Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 418: 418

The Star River array in the fiery huff and puff has an inexplicable chill. The corpse of Yunni fairy falls quietly in the pool of blood. The flame left on the ground rises quickly, melting and burning all the corpses that have lost Xuanli's guard on the spot.

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"Ha ha, this is the end of daring to fight us!" Wan Shanhe, who had been completely corpsed, had a bloodthirsty cruelty in his eyes. He stared at the cloud Fairy on the ground and turned to ashes. He laughed wildly.

"Hey, little girl, as long as you follow me now, maybe I can spare your life! Otherwise, the young man will die young. I'm really reluctant to give up! " Mo QingHan's face was full of obscene smile, and his eyes did not hide his greed. One side the color Mi Mi's death stares at Ji such as snow don't put, one side is full of threat of sneer.

Brush, brush, brush

On the Star River array, all the surviving gifted evil disciples frown in disgust and stare at Wan Shanhe and Mo QingHan.

After all, just two people had a joint raid, the Bixia Palace this time led to the cloud fairy to kill on the spot. Although some of them won't win, the threat brought by them is still obvious. No one wants to fight against the enemy with all his strength. There are two hidden dangers behind them, waiting for the opportunity.

Therefore, the disciples of all forces were on the alert and killed them on the spot. In addition to the Japanese commander in the Star River array, another fatal hidden danger existed.

"You all deserve to die..." Ji Ruxue's face is very cold, and the killing intention in her bright eyes is not concealed. Facing the two evil leaders of the two major sects alone, he didn't feel the slightest fear.

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Ji Ruxue is a great master of the cold ice array. Her whole body is full of cold strong wind. Moreover, endless wind and snow come out of the cold ice array under her feet. Suddenly, a whirlpool is formed, which envelops her whole body, making it impossible for outsiders to see the real situation of Ji Ruxue.

"Dong!"“ Dong

Two violent whirlwinds, centered on the ice Dharma formation, flew out with the snowstorm. Two whirlwinds mixed with the momentum of fury, straight at the Wanshan River and Mo QingHan two people's body crazy rolling away.

Violent momentum huff and puff of snow and rain, straight will wanshanhe and Mo QingHan two people's way to stop. With the help of wind, snow, ice, water and several mysterious forces, the violent whirlwind suddenly bombarded wanshanhe and moqinghan heavily.

Bang, bang, two sudden dull sounds shocked the hearts of the people present again. Under the fierce whirlwind bombardment, the two figures stood still.

Endless evil spirit and fury leaked out, and wanshanhe's corpse's body seemed to have no pain. Let the violent whirlwind like a knife to blow the stab, but it still stood in place. Bloodthirsty and cruel eyes obviously show a touch of anger, killing intention lingran look at the opposite Ji Ruxue's position.

Compared with wanshanhe, Mo QingHan is in a very bad situation. His heavy treasure has been used for 7788 years. Under Ji Ruxue's fierce attack, he can't sacrifice a defensive heavy treasure.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

The violent ice whirlpool momentum gradually weakened, and wanshanhe and moqinghan's figures showed up again. Incomparable evil spirit gradually released, toward Ji Ruxue's place slowly shrouded package. However, the desert cold on one side retreats quietly. It is obvious that it has just urged chongbao to resist the storm, which also consumes a lot of energy for itself.

Whoosh, whoosh, just after wanshanhe and moqinghan resist Ji Ruxue's crazy attack, two figures appear behind them.

"Boom!"“ Boom

Without half hesitation, the two figures did not say a word, and at the same time they started to punch. Two fierce Xiao Sha's air suddenly hit wanshanhe and Mo QingHan.

"Keke..." the evil spirit shrouded the corpse like wanshanhe, and his body was shocked. On his rigid body after corpse, a big fist seal appeared at the moment. Then, in the face of the situation that the fist has not yet been won, the chubby figure behind Wan Shanhe does not love fighting, but turns into a shadow, and quietly retreats towards the edge of the Star River array.

On the other hand, a shadow flashed away. However, the fist that canying just hit turned into countless horrible fist shadows at the moment when he bombarded the body of desert QingHan. And the Xuanli Qi that each boxing shadow burst out was no less than that of the strong one in the later cultivation of Dan's soul realm.

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Click, click, clickWith a strange sound of fragmentation, there is a light on Mo QingHan's body. If it wasn't for this strange light shield, just like a storm of fist shadow, there would be no suspense to kill Mo QingHan on the spot.

Even so, with the disintegration of the magic weapon of desert cold, there are still countless fists turned into streamers and shadows bombarded on its body.

"Ah A heartrending scream rang through the whole star array in an instant. Without the protection of magic weapon, the whole person is like a broken kite. The figure quickly turned into a fleeting streamer, which was blown out by the shadow of the fist, and a red blood line was drawn in the air.

"Plop!" Desert cold body heavily fell out of dozens of meters away, the body's breath suddenly began to become depressed. In his hand, he quickly added a transmission rune, and his eyes were full of hate, staring at the white figure not far ahead.

"Jie Jie, tianyunzong, also likes to do such things?" In the square array of the demon clan, LAN Ao, the demon hand, laughs and stares at Zhuge Gongcheng, who is dressed in white.

"Amitabha, it's good to get rid of the wicked. What's wrong with killing demons and supporting justice? " When the square array of Buddhists was in the way, a young monk, who was the leader of Buddhists, gave a faint smile and whispered back.

"Hum!" LAN Ao coldly glanced at the young monk opposite him and didn't say much. It was obvious that he had known each other for a long time. After all, Buddhas and demons have not been separated from each other since ancient times. Both sides knew each other better and their details were reasonable.

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"You really deserve to die..." ZHUGE Gongcheng didn't pay attention to the dispute between the ghost and demon sect and the secret Buddha sect, but walked slowly towards Mo QingHan step by step.

"Aren't you afraid of the Revenge of my treasure house?" Mo QingHan's face was extremely defeated, and he held the transmission Rune in his hand. It seems that it is possible for the spell to escape at any time.

"Roar!" With a roar, Wan Shanhe, who was almost crazy after being corpsed, finally couldn't suppress the fury in his heart and rushed to Ji Ruxue, who was in the cold ice array.

In the rear, Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, saw that the situation was not good, and rushed to pursue him crazily. Zhuge Gongcheng's face changed slightly, and he looked at Ji Ruxue's position with some worry.

In this gap, desert cold eyes in vain a touch of splendor. The teleportation spell in his hand instantly sent out, and the whole face suddenly showed a relief as if he had been released again.

"Brush!" At the same time that everyone was shocked, an invisible killing intention burst out from the rear of the desert. The terror kills the meaning Yin cold matchless, immediately will have no guard of desert pure cold to lock to death on the spot. Then, I saw a small shadow flash out, and a cold light flashed across the void.

With a flash of cold light, the terrible air of Xuanli burst out in an instant, and a thread of blood flew out of the void. The whole person's eyes were wide open, and his breath quickly weakened and disappeared. All of a sudden, the bright and dark transmission array symbol suddenly flashed, lost the support of Xuanli, and scattered on the ground like a piece of waste paper< br>

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