Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 426: 426

"Poof!" The red streamer flashed away, and the nameless body of the sword trembled in vain. In a flash, the fierce and hot air rushed out of his body, as if he wanted to burn the sword on the spot.

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"Hum!" With the nameless sword all over the body, the Epee in his hand shook in vain. The endless intention of killing and cutting the sword is fierce and fierce, and it pours into every meridian root in the body of the sword nameless, helping him suppress and control the source of the rebellious fire force.

It took less than a quarter of an hour from the attack of the stone statue of Tauren to the defensive counterattack of sword nameless, while sword nameless successfully killed the stone statue of Tauren.

On the other side, it seems to have changed at the moment.

We can only see that the stone statues with sheep's faces come with a sense of permeating ice. The chilling chill immediately bombarded the traceless body, and even the ground covered by the pen straight corridor was covered with layers of cold frost.

Click, click, click

At the moment when the piercing chill bombarded the traceless body, the traceless body in purple and gold armor trembled in vain. In his body, there is a burning flame rising out in a flash, and all of a sudden, the cold air invading his body is forced out.

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"Poof!" The meaning of ice and the rising flame collide with each other, which makes the temperature in the void form two strange extremes: ice and fire.

"Death A very rare word sound is strangely called out from the mouth of the stone statue with the head of sheep. Then, in vain, two strange blue awns appeared in the eyes of the stone statue of sheep's head, and suddenly it hit the body of no trace full of flames.

Strange blue awn hit on the traceless body, traceless body a shock, instantly feel numb from head to foot. On his purple gold armor, the power of dark gold lightning quickly lingered.

A false shadow of Thunder Dragon with a triangular head, which is exactly the same as the small earth dragon, suddenly breaks the strange blue awn shackles that envelop the traceless body.

"Brush!" In a flash, the stone statue of sheep's head has approached the body without trace. Then, he quickly raised the huge hammer of Xiao Sha, which was covered with strange blue awn in his hand, and smashed it down to the top of his head.

"Hum!" A bright silver light flashed in vain, and the air of the five elements Xuanli in traceless body rose in an instant. The colorful Xuanli Qi and the sword Qi released by it instantly dissolve, and the power mask of guarding the field is formed out of thin air.

"Poof The heavy hammer with strange blue light smashed down, and even went straight through the light shield defense of the power of guarding the field. And the chilling chill from the terrible hammerhead immediately locked the whole person firmly on the spot. Then, the distance between the heavy hammer and the traceless head is getting closer and closer, and the terror pressure brought by it is also getting stronger and stronger.

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No trace just felt that the strange heavy hammer in front of him seemed to be bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, it was enough to cover his whole body. In the face of this sudden blow, no trace could not raise any resistance in his heart. As if this heavy hammer should fall like this, he should also suffer from this heavy hammer. Generally, he should be punished like this.

"Roar!" At the moment of no trace's hesitation, the gradually enlarged terror hammer has been forced down rapidly. Then, a deafening hiss and roar, the Turks sprang up, and the seventy-two towers of Wuchen's internal organs all trembled violently.

"Whoosh!" Wake up later after the no trace, the first time they chose the body back. And the heavy hammer falling from the top of his head is close to the cheek of no trace, heavy bombardment on the ground where no trace just stood.

"Boom!" The heavy hammer with strange blue awn smashed on the ground without any damage to its flat ground. However, the blue light spread along the hammer head, freezing all the ground touched by the hammer into thick ice.

"Cough..." no trace a burst of light cough, body shape in a flash, then again quietly flashed out. At this time, no trace chest purple gold armor above, obviously has a deep gravure to highlight. Obviously, although the heavy hammer didn't succeed just now, the strange cold air sent out from its heavy hammer broke the defense of no trace and was proud of, and hit on the defense armor of its purple gold inner elixir.

"Hoo Another breath of turbid Qi slowly spits out from the traceless mouth, and the interior of the purple gold armor clings to the estrangement of the traceless body. At this time, there is a hot flame rising, which will melt and incinerate all the strange ice left in its crevice.

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"Ha ha, no trace boy, it seems that the stone statue with the head of sheep not only has the source of the mysterious power of water, but also is good at attacking some spiritual power!" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow floats back and forth, and its rich voice echoes quietly in traceless mind.

"Bah!" No trace gently wiped the corner of the mouth, a cold congestion spit out from its mouth. If it wasn't for the small earthworm to wake it up in time just now, I'm afraid that the heavy hammer will really kill Wu trace on the spot.Click, click, click

At the moment of no trace's restlessness, a strange sound came from his feet again without any sign. I saw all the blue ice layers turned into strange blue awns, and when the cavitation formed into ice swords covered with blue awns.

"Damn, do you want to kill like this?" No trace looked at the strange blue ice swords in front of him. The breath released from each ice sword was no less than the full blow of the later masters of Dan soul realm. There are nearly a hundred ways of ice swords. At this time, they are full of Xiao Sha's intention. They all lock the whole body of Wu trace to death.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Dense streamers came, and the whole void was covered with blue ice swords in the blink of an eye. Continuous chill into a, will be no trace of the whole space are completely locked up.

In the face of this sudden terrorist crisis, the air of Xuanli in Wuhen's body is released without reservation. The mysterious power of the five elements and the intention of guarding the sword merge into the power mask of guarding the field, and the purple and gold armor creaks all over his body, and the terrible undercurrent hovers rapidly on his body. Even so, Wu trace, who has a strong body, still dares not be careless, and tries his best to show the ethereal power of catkins in his body. The whole person is as light as a flying catkin, and can walk freely under its ice sword attack.

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Not only that, while avoiding the attack of ice sword power, Wuchen also madly sacrificed Liu style nine swords. Among them, the sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the continuous sword cover, the bright moon rising from the sword, the dawn falling from the sword, and the four types of sword moves are displayed at the same time.

The continuous meaning of Yin cold sword is continuously released from the silver sword body. In a moment, the sword spirit interweaves with the painting, which outlines a beautiful picture of the south of the Yangtze River. But in this beautiful painting, the speed of the strange pan blue ice sword's attack is all slowed down in an instant.

The silver sword flies out of no trace's hand like a moon rising slowly in an instant. The bright moon shines everywhere, wiping out most of the spiritual power covered on the strange blue ice sword.

Then I saw the bright moon quickly turned into a little bit of colorful starlight, and between the bright and dark, the starlight ignited red.

The fiery red flame, like the rising of the morning glow, fell obliquely. In an instant, it engulfed the strange and cold pan blue ice sword all over the sky

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