Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 440: 440

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Five black thunderbolts came down from the sky and burst apart at the same time, tens of meters away from the top of the Buddha's head. The black thunders turn into black fireballs, which are scattered and splashed all around.

The Buddha is still standing in the same place, and the holy light of the Buddha is more intense. His hands do not know when more than a basin of fish, into a simple atmosphere full of barriers hanging upside down in the void.

The ancient basin fish continuously exudes the holy light of Buddha, forming an invisible barrier above the Buddha's head. And just five black thunder is also bombarded on the basin fish, which makes the thunder scattered did not hurt the Buddha below.

"Jie Jie, little bald ass, how dare you do something bad to me!" A burst of harsh strange call came again, the demon LAN Ao with blood all over his body was full of hatred in his eyes. The evil spirit wrapped in his body dispersed again, allowing the surrounding dark evil spirit to rush into his body.

At the moment when the dark devil came into the body, the devil LAN Ao's face was full of excitement again. The whole person's pale face was full of greed, and the withered breath of his body began to slowly recover and climb up.

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"Damn, no trace boss, what's the situation with that guy?" The little fat Zhen Bucai looks into the distance at the devil LAN Ao, who is full of demons. He looks at Wu trace beside him and exclaims.

"Ha ha, I've experienced the power that doesn't belong to me, so I'm not willing to continue to be mediocre. Even if the Buddha just helped him get rid of the demons, he was still willing to degenerate again. This man has been seduced by lust. I'm afraid no one can help him any more! " No trace slightly shook his head, obviously to the void in the devil Qi rising magic son LAN Ao no too much good impression.

"Brother no trace, just now this guy has attacked us outside..." Liu Shuanger's cold killing intention rises again, and her petite figure hides in a dark corner.

"Ha ha, it's interesting. It's really interesting!" After listening to Liu Shuanger's words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly with a cold smile. The sword is nameless and looks at it without trace. The body of the Epee in my hand shakes slightly.

"Buddha, take care. I'll leave first. If we have a chance in the future, I will visit you Yan dufei clenched the silver gun in his hand and arched his hand to the Buddha beside him. After that, Yan Du's body shape suddenly increased in vain, and the whole person turned into a bright silver, and then flew away towards a door that was about to close outside the Star River Palace.

"Jie Jie, I want to go when I come. Do you really think I can't decorate it?" It is a strange smile of a gruesome again, cold spit out from the mouth of magic son LAN Ao who is absorbing evil spirit. Immediately, he saw that the whole figure of the devil LAN Ao turned into a sharp black awn in a flash with the power of thunder.

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Yan dufei, who is about to rush to the exit of Xinghe palace, only feels that the terrible pressure behind him will come in vain. An unprecedented sense of crisis immediately shrouded his body. Yan dufei feels that his body is slowing down because of the endless cold.

Seeing this, Yan dufei's body suddenly burst out a terrible mysterious force. The soul of his body becomes the intention of silver gun, which covers his silver spear crazily.

In the void, Yan dufei's body still keeps moving forward. He turns around and flies out the silver spear with the power of martial spirit in his hand.

Dazzling silver rush out, with the fright of terror. The silver spear awn turned into a boundless Xiao shaxuan force in a flash, and directly bombarded the black awn with surging demons in the rear.

"Poof!" The silver Spear's momentum was like a rainbow, and it was like hitting on the marshmallow. Without any resistance, it shot out and continued to run towards the void in the distance.

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"Why?" Yan dufei, who is about to reach the exit of Xinghe palace, is holding a silver spear with a cold sweat in his palm. Yan dufei had no joy in his heart after he succeeded in the attack, and a feeling of repression that was hard to say could not be dispelled for a long time.

"Jie Jie, are you looking for me?" A strange smile of seeping people resounded from the side beside Yan Du's flying body again. Then, he saw a black awn wrapped around a huge white hand, and all of a sudden, without warning, he quickly penetrated into Yan dufei's heart.

"Poof!" A dull sound came out, Yan dufei's body protection Xuanli was instantly broken. The pale hand directly penetrates Yan dufei's chest, and a silver heart appears in the palm of the hand.

"Ah A shrill scream spread all over every corner of Xinghe palace. Yan dufei's eyes were full of unwilling color. His Xuanli spirit was rapidly weakened, and his whole life was dying out.With a plop, Yan dufei's body fell to the ground on the spot. On the shoulder of Yan dufei, a silver light flickered, and a gorgeous tiger with withered breath stood on the ground full of resentment.

"Jie Jie, since you want to die with him, I'll make you a good beast!" In the void, LAN Ao's body gradually changed, and an idea urged a wisp of evil spirit to fly out.

The evil spirit of terror diffuses out, and all at once engulfs and covers the gorgeous tiger's body. And the gorgeous tiger doesn't seem to have any heart of resistance, but still stands in the same place, eyes fierce incomparable toward the devil LAN Ao body, staring away.

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"Suddenly A wisp of evil wind blows through, and the evil spirit flows rapidly in the black smoke. And the gorgeous tiger, which was originally shrouded by it, quietly turned into a pool of black blood, which was engraved on the ground below.

"Jie Jie, power, this is the real power!" In the void, LAN Ao, the pale devil, burst out laughing. His huge white hand quickly turned back, throwing the silver bloody inner pill into his mouth and swallowing it.

Gollum. Gollum

In the distance, the little fat man Zhen Bucai, Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger all rolled in their abdomen. Their eyes were extremely strange and disgusted, and they looked at the devil LAN Ao's body.

Magic son LAN Ao's face was very happy, and the air of Xuanli in his body rose up again. His whole body is full of evil spirits and evil spirits, and his whole body is like a devil, which makes people feel extremely terrifying... < br > the whole body is full of evil spirits and evil spirits

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