Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 415: 415

Eight bottomless black holes, like the abyss, are circling wildly in the sky. The Japanese commander in fiery red armor was majestic, his eyes fixed on the only eight black holes in front of him. And in the black hole with eight evil spirits, there are waves of mysterious force in it now.

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"Suddenly A strange fishy wind suddenly rose in the sky, and the silver white fog around the Star River Palace trembled in vain. The silver fog is gathering more and more thick, making the whole Star Palace covered with a mysterious veil.

At this point, inside the Star Palace. In vain, he made a brilliant flash out of thin air. Then, in vain, a black crack opened in the void of the hall, and a hot and strange red light flashed out of the crack.

As the red light became more and more intense, the hot breath filled the whole palace. The fiery red flame sets off the fiery red inside the palace. In this sea of fire, two vague figures appear.

"Click, click!" In the void, with the two figures thrown out by the dark cracks, the strange space cracks healed completely again, just as nothing happened just now.

"Whoosh!"“ Whoosh

The two figures in the air flash away, and the two of them fall on the ground of Xinghe palace. The fiery rising flame gradually retreated into the body, quietly opened the mind and carefully looked around.

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Looking at the interior of Xinghe palace, it is not as magnificent as imagined. On the contrary, the interior of Xinghe palace is full of rustic flavor, with a straight corridor to the end. On both sides of the main hall are ancient wooden relief buildings full of simple flavor.

Under these relief buildings, there are a variety of books on one side. On the other side, there are all kinds of weapons with the spirit of killing. On both sides of the road, there are all kinds of magic weapons of array

Around the straight corridor of Xinghe palace, there are six groups of strange stone carvings with human body and animal face standing side by side on the ground.

The twelve stone carvings with human body and animal face are opposite each other, and each one exudes the flavor of simplicity. Moreover, even if we don't release any spiritual power to explore, we can clearly feel the terrible spiritual power of each stone carving.

At the end and top of the twelve stone carvings with human body and animal face, there are three throne with different luster side by side. The three thrones have three distinct breath.

The throne on the left side is full of bright stars, even if no one sits on it, it also makes people feel an inexplicable impulse to worship.

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On the right side of the throne, silver light like moonlight slants across the sky. The whole throne gives people an extremely elegant but daunting sacred feeling.

There is a red throne in the center, and the air around it seems to be infected by its own red light. This throne is placed on the main hall, just like a natural king. At a glance, people will feel ashamed and unable to extricate themselves

Gulu, Gulu

A few heavy gasps came from the two people, no trace and no name sword. Looking at the treasures all over the ground, as well as all kinds of mysterious skills on both sides of the world, click and magic weapon, no trace and sword nameless two people can even hear each other's nervous heartbeat.

If all the ancient books and treasures in the palace can be taken away, I'm afraid it will be enough to look down on the inside information of any top clan power in mainland China today.

Inside the main hall, when they think of the place where they are moved, they all see an inexplicable rush from each other's eyes. It is a kind of greed from the heart, and it is also a kind of greed and greed that human beings have been unable to abandon since ancient times.

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"Teng!" A burst of scorching flame rose up, no trace, just feel the heart in vain, like a fire burning pain. The flaming flame instantly covers the whole body of no trace, which makes the whole mind of no trace wake up in an instant.

"Hum!" On the other side, a loud and clear sword sound resounded, which made a terrible sword sound reverberate inside the Xinghe palace.

At this time, the sword is nameless, and the Qi of the whole body rises. The momentum released by the whole person seems to be a peerless sword with upright Qi. His cold eyes were full of upright spirit. At this time, there was no trace of selfish desire.

"Brush!" A strange red light flashed out, and the fire red shadow of the demon zunhuoxiao rushed out of the traceless body like a ghost.

As soon as the ghost came out of the fire sky, the whole Xinghe palace trembled. A wave of invisible spiritual power swept through the palace. The three mysterious thrones in front of the palace and the twelve stone carvings on both sides of the corridor below were shining at the same time."Old demon, are you ok?" Traceless eyes a coagulation, looking at just been swept by the light of the demon respect fire Xiao Xu shadow asked softly.

"Ha ha, no harm! The Star River hall is full of spiritual power. If it doesn't, it will be confused and induced. But fortunately, I'm in a spiritual state, and even if I'm strong in spirit, I can't do any substantial harm. "

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"Although you have practiced the second refreshing decision of eternal Heaven and earth, you can effectively resist this powerful spiritual power. But we must not take it lightly, lest we have to try not to overturn the boat in the sewer! " Demon respect fire Xiao light a smile, empty shadow in a flash then come to have no trace side light voice to charge a way.

"Traceless, do you see it?" At this time, we have not yet waited for a reply. I saw the strange light in the palace flash away, but still did not escape the sword nameless extremely keen divine consciousness. Jian Mingming looks at the three mysterious thrones and the twelve stone statues in front of him, who are still as calm as ever. He is extremely alert and whispers to Wu trace quietly.

"Ah, nameless, everything here is so weird. The treasures scattered around seem to have some kind of magic power, which will bewitch my heart and take them as my possession! " No trace at this time the same face grim incomparable, scanning around scattered treasure, inexplicable sigh.

"Well, nameless, do everything carefully, I'll go and have a try first..." no trace answered the sword nameless, raised his legs and strode towards the empty place beside him.

On one side of the empty field, treasures are scattered everywhere, and each of them has a simple luster. All the ancient magic tools are covered with mysterious spiritual power, which exudes the atmosphere of bewitching and reflects into the traceless eyes.

"Gulu!" No trace hard swallow swallow saliva, some into the dull state of the eyes suddenly wake up. In the body, heaven and earth will run wildly, and the magnificent and surging Qi of Hongmeng chaos will be filled in every meridian of the whole body. No trace only feels that the whole person's mind is as pure as ever, and the spiritual power in his mind is quietly released< br>

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