Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 417: 417

Boom, boom, boom

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On the grey sky curtain above the Star River Palace, there were several sharp flashes of terror suddenly without warning. With several flashes falling at the same time, the eight evil moon black holes in the lower Star River array all burst one by one.

Brush, brush, brush

A road of embarrassed figure, one after another flash on the Star River array map. At this time, the temperature of the Star River array began to rise inexplicably, and the terrible and hot fire was constantly bursting out from the sun Shuai's body in red armor.

The fiery flame is becoming more and more intense, and the hot light is burning all over the star array in a twinkling of an eye. On the Star River array map, the position of the star soldiers and the moon generals has been transformed into fiery pillars.

On top of the fiery Star River array, there are only a few dozen disciples in each major sect. At the moment, he was completely surrounded by the flames of terror, as if he was in the endless sea of fire, and he might die at any time. His life was at stake and he was about to fall.

In the aspect of tianyunzong, Zhuge Gongcheng, little fatty Zhen Bucai, and both of them are all safe and sound on the Star River array. On one side, Ji Ruxue, who was covered with cold, was supporting the seriously injured Yunni fairy, and slowly approached them.

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In the aspect of the animal temple, there were only less than five people left in the original team of dozens of people, and all of them were very fierce and fierce. At first sight, they were not ordinary practitioners of martial arts in the later stage of Dan soul realm.

There are Buddhists and devils in each of the two sects, and the two sects have several disciples following them. As for the other disciples, I'm afraid they have already disappeared into ashes.

The sword Pavilion and the six leading youths who joined hands to display the sword array were extremely embarrassed, but none of them fell down, and they all fell into the Star River array.

Stiff evil road wanshanhe, at this time has been completely incarnated as a corpse, the whole body is full of stiff evil gas, blood red terror eyes also vaguely maintain a trace of reason.

The desert of zhenbaozhai is cold, covered with rags of blood, and blood is flowing out of the corners of the mouth. The heavy treasure carried by the body has lost nearly 70% or 80%.

Wan Shanhe, Mo QingHan, and the two subconsciously gathered together. Their eyes were full of hatred and they swept around. They were extremely vigilant and focused on the movements of all forces in case of unexpected events.

In addition, another small force on the Star River array survived. All the people of this force were dressed in black and masked. Judging from their bodies, they were five strong men. And before has been closely guarded by the five strong man in the middle of a person, still standing in the ranks. At this time, this petite body chest is in waves of ups and downs, the concave and convex body shape makes people look at it, then unconsciously unable to extricate themselves.

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"Dong!" The Japanese commander in flaming armor planted two big flags on the ground. Then, I saw it suddenly step out, and the whole star array map trembled inexplicably.

Endless rising red flame, at this moment as if all alive in general. The fiery red flame dances with some peculiar melody, and the pillar of fire on the Star River is formed instantaneously. All of a sudden, it turned into a number of long core of terror fire snakes, toward the various forces on the Star River array, and all of them hanged away with the momentum of extinction.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Fire snakes rushed into the crowd of all forces, and all at once engulfed them. The temperature of the terrible flame rises more and more furiously, as if to melt everything that does not belong to the star array.

All the forces were shocked by the sudden attack. They all worked hard to stimulate the mysterious force in their bodies. A terrible mysterious force was released without reservation, and they jointly resisted the terrible fire snake faced by all the people.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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The sound of burning flames and scorching fire sprang up. In an instant, several weak warriors resisted the attack of the fire snake. One after another, they urged the transmission symbols they carried, and at the first time they chose Baoming to escape back to their respective clan. At the same time, there are also some disciples who are slow to respond. Before they have time to activate the power of Fu Zhuan, they are engulfed by the fire and buried in the sea of fire.

Several fire snakes swept by at the same time, and there was still a burning flame on the ground. Originally on the ground paved with green bricks, there was a trace of fiery red at this time. If you look at all the forces, you can see that they are all in a mess. Except for the leaders of the major powers, the rest of the guard disciples have disappeared.

"Elder martial sister..." Yunni fairy breath extremely weak, the whole person's state has obviously become the end of the crossbow. Just in the black hole of the evil moon, a lot of Xuanli was expended, which escorted Ji Ruxue to escape from the sky. Now, Yunni fairy consumes the remaining Xuanli in her body again, which makes them avoid the attack of the terrible fire snake."Cough, younger martial sister, I'm afraid I won't last long. It seems that I can only give up this trip to the secret realm. Come back to the sect with me!" Cloud neon fairy eyes are full of unwilling color, breath extremely weak, struggling reluctantly said.

"Good!" Ji Ruxue didn't say much, but nodded heavily to Yunni fairy. At the moment, she just wants to escort Yunni fairy back safely. As for the treasures of the secret realm, it is obviously not important for her.



Just when Ji Ruxue was distracted, suddenly there were two figures, one left and the other right. A monstrous evil spirit directly pours on Ji Ruxue's body, and the other side's treasure is mercilessly smashed on Yunni fairy's body.

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Click, click, click

The monstrous evil spirit is enveloped, and the cold ice array under Ji Ruxue's feet quickly exerts its power. The blue and transparent air of ice is like a natural barrier, which completely blocks the evil spirit that wants to enter the body.

At the same time, a flash of light, a terrible pressure quickly shrouded. I saw a sharp axe wrapped by Xuanli, mixed with violent intention to kill, and it went straight to the head of Yunni fairy.

"Elder martial sister!" Ji Ruxue, who is in the guard of the cold ice Dharma array, is killing her in her clear and cold eyes. The breath of the whole person is even colder, as if it is a ice beauty that has not been melted for thousands of years, which makes people feel awed and daunted.

"Poof!" The terrible heavy axe cut down and smashed the head of the fairy to pieces on the spot. Yunni fairy didn't even have time to say a word, so she was killed on the spot by this treasure.

Whoosh, whoosh, the two figures in front didn't stay at all. After one hit, they quickly retreated to the rear. As Wan Shanhe and Mo QingHan's figure stabilized, they all showed a ferocious and ugly smile on their faces

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