking any further!" Jian Wuqing looked at Wu Hen who was lying on the ground in surprise, before spitting out his cold and disdainful words.

"How do we split that?" Lady Nine's expression was a little awkward as she asked the two in a low voice.

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"If this item is useful to me, I'll try it in triplicate!" If this item is useless to me, I will automatically give it to you! " Jian Nameless had a serious expression on his face as he spoke calmly.

"Swordsmen cultivate the heart. You truly are bold!" Sensing Jian Wuming's awe-inspiring righteousness, Ninth Miss secretly praised him in her heart.

"Hehe, three servings in a row, I have no objections!" Wu Hen smiled faintly, then closed his eyes and started to cultivate.

"I, Ji Ruxue, swear upon the heavens that I will obtain three of these strange treasures. If I have any ulterior motives, I will be devoured by the heart demon!" The ninth girl's expression suddenly straightened as she swore to the gradually darkening sky.

"Swish." A red beam of light appeared out of nowhere and struck the ninth lady, who was clad in white clothes and had a cold expression. The oath made by the heavens was the highest oath made in the Divine Continent. With the heart of martial arts as an oath and the martial soul as a guide, once he broke the oath, the devil in his heart would erupt and he would die in the land of eternal damnation!

"My sword is nameless. I am willing to swear upon the heavens that if I obtain a great treasure, I will use three moves, and if I violate the rules, heaven will be destroyed, and earth would be destroyed!" To the side, Blade Master Ming was stunned for a moment. Then, without any hesitation, he made a promise!

"Swish!" Another bizarre red light appeared out of nowhere, and instantly shot into Jian Wuming's body.

"Hehe, Ji Ruxue, so this is her real name! However, these two fellows are really ruthless to themselves! " Wu Hen, who was sitting cross-legged, was shocked. He looked at the two people beside him with extreme admiration!

"Cough cough, Wuhen brat, I remember now!" This tree is the Myriad Wood Ancestral Tree, and the thing inside its body is the divine object, the Scarlet Sunflower Scarlet Fruit! " The shadow of Demon Lord Huo Xiao floated out and spoke excitedly into Wu Hen's ear.

"Divine object, Scarlet Fruit!" The millions of medicinal pills in the world, from lowest to highest, were divided into nine grades. To be able to say that they were of superior grade was already an extraordinary item!

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And most of the pills in this world were of Grade Six or Seven, which was more than enough to make people fight over them like mad! If it reached Grade Eight or higher, it would be enough to make even the most reclusive old monsters in the world fight over it.

In this world, there were only nine legendary items that had been passed down to this day, and they were all legendary divine medicines! The Red Cloud Vermillion Fruit was one of them. It did not have any actual medicinal effects, but it could nourish and nourish a martial artist's soul. Anyone who devoured such a divine object could awaken their martial soul to cultivate, such as the Soul Transformation Realm, Soul Building Stage, Soul Fusion Stage, Pill Soul Realm, Infant Soul Realm, and the legendary Soul Transformation Realm …

Once it entered the mouth of the Scarlet Fruit, the path of cultivation would be smooth and unobstructed! In addition, in this life, he could at most reach the Soul Transformation realm, the legendary Soul Emperor realm!

An ordinary person who could not cultivate would be able to reach the legendary Soul Transformation Realm even after obtaining the Scarlet Sunglow Fruit! If this were to be obtained by cultivators who already had a foundation in the Martial Dao, they would definitely reach Soul Transformation. How could such a divine object not cause people to fall madly into madness?

"Is it one of the nine great mystical objects in the world, the Scarlet Fruit?" The corner of Wu Hen's mouth curled up into an evil smile as he repeated the name several times in his heart.

"I, Liu Wuhen, am willing to swear on the heavens. Now that he had obtained this divine item, the Scarlet Fruit, he would definitely give it three servings! If you disobey your will, your heart will suffer a backlash and you will die on the spot! "

"Eh, Scarlet Fruit?"

"What?" the divine item, Scarlet Fruit? "

To the side, Jian Nameless and Ji Ruxue, who had not been too concerned about Wu Hen's oath, trembled slightly when they heard Wu Hen mention the Scarlet Fruit. The gazes of the two were like sharp blades, full of shock as they fell on Wu Hen!

"Hehe, if such a great treasure is placed in front of me, I can still swear on the heart of the heavens with my heart!" It seems like the heavens are not unkind to this Demon Lord! " A strange fiery red figure shook slightly. The Demon Sovereign Huo Xiao's crimson cheeks were filled with admiration!

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