Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 439: 439

In the palace of Star River, the dark magic and the silver fog spread at the same time. On both sides of Zhiyong Road, all kinds of code books, magic weapons and treasures were scattered all over the ground. With the invasion of the two strange mists, they began to lose their luster at the same time. The simple and vigorous atmosphere disappeared, and all of them became lifeless old wrecks.

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"Shit, my baby!" No trace, who is watching the battle for xiaodilong, is aware of the strange changes of many treasures in Xinghe palace for the first time. It seems that the opening time of the Star River Palace is coming to an end, but fortunately, before he and the unknown two people had been predestined to pick up a bunch of treasures. Although these treasures are not many, they are much luckier than others.

Not only that, with the black and white fog inside the Star River Palace spreading wildly. The four ancient and simple doors open slightly tremble at the same time. The four closed doors are slow and slow, but they still show the trend of closing. I believe that it will not be long before the Star River Palace will be closed again, and it will be completely sealed in this secular world before the next star River Palace is opened.

"Damn it, no trace boss. It seems that the Star River Palace is going to be closed. Shall we withdraw first and have a long-term discussion?" Little fat Zhen Bucai's ten fingers kept calculating and deducing back and forth, and his body gradually began to spread a strange air of Xuanli.

"Cluck, brother traceless, what shall we do?" A soft and beautiful female voice, quietly into the ear without trace. No trace, who has been in a state of high alert, trembled in vain on the spot after hearing the sound. Then, no trace eyes full of disbelief, staring at the side of a black dress, body concave and convex to the petite body, stupefied launched Leng.


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"Hum, brother no trace, you didn't recognize Shuanger until now, but Shuanger is very sad!" Liu shuang'er's dark and smart eyes flashed a touch of imperceptible tears, and all of a sudden he rushed into the arms of no trace and twitched softly.

A burst of long suppressed crying, short and long. No trace does not know what Liu shuang'er has experienced in nearly a year.

However, Liu shuang'er has reached the realm of the later cultivation strength of Dan's soul, and his whole breath has changed from a girl next door whom he loves to a monster genius. I'm afraid only Liu shuang'er can explain the hardships and sufferings.

But anyway, Shuanger is her sister. Even if she becomes the peerless devil, she is still the kind, lovely and joyful girl next door in her own eyes.

"Well behaved, frost son, there will be no trace brother in the future, no one can bully you again!" Traceless gently patted frost son's shoulder, bright eyes in a pet drowning feeling.

"The relationship between their brother and sister. It's really good..." Lengyan Ji Ruxue's expression was moved, and her heart was filled with an inexplicable feeling of envy.

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"Keke, it's his duty to take care of Shuanger. And you are all he has. Maybe you will understand what I'm talking about after your memory is unsealed! " Sword nameless light cough two, to Ji such as snow quietly sound and language way.

Smell speech, cold Yan Ji such as snow complexion slightly a coagulate, the whole person all fell into the indescribable meditation. She is his all, I do not know why Ji Ruxue's mind even repeatedly recalled this seemingly inexplicable words.

Boom boom. Boom boom

Now, in the void. The little earthworm is still fighting with the silver Youlong, and the fiery fire is constantly burning on the body of the little earthworm.

All around the silver Youlong's body, it seems that everything including time becomes extremely slow in the area covered by white fog. Every time the little earthworm attacks and kills violently, it will be captured and sensed by the silver swimming dragon in advance, so as to avoid the collision with the little earthworm, and often wait for the opportunity to spy on the attack.

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This battle, the small dragon can be said to have the advantage, has been under the pressure of the silver dragon, thus crazy attack. But what makes the little dragon depressed is that the silver dragon always swam away, waiting for an opportunity to fight back. It didn't face the real fight with it.

In another battle group, Mozi Lanao, who wanted to attract magic Qi into his body to increase his strength, was completely lost by magic Qi and became a powerful puppet controlled by thunder black tiger magic Qi.

"Buddha, thank you for what happened just now!" Yan dufei leaps up with a silver gun, and quickly puts the gorgeous tiger on the ground into the magic weapon of the beast in his body. Then, Yan dufei felt the evil spirit in front of him, and his heart faintly gave birth to the meaning of retreat.

"Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful..." the Buddha murmured to himself, and the Buddha light on his body suddenly opened up. The monk's robe exudes a holy breath in vain. Obviously, the cassock is also an extremely rare magic weapon.The holy light of Buddha permeates continuously, and the dark evil Qi around him unconsciously gives way to the left and right rules. Then, the Buddha's face was calm and leisurely, and he stepped towards the place where the devil Lanao was.

With the approaching of the Buddha, the strange evil Qi in LAN Ao's body became disordered. Then I saw that the evil spirit in his deep and dark eyes kept flashing, and the terrible breath burst out from the devil LAN Ao's body instantly weakened a lot.

"Get rid of the magic seal!" A voice full of magnetism burst out from the mouth of the Buddha. Then he saw a golden light of Sanskrit characters burst out from the seal in his hand, and the accurate bombardment was engraved on the forehead of Mozi Lanao with disordered breath.

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"Ah A heart rending scream of seeping people came out from the mouth of the devil LAN Ao after the devil Qi entered the body. Then, the golden light of Sanskrit gradually turned into the holy light of Buddha, covering the body of the devil LAN Ao.

Tear. Tear

A strange sound appeared quietly, and a stench spread out of thin air. Magic son LAN Ao's dark and deep eyes gradually restored a trace of clarity, and the whole body was full of blood, which made people feel chilly.

"Roar!" At the moment of the Buddha's work, a thunder black tiger lurking in the black fog became restless in vain. Then, he suddenly opened his mouth and roared. Five black thunders with the power of thunder and lightning came out like five thunders, and they came down from the sky with a terrible intention to kill. They mercilessly rushed to the Buddha's body below and killed him.... < br > the Buddha's body in the bottom of the Buddha's body

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