Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 414: 414

Boom, boom

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One after another, the sound of turbulence resounded furiously on the star array. Eight evil month black hole roars wildly, and eight months in the rear turn their body shape into a little bit of moonlight and blend into the evil month black hole.

Eight more violent black holes of the evil moon circled wildly on the spot, leaving only a Japanese commander in red armor standing on the huge star array.

"Amitabha, the evil moon cave is broken!"

"Well, there seems to be array fluctuation just now. Haven't the two of them entered the palace of Star River?"

"No, we've been preempted. It seems that we have to hurry up!"

"Damn, I can't see the excitement. Go ahead and break the battle quickly

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There was a lot of noise from the edge of the Star River array. At the moment when the black hole of the ninth evil moon disappeared, all the disciples of the major forces were aware of the difference produced by the Star River array.

Brush, brush, brush

All the figures rushed out of the hall of beasts and the Buddhists, and the disciples of the two great sects took the lead. The remaining disciples of the two forces had no hesitation and timidity. They rushed into the two terrible black holes of the evil moon on both sides.

Now there are only six leading young disciples left in the sword Pavilion. The sword spirit of these six people is suddenly released, and the sword spirit among them is quickly integrated.

The sword skill array of Suiyi lingran was created, and the strength of six young people in the sword array increased dramatically. The six people looked at each other and saw unprecedented confidence from other people's eyes. Then, six figures stepped on the sword way array, and rushed into the black hole of the evil moon whistling in the sky.

"Whoosh!" In addition to the disciples of the major forces, the only remaining small force team in the field is a few people. Unexpectedly, without half hesitation, he escorted the delicate figure covered by black veil, and disappeared into a black hole of evil moon.

"Jie Jie, we can't let those bald donkeys take the lead. Let's go in and have a look..." as soon as the ghost clan and the ghost hand magic LAN Ao shook their sleeves, they rushed to one of the evil moon black holes.

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Seeing this, a group of ghosts and demons' disciples showed their magic skills, and without hesitation, they also joined the evil moon black hole.

In the blink of an eye, only Zhuge Gongcheng, Wan Shanhe and Mo QingHan are left on the huge star river array.

In the rear, Zhen Bucai, Ji Ruxue and Yunni fairy, the elder martial sister of Bixia palace, were stunned on the spot.

"Hum, Zhuge's success, if it goes on like this, the treasure will be taken away by them!" The desert is cold, the face is anxious, and the magic power of the weapon is released more and more strongly. His cold eyes were full of hatred, and he looked at elder martial brother Zhuge with gnashing teeth.

"Hey, you alone, I'm afraid you can't leave us both at the same time!" A burst of evil smile came from the mouth of Wanshan River, which had almost turned into a stiff corpse. At this time, the Wanshan river has given people a sense of extreme ghost danger, even the desert cold on one side unconsciously opened a safe distance from it.

"Ha ha, if you can keep the two of you, you'll only know if you try!" Having said that, I saw Zhuge Gongcheng's body again covered with white threads, bright silver covered with a piercing chill rising. Dozens of shadow incarnations slowly gathered together again. On his chest, there was a spirit of martial arts, and the mysterious force was fluctuating.

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"Run separately!"

Wan Shanhe and Mo QingHan saw that the situation was not good, so they rushed out one left and one right towards both sides. But Zhuge Gongcheng saw their bodies flashing out, but there was no action to stop them. Then, Wan Shanhe, Mo QingHan, and the other two, as if released again, chose to face the black hole of the evil moon nearest to their body shape, and jumped into it as if they were fleeing.

"Poof!" A burst of Xuanli's Qi diffused and dissipated, and the silver light from Zhuge Gongcheng quickly gathered in his body. Weak body slightly trembled, obviously just cast the secret method to its own consumption is also very huge.

"Elder martial brother!" Small fat Zhen not just a step out, will Zhuge success firmly on the spot. In the past, little fat Zhen Bucai and Zhuge Gongcheng didn't have much to do with each other. He even often looked down upon Zhuge's success. He felt that he was always playing cool and cool, and that he was disgusting with the school of the elder martial brother of the pre art hall.

However, when he entered the secret realm this time, Zhuge's success always focused on the overall situation at every critical moment. Moreover, when Yingyan and Jinpeng were attacked, Zhuge Gongcheng made a decisive move, which conquered and captured xiaopang Zhen Bucai."Cough, quick, they must have found a way to break the battle. It seems that the black hole of the evil moon can only be cracked inside! We have to hurry up. Otherwise, if the other disciples of the sect meet them first, I'm afraid they will suffer a dark loss if they don't know... "ZHUGE Gongcheng coughs fiercely and says to little fat Zhen Bucai with his face cut.

Smell speech, small fat Zhen not just in the eyes flash a touch of warm color, to Zhuge elder martial brother heavily nodded. Then, the little fat Zhen Bucai's face was crossed with a look of hesitation, and his eyes fell on the body of houfang jiruxue and Yunni fairy.

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"Cluck, thanks to the care of tianyunzong, Yunni will remember it! This time, we are about to break the battle. You don't need to estimate us. You'd better go quickly and help Mr. Liu! " Yunni fairy light smile, to Zhuge Gongcheng and little fat Zhen not just gently give a blessing.

"Thank you very much, fairy!" Zhuge Gongcheng bows his hand and gives a salute to Yunni fairy. Immediately, Zhuge Gongcheng released the mysterious force of his whole body without any reservation. He pulled up little fat Zhen Bucai and ran to one of the two remaining black holes in the void.

Poof, poof, the two figures, like moths to the fire, suddenly disappeared into the black hole of the evil moon.

"Suddenly A cold wind blows on my face, and in a moment, only Yunni fairy and Ji Ruxue are left on the huge star array.

"Elder martial sister, what shall we do?" Ji Ruxue, who is treading on the cold ice array, has a cold eye. She looks at the fairy beside her and asks in a low voice.

"Eh, there must be something mysterious about the appearance of the black hole of the evil moon. If each Dharma array can only enter two people, we will become a burden if we follow the people of Tianyun sect. In this case, I believe that with the joint efforts of our teachers and sisters, we can certainly break through a Dharma array! " Yunni fairy quickly flashed several possibilities in her brain, and told Ji Ruxue what she thought was the most reliable analysis.

Smell speech, Ji such as snow on the face of indifference flash out a touch of identity, in front of the cloud Ni fairy gently nodded. Then, the mysterious force of their bodies burst out at the same time, and they stepped into the black hole of the evil moon without hesitation

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