Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 401: 401

In front of the palace, the Star River array is hidden and visible in the silver mist. The disciples of the animal temple and the secret Buddha sect are now on the edge of each other, ready to break the array at any time.

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The rest of the major disciples gathered around Mo QingHan, led by Zhen Baozhai, and even those unknown small forces quietly followed.

No trace disdained to turn his eyes to the major forces in front of the camp, turned around and took a group of tianyunzong disciples to a fringe.

"Cackle, young master Liu, wait a minute..." a warbler swallowing, extremely comfortable and joyful into the empty space. Following the voice, Yunni fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, walks towards Liu Wuchen with a smile on the front. Behind him, she is also closely followed by a beautiful cold and gorgeous woman in white. It is Ji Ruxue.

"Cough, I don't know fairy, what can I teach you?" No trace dry cough two, some puzzled mouth asked. And it is difficult to hide a trace of true feelings in his eyes. Looking at Ji Ruxue coming from behind, he can't help but be a little crazy on the spot.

On the other side, Ji Ruxue, who is always cold and doesn't eat people's fireworks, would have gone on the spot with her family if she had dared to have a man look at her like this.

But now, no trace does not hide the true feelings in the eyes, Ji Ruxue not only does not have half a sense of disgust, but has always been calm in the heart at the moment even inexplicable palpitation.

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"Giggle, Mr. Liu laughs. My younger martial sister has just entered my Bixia palace, and she is not good at communicating with people on weekdays. However, just now I saw that the young master and my younger martial sister seem to have some origins. I wonder if the young master would like to fight again to protect my younger martial sister? " Cloud Ni fairy beauty Mou a pick, full face ponder of stare at no trace, again up and down looked at a time.

"Brush!" As soon as this remark came out, the people of the big forces in the empty field around them were silent for a moment. All eyes fall on Ji Ruxue, eyes full of confusion and consternation.

"Hehe, Yunni fairy, what do you mean? Haven't the Bixia palace promised to join hands with us to break the battle? Why do you want to join hands with tianyunzong now The array treasure house desert is very cold, and its face is very cold. It stares at the cloud neon fairy and asks in a cold voice.

"Boom!" Seeing this, Ji Ruxue's cold face was not shy, and her body suddenly burst out a very strong chill. At this time, Ji Ruxue's whole person is like a thousand years of ice, which makes people unable to get close to him. Even if you look at him, you will feel fear and chill.

"Hum, how come your Bixia palace turns its back on you? Can't others even talk about it?" A cold hum, stiff evil way, Wan Shan He full face sneer, extremely scornful of swept an eye, chilly add body of Ji Ru Xue.

"Wanshanhe, if you dare to look at her again, I will kill you!" An invisible intention of killing sprang up from the body, and the continuous sword intention rose from the body of no trace. The terrifying sword was so fierce that it was forced to go over wanshanhe's body.

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"Boom!" There was a loud explosion, and the sword gas burst out in vain in front of Wanshan river. The evil spirit was instantly strangled by the sword Qi, and wanshanhe had to retreat several times.

The fury of sword Qi released by no trace was restrained only after a few meters. Wan Shanhe's long shirt is full of damage, his eyes are full of anger, and he stares at Wu trace in embarrassment.

"Cluck!" See traceless strike back wanshanhe, cold as ice Ji Ruxue unexpectedly surprised smile. Although the smile is short, it is worth the most precious treasure in the world. Traceless heart rose a warm, handsome face also followed by a faint smile.

"Yunni fairy, what do you mean?" When Mo QingHan sees Ji Ruxue and Wuhen, he is more resentful and angry. He would like to finish it now, and then snatch Ji Ruxue into his arms.

However, the rest of the forces are all covetous. If they force their hand at this moment, they are afraid that they have not taken advantage of it. Instead, they just make wedding clothes for others.

"Cluck, Mr. Mo misunderstood me. I, Bixia palace, said that I would do it. Naturally, I would join hands with the major forces to break the battle." Yunni fairy smile, facing the desert cold slightly owe body. Then, Yunni fairy quietly turned around again, looked straight at no trace, and said with a smile: "Mr. Liu, this battle is extremely dangerous, so I will entrust the safety of my younger martial sister to Mr. Liu!"

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Gulu, Gulu

With the words of Yunni fairy, everyone on the scene was stunned again. And Ji Ruxue even ignores people's astonished eyes, and even goes straight to the side of no trace.

Ji Ruxue looks very calm, as if she should have stood beside no trace. These two people stand in one place, it can be said that the beautiful scenery on a beautiful day is a perfect match. Even the people of the major forces on one side looked at it and could not help but praise it in their hearts.

"Ha ha, Yunni fairy, can't you believe me in this move?" The desert is cold, the face is very ugly, and the teeth are creaking. His eyes were full of fierce light, and he looked directly at the fairy. His anger seemed to explode at any time."Cackle, I Bixia palace internal affairs, do you want to ask for your array treasure house?" Yunni fairy eyes full of smile, white eyes, the side of the desert cold, neither humble nor arrogant way back. At this time, the air of Xuanli was released from the whole body of Yunni fairy, and the momentum of the whole person became extremely overbearing.

"Er..." with a word from Yunni fairy, Mo QingHan was stunned on the spot. Indeed, before the fairy has been forced to bear no power, at this time in vain, there is no sign of outbreak. Not to mention the cold desert, even the other major forces were deterred by their aura.

"Ha ha, thank you for your trust. No trace will be as good as snow!" Traceless light smile, in front of the cloud fairy gently arched. Then, the five elements Xuanli light in the body rises up, and forms a power mask to protect the field with the whole body.

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The power of guarding the field spread rapidly, enveloping Ji Ruxue, Jianming, Zhen Bucai and tianyunzong. Then, he saw no trace step forward, and with a group of people, he immediately stepped into the silver mist shrouded star array.

Brush, brush, brush

At the same time, the animal temples on both sides and the square array of Buddhists, a group of disciples also set out together, and the two forces all stepped into the Star River array.

"Hum, let's go. Let's get into the battle soon!" With a cold hum, the cold desert of the treasure house was full of anger. The first one stepped into the Star River array. Then, a group of disciples of the array Treasure House released their magic weapons, and Qi Qi disappeared into the Star River array.

In the rear area, JIANGSHA Road, Bixia palace, Jiange, Guimo sect, and some other forces all stepped into the Star River array

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