Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 427: 427

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A series of slight cracking sounds became more and more intense, and in an instant, the whole area of the straight corridor was occupied by the harsh sound.

I saw the sword of ice with blue awn in the void, and it was in fierce contact with the glow of the sky. All the blue ice swords turned into ice water and disappeared on the spot.

The four magnificent scrolls of artistic conception are fleeting, and the subtle atmosphere they once left behind is still left in the void.

"The misty rain and misty night in the south of the Yangtze River are full of love. A bright moon rises quietly, and the morning glow is waiting to rise Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow negative hand but stand, looking at in front of just dissipated such as flower beautiful volume secretly exclamation way.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

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A series of strange noises rang out frequently, and the quiet Xuanli Qi in the void trembled in vain. The four beautiful scenes gradually dissipated and disappeared into nothingness. In the remaining air, there were little stars flickering.

Every shining light seems to be the stars in the vast river of stars, even in a ray of light contains a touch of pure power of stars.

At the same time, holding the silver sword standing proudly, there are several meridians in Wuchen's body, and the bright stars are shining, as if they are echoing with the power of the stars. Unexpectedly, unconsciously, he absorbed and gathered the rare stars in the surrounding air on the traceless body.

"Hoo A very smooth dark light call, slowly spit out from the traceless mouth. The power of stars twinkling in traceless body is more loud and clear, and greedily absorbs all the power of stars gathered by the surrounding void into traceless body.

"Hum!" In the distance, the three stately and mysterious thrones above the end of the straight corridor trembled violently and inexplicably at the first time when the whole body of traceless changed.

The three mysterious thrones exude three distinct and strange breath, just like three kings born with noble spirit. They flash and shine with the power of the stars released by traceless photography, and they flash together with each other.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa

The sound of a series of heavy collisions came up coldly, and the elder martial brother Yang Shou's dull face was full of consternation. The huge hammer in his hand was quickly covered by layers of ice, and the sharp blade on the hammer body was as hard as a saw tooth. It was once again turned into a sharp sword full of killing spirit, rising slowly and floating out of the void.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

On one side, Qi has solved the namelessness of the sword of the stone statue of the ox head. At this moment, he has successfully refined most of the source of the mysterious power of fire in his body. The sword, which was not originally armed with the Xuanli attribute of fire, is nameless. Now there is a hot and reddening heat wave around the body.

Today's sword nameless can't control the mysterious power of fire in its body freely, but its perception of the mysterious power of fire and the resonance feeling aroused by the communication between heaven and earth are no longer comparable to the sword nameless who didn't get the origin of the mysterious power of fire before.

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"Cough, traceless boy, it seems you should work harder!" Demon zunhuoxiao red virtual shadow flash out, toward the direction of no trace slowly floating. Obviously, sword nameless is about to completely refine the source of the mysterious power of fire, which is really a big incentive for Wuchen.

"Ha ha, it's time to show the real technology!" After listening to the words of demon zunhuoxiao's plaintive voice, no trace burst out laughing in vain. See its handsome face in vain on a bad evil smile, bright and bright eyes in vain in many places with a bright flash.

"Brush!" Just for a moment, the momentum on Wu Chen's body jumped to the highest level of the later cultivation of Dan's soul realm. And in its purple and gold armor covered, even strange faintly visible a bright star light flickering up.

At this time of no trace, the whole person seems to be a mysterious existence. There are stars twinkling in every meridian of his body. The stars released by these stars are not inferior to any star soldier on the Star River array. Even with the rising of the power of the stars, the momentum of traceless leaps beyond any one of the six silver bound moon generals.

"Hum!" With three violent roars, the three mysterious thrones above the end of the straight corridor shook violently again. Moreover, with the tremor of the three mysterious thrones, there are three inexplicable breath in the void.

There are three strange and mysterious projections of nothingness on the three thrones, which are the breath of the king like the fierce and domineering sun, the bright shadow of the evil moon, and the complicated stars in the vast starry sky."Damn, is this the legendary sun, moon, star, heaven and earth in the six realms? This, this thing how can be in this barren continent in the world Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow in vain a shake, has always been calm plain face above a flash of astonishment. Demon zunhuoxiao was in the same place. He couldn't believe that he was looking forward to the three light projections,

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At the same time, the stone statue with the head of a sheep holding a heavy hammer and full of cold power all over its body also changed its dull and indifferent face in vain. His disdainful eyes were full of fear at this time. Looking at the strange power of stars released from Wu Chen's body, there was a faint sign that he wanted to surrender. The pan blue ice sword suspended in front of him is now as powerful as it can be. It can't resist at all.

"Ha ha, good opportunity, now..." although Wu trace does not know why the three mysterious thrones will tremble inexplicably, and also does not know the implication of the three light projections of the sun, moon and stars on the three mysterious thrones. However, no trace is the first time to detect the strange reaction of the stone statue of sheep's head in the opposite. No trace will easily let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

I saw the silver sword in my hand slowly and quietly raised again, and a dazzling silver light flew out in a flash. The silver sword that lit up slowly cut through the silent sky, and suddenly fell and flew like a bright star.

All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace. Wu Chen's sword move of one type is Wu Chen. For the first time, he tried to join the power of the stars which he just gained in his body. Although the power of the stars is still very weak, it also makes the power of Wu Chen's sword move more than double that before.

"Poof Without any resistance, a silver sword light fell on the body of the stone statue. The light power of the stars will cover the stone statue in a flash, and the endless bright silver sword brush on the stone statue's body, burst out the gorgeous sword light.

The colorful sword flowers are full of yin and cold killing intention. In an instant, they cover the whole stone statue of sheep's head and devour it. The air around is as silent as death, which makes the temperature of the whole Star Palace suddenly drop

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