Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 413: 413

Tengteng, Tengteng

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The hot air rose slowly, and the red flame spread out in an instant. The bottomless abyss like bottom of the black hole of the evil moon is now completely shrouded and occupied by the fire.

At the bottom of the endless abyss, no trace, no sword, they release the mysterious force in their body. The terrible spiritual force is full of the scorching sea of fire, which makes the black smoke evil spirit around them unable to invade into the sea of fire.

"Dong!"“ Dong

There were two clear sounds, and the two figures of Wu Chen and Jian Ming were at the bottom of the bottomless abyss. At their feet, they are still filled with evil and black smoke, but they clearly feel that they are now steadily falling on a smooth flat ground.

"Suddenly The black smoke and evil air swirling and surging over the sky immediately seemed to be crazy and surging, and then turned to the bottom. These evil black smoke even completely ignored the burning of the fire, and still came to the bottom of the abyss.

Boom, boom

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For a moment, the fire blocked the invasion of most of the black smoke evil, but there was still a small part of the evil. These black smoke evil spirit crazy attack in no trace and sword nameless two people body shape above.

No trace, sword nameless, two people's body shape all Qi Qi Yi Zhan, already prepared two people let the black smoke evil spirit erode on the body.

"Teng!" The terrible and hot flames of different fire are rising from Wuhen's body continuously. These flames instantly turn into a dragon breathing blood red long core, swallowing all the black smoke and evil Qi from Wuhen's body.

"Hum!" A series of empty shadows of Epee hovering around the body of sword nameless, the speed of galloping is more violent. In the gap between the nameless sword and the empty shadow of the Epee, it seems that it has become a sea of sword Qi. And the evil spirit of black smoke, which had just entered the unknown body of the sword, was instantly reduced to ashes and disappeared under the fierce attack of the sword.

Click, click

Bursts of subtle and clear sound came again, no trace, sword nameless, two people's body shape all at the same time unconsciously tremble. They just felt that what they were trampling on was right, and they were cracking quickly at the moment.

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"Brush!" Little starlight slowly set off from their feet, the bright starlight is more and more dazzling, just a few breath of time, the original bottomless endless abyss, has evolved into a bright sea of stars.

The bright galaxy of stars instantly covered their bodies, and they just felt that the violent pressure around them stopped suddenly.

In this sea of stars, it seems that everything is still, everything around suddenly becomes very quiet. They could hardly feel each other's breathing, even their own. As if in this silver sea of stars, nothing exists.

"Boom!" Just as they were about to forget everything, the five senses in their bodies gradually lost their perception. A sudden explosion sound quickly resounded in their minds. Then, the silver star river sea suddenly swayed violently, and a burst of terror array power slowly shrouded their bodies in it.

"Ha ha, the most dangerous place is the safest place. The black hole of the evil moon seems to have no solution, but I don't know where to put it to die before I can live... "The faint laughter of demon zunhuoxiao rings out, and it comes slowly when the array transmission starts.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh

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Two residual shadows flash away, no trace and sword nameless two figures disappear out of thin air. And the black black hole of the evil moon burst out a bright silver light. The stars are more and more shining, and the whole black hole of the evil moon is covered in an instant.

The outside world, at this time, Zhuge Gongcheng's Secret Body incarnation has solved all the stiff corpses released by wanshanhe.

Wan Shanhe and Mo QingHan retreated rapidly, and they were surrounded and trapped in one place when they counted that their avatars had become horns.

"Brush!" A remnant shadow flashed out, and the weak elder martial brother Zhuge's face was as calm as water. In the face of the scarred mountains and rivers and the cold desert, there was a touch of indifference in his eyes.

"Keke, Zhuge is successful. Please let me go. I promise that zhenbaozhai will never trouble you!" Mo QingHan, who has always been arrogant and domineering, has a look of confusion in his eyes. Then, a bright cold light suddenly flashed in the arms of desert QingHan, and the terrible cold light turned into a light shield instantly, which covered his body again.

"Hum, Zhuge is successful. I'll stay on the front line and see you in the future. If I die of this, I will trace you. At that time, even tianyunzong will not be able to protect you! " Compared with the cold desert, Wan Shanhe's performance is still some backbone. At the moment, Wan Shanhe's stiff and angry, and he envelops himself in it.Under the cover of stiff and evil Qi, wanshanhe's body decayed rapidly. The rotten and deteriorated skin suddenly became stiff and became extremely stiff. The corpse quickly spread and covered. Looking from afar, the Wanshan river at this time seemed to be a still alive corpse.

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"Cluck, stiff evil way secret method, can condense living people into evil corpses, and improve their combat power to resist the enemy in a short time. However, although this method is a means to protect life, it is sure that if the performer is attacked after the event, he will kill 1000 enemies and lose 800. It seems that Wan Shanhe is really in a hurry, otherwise he would not have done so badly! " In the rear, Yunni fairy chuckles and whispers to Ji Ruxue.

Seeing this, Ji Ruxue flashed a look of disgust on her cold face. Looking at Wan Shanhe, who was stiff and evil, he was even more disgusted.

"Poof!" When Zhuge Gongcheng forced wanshanhe and moqinghan into a desperate situation, the silent Star River array suddenly shook violently.

At the same time, the incomparably bright silver burst out without any sign, and instantly lit up the ninth evil moon black hole. Little stars flash away, and the ninth evil moon black hole vanishes in the sky.

"Suddenly A cold wind blew by, and the sun Shuai's face in the middle of the Star River array was shocked in vain. The empty void in front of him was also filled with a faint evil. And in front of them, the bodies of the eight moon generals all trembled in vain, and the silver light of the eight evil spirits burst out again. The eight evil moon black holes, whose momentum was obviously weakened, stabilized once again and whirled wildly in the sky

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