Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 428: 428

"Suddenly In vain, the air quieted down, and the colorful sword light disappeared into the void one after another. The power of the bright and dark stars in traceless's body gradually weakened, and the momentum of the whole person also slowly tended to calm down.

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"Whoosh!" An eerie blue awn full of cold and overcast air suddenly rose into a blue ghost fire. Around the quiet void of water, the Xuanli breath trembled in vain, all with the flow of light crazy inexplicably toward the traceless body on the gallop.

"Ha ha, it's coming!" I had no trace in my heart, and the light in my bright eyes flashed in vain. His handsome face showed a symbolic evil smile, and the Xuanli breath of water in his body was released without reservation.

"Poof!" The strange blue awn, with the endless power of freezing Yin and cold, plunges into the traceless body in a flash.

The traceless body in purple and gold armor suddenly shakes, and every meridian in the body is filled with the source of water.

Traceless eyes closed tightly, and the divine consciousness released completely without reservation. Perception covers every meridian in the whole body, and now even the traceless blood can feel the cold air with bursts of chill.

"Cough, it seems that the origin of the Xuanli of the water absorbed this time is more inclined to the Xuanli attribute of the variation Xuanli Qi and ice!" He tried his best to absorb the mysterious power of water in the refining body. Suddenly, he coughed, and his calm face suddenly became inexplicably cold.

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"Teng!" When Wuchen felt the source of water in his body running around, Zijin Dantian in his body began to shake violently.

Originally full of strange blue awn, will be purple gold Dantian all package of water Xuanli origin. Even in traceless body inexplicably shaking up, as if to feel the threat of general inexplicable dare not act rashly.

On the purple golden elixir field, the purple golden light rises, and the eternal Heaven and earth will quietly move in the traceless body. The source of the vast and surging Hongmeng chaos is constantly surging out, and in an instant, it will completely engulf and submerge the mysterious source of the strange blue water.

Then, the little earth dragon's virtual shadow, which had been adsorbed on the purple gold Dantian, suddenly shook his triangular head. In a flash, the fiery flames come out of their mouths and rush into the most prosperous area of Hongmeng chaos.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The magnificent and surging air of Hongmeng chaos has no intention of resisting this terrible fire. Instead, he continued to swim along the meridians in Wu trace's body, making all the power of the stars bathed in the nourishment of Hongmeng's chaotic Qi.

"Brush!" A red flame of different fire curled up madly, driving all the blue pure water Xuanli together. Then, I saw the fire again swept back, in which the pure water Xuanli source also disappeared into the purple gold Dantian.

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One ice and one fire, two completely different Xuanli's Qi, together with the strange into the purple gold Dantian. On the purple golden elixir field, the purple golden undercurrent rises again, making the whole elixir field feel extremely quiet and peaceful.

"Roar!" The virtual shadow of the little earth dragon hovering on the purple and golden elixir field shakes in vain, and its flexible eyes keep turning excitedly. All of the three claws under his abdomen unconsciously move inexplicably, which makes people want to worship and surrender at a glance.

One claw and five petals, just like a sharp blade, are majestic and shining with the most fundamental five color Xuanli brilliance between heaven and earth. The Qi of metal, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements of Xuanli are in harmony.

Not only that, metal, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements of Xuanli come together. Each blade and claw contains five different kinds of talent.

Time delay, rigidity, life, ice cold, flame and five natural functions are integrated into one. If this wonderful scene is known by others, I'm afraid it will shock my teeth every minute.

One claw has two colors, black and white, just like the coexistence of yin and Yang.

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On the sharp claw, it is divided into two parts. The black side reveals the endless breath of death, and it seems to be the most dark side in the world. The breath of this claw is the most rare and precious extreme dark power of death in the world.

On the other claw mark of this claw, there are bursts of bright and incomparable white silver. It seems that these silver beams can shine on any secluded corner of the world, bringing endless hope and new life to people. Judging from the momentum of its claws, this object is extremely rare and precious in the world, symbolizing the endless power of light.

One claw of purple gold light lingers quietly, and its momentum seems to be flat and calm. But judging from the power of lightning, the purple gold claw is not as simple as it seems. On the purple gold claw, a brand-new claw petal is emerging at this time. The gray claw petal seems to contain endless power. This tyrannical breath is like a strong wind and a huge wave, and it rises to become the variation of the mysterious air between heaven and earth.Not only that, the eyes of the little earth dragon on the purple golden elixir became inexplicably excited.

On the side of the three legged claw under the belly of xiaodilong, there was a huge and surging air of chaos.

Moreover, under the constant breeding and breeding of the source of Hongmeng chaos, three dazzling lights can be seen dimly, flickering and flickering, as if another claw is gathering quietly.

Click, click, click

At the moment of no trace absorbing and controlling the source of Xuanli's Qi, the straight and silent corridor is restless again.

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The fragments of vanishing nothingness gather slowly on the straight corridor. Two stone statues with animal face and human body are gradually formed, and the ox head, sheep head, two stone statues with animal face which were cut by no trace and sword nameless before are restored as before.

However, the two animal faced stone statues were formed out of thin air, but there was no air of mysterious force on them. On the contrary, the two beast faced stone statues moved slowly out of thin air and fell on the boundary area where the two stone statues appeared before.

At this time, four stone statues stand opposite each other on the straight corridor. In the rear of the four statues, the other eight living statues trembled violently in vain.

On the silent straight corridor, the stone statues with eight faces of beasts tremble violently. Among them, the six stone statues in the front were formed rapidly, and six ethereal figures came out quietly.

The six animal faces are different in appearance, such as harelip, snake, monkey, Youji, dog and pig.

In addition, with the formation of the six sided beast stone statues. A group of animal like stone statues, whose position was close to the last one, suddenly quieted down.

At the same time, the projection of the sun, moon, star and three light wonders on the end of the straight corridor and on the three mysterious and majestic thrones becomes nothingness and dissipates in the void... < br > at the same time, the sun, the moon, the star and the three light wonders project into nothingness

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