Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 400: 400

Among the disciples of the major forces, nearly a hundred of them entered the Star River Square and triggered the Star River array, which was attacked by the star soldiers from heaven.

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Among the major sects, in addition to some determined disciples who were sent back to their respective sects to escape. The other nearly a hundred disciples of various major sects were killed on the spot by the black and white star soldiers.

All these accomplishments were in the later stage of Dan soul realm. The talented disciples of all forces in the realm of cultivation had no fighting power in front of the star soldiers. Some of them were even killed on the spot by the second blow released by the star soldiers when they attacked.

Gulu, Gulu

Looking at the silver mist shrouded star array, all the disciples of the major forces looked at each other. There was a chill in everyone's heart at the same time. It seemed that they couldn't believe what was happening just now“ Hehe, everyone, it seems that if we want to enter the palace, we must join hands to break the battle! " Chen Baozhai desert cold smile, looking around the major forces of the disciples bewitched said.

"Ha ha, I don't know what Chen Baozhai's opinion is about the way of array In the square array of the sword Pavilion team, six young men looked at the desert. One of the leading youths smiles and asks Mo QingHan with interest.

"Yang Feng, the first peak of the sword Pavilion. The other five were all disciples from the second peak to the sixth peak. And my seventh peak has always been excluded by the other six peaks... "A voice without any emotional color, coldly into the ear without trace. Looking at the leading young man in the square array of the sword Pavilion, he recalled his attitude towards the sword nameless before. Without trace, he had a general understanding of the situation of the sword Pavilion and the situation of the sword nameless.

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"Ha ha, nameless, what if you fight him?" Traceless smile, in front of the sword nameless quietly asked.

"You are my enemy. At the end of this journey, I will practice in the sword front. As long as you give me some time, not to mention the inner disciples of the sword Pavilion, even if it's another six peaks sword, I'm confident to fight together. " The sword is nameless, and there is sword Qi around it. The intention of killing and cutting is naturally revealed. At the moment, the nameless sword makes people feel more ruthless, as if they were born to kill the gods.

Since entering the sword Pavilion, the sword, who bears a lot of enmity, has never stopped for a moment. He has been obsessed with the practice of Kendo all day long. In just a few months, he has stood out from the outside world. Even the sword who reached the later cultivation level of danhunjing was nameless. He once fought with several disciples of Qifeng in Jiange. However, the sword nameless in the step-by-step challenge returned with a complete victory, without a loss.

Therefore, sword nameless is also valued directly by the most desolate seventh peak in the sword Pavilion, and even more, it is accepted as a disciple by its seventh peak leader, who is canonized as a candidate for sword in public.

This time I came to the secret environment to practice, and it's also the seventh peak master's intention to sharpen the sword. He was ordered not to break through his suppression cultivation. He could enter the seventh peak of Neimen only after the end of the secret environment training. Otherwise, with the strength of sword nameless, he has already broken through the cultivation and reached the level of cultivation of infant soul.

"Ha ha, you are getting worse and worse! However, I just like you Traceless laughter, looking at the self-confident calm sword in front of nameless heart is inexplicable a warm. Sword nameless treat everyone is a pair of cold, with thousands of miles away appearance, only in the face of traceless will occasionally show a smile. In my words, Liu Wuchen is my first friend and my only brother.

"Ha ha, I have the way to break the array. I just don't know who is willing to join me in breaking the array?" A burst of wild laughter resounded, and Zhen Baozhai looked around coldly. Eyes extremely cold across no trace and sword nameless body shape, and finally slowly fell into the front of the Star River array map.

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"Ha ha, I'm so stiff that I'm willing to join hands with brother Mo!" Stiff evil way Wan Shanhe has already taken pills, now the body injury has recovered more than half. Wanshan River show ferocious smile, eyes coldly staring at no trace and others said.

"Haha, thank you so much for your support!" Mo QingHan burst out laughing and nodded to wanshanhe.

"Ha ha, in that case, my sword Pavilion is willing to give a hand!" Seeing this, Yang fenglang, the leader disciple of the sword Pavilion, laughs, glances at the unknown sword on the opposite side, and then bows his hand to the cold, and speaks calmly.

As soon as the words came out, the other five peak disciples were all slightly stunned, but no one spoke to refute anything. They agreed with Yang Feng's proposal.

"Hey, hey, this proposal sounds good. Let's count it as one of my demons." An extremely ghostly and hoarse voice came out from the square array of all the ghosts in black. The leader of the demon sect was very pale without a trace of blood, and his gloomy eyes with blood red lips made people shiver at a glance."Ha ha, since the devil's hand and devil's son are interested in it, naturally we are welcome to the treasure house." Mo QingHan smiles a little and hugs the gloomy young man in front of him. His attitude is neither humble nor overbearing. Obviously, he knows the identity of the other side as well as the palm of his hand.

"Lan Ao, the devil's hand, is the most famous young disciple of the devil sect. It is said that his magic skill is based on swallowing the hearts of boys and girls. His skill is inhuman and insane. We don't know how many innocent lives have been lost in the hands of a generation of ghosts and demons. " Small fat Zhen not just complexion is extremely gloomy, to have no trace etc. low voice quietly introduction way.

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"Hum, everyone can get rid of such a devil!" The sword is nameless, the whole body is more murderous, and the whole body is healthy. On the other side, the ghosts and demons were all in a daze, but LAN Ao, who is called the devil, didn't think so. He also licked his tongue towards the sword like a provocation.

"Ha ha, don't worry about anonymity. I don't know if it's time not to report. When it's time, everything will be reported!" There was a touch of anger in Wu Chen's eyes, but he nodded to Jian Ming. Obviously, the Star River array is not the best time to break out conflicts with major departments.

"Ha ha, my Bixia palace, is willing to close the power!" In the square array of Bixia palace, Yunni fairy smiles, sweeps her eyes, and speaks softly.

"Ha ha, good good good, there are a lot of fairies with us, we must be as God help!" Chen Baozhai desert is very cold. In vain, he burst into laughter.

Smell speech, a group of Bixia palace fairies together frowned, everyone's heart is a touch of displeasure. Actually, they said that fairies accompany each other, which is what they regard as Bixia palace. Can't it be that the fairies of Bixia palace have come here to accompany your powerful disciples on a sightseeing tour.

"Ha ha, I don't want to be associated with you A burst of ironic laughter came, and a group of tall and burly disciples of the animal Temple walked towards the edge of the Xinghe square, which consciously opened a certain distance from the alliance of major forces headed by desert QingHan.

"Hum, I don't know what's good or bad, a group of fellow beasts!" Desert cold complexion for a while cloudy and sunny uncertain, looking at the animal God Temple a group of people's back, coldly smile way.

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"Amitabha, Buddhists do not participate in worldly struggles. This battle can only be solved by our Buddhists themselves!" A group of monks in monk robes all stepped forward and left in the direction opposite to the strength of each major sect.

"Damn, these guys dare to tear down my platform!" Desert cold face cold to the extreme, looking at a group of Buddhists away, but also dare not make any extraordinary move.

After all, although Buddhism esoteric school rarely travels in mainland China, its strength is beyond doubt. Moreover, the Buddhists and the demons are always at odds. They are natural enemies. They are in the hostile camp, but they are also expected to be in the cold desert.

"Ha ha, a mob!" A laugh of disdain came from the square array of tianyunzong. No trace disdained to sweep across the major forces all a glance, and then step toward the other side of the edge of the Star River Square.

As you can see, Jianming, little fat Zhen Bucai, Manmeng, Zifeng and others all consciously follow the traceless figure. Even the white disciple in the pre surgery hall, with Jinpeng and Yingyan, follows the traceless step. Obviously, in the face of right and wrong, the disciples of Yushu hall are absolutely focused on the overall situation, which is not a little bit higher than the vision of the other Liufeng disciples in Jiange.... < br > in fact, they are more than the others

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