Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 441: 441

"Boom!" The sinister and strange evil spirit swept out in a rage, and immediately engulfed and covered the corridor. Magic son LAN Ao's momentum is still climbing crazily. The dark eyes are full of black lines, and there is no vitality at all.

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Whoosh, whoosh. Whoosh, whoosh

At this time, three powerful Xuanli Qi burst into the sky at the same time, and three lights and shadows changed their directions one after another. In the blink of an eye, we can only see three terrible and powerful momentum leaking out at the same time. The three of them took advantage of each other to lock the whole man LAN Ao in the void.

In the void, Wuchen is wearing purple gold armor, and there are thunder and lightning dragons around him. The silver sword in his hand is constantly releasing the meaning of Yin cold sword. His eyes are wrong, and he stares at the opposite devil LAN Ao.

On one side, I saw the nameless sword standing in the air. On the forehead, the symbol of the spirit of the little golden sword was bright and dark. In front of him, the Epee turned into a virtual shadow, hovering and hovering, and the whole unknown person of the sword was escorted in it.

On the other side, the Buddha's whole body is covered with the light of Buddha. A few feet above the head, there is a basin fish shining with golden light standing quietly.

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"Jie Jie, you've come just in time. It saves me the trouble to find you one by one! Kill you guys. The secret treasure in the Star River Palace is owned by LAN Ao alone! " Oozing people's laughter resounds, and magic son LAN Ao has no fear in the face of three powerful enemies. Immediately, his body was quickly covered by the dark evil spirit, and his chest was black. Then, dozens of pale hands appeared in a flash.

The white hands galloped out, carrying the evil spirit of terror. In an instant, they all shot at the three figures above the void.

"Hoo Looking at the white hand flying in front of him, no trace only felt that the evil spirit of yin and cold immediately shrouded his body. A deep sense of sleep directly hit the mind, the harm of no trace, almost fainted in the past. Fortunately, in the body, heaven and earth will never run wildly, and the refreshing action will force the traceless brain to become clear again.

"The sword cage in the south of the Yangtze River, the sword rain is continuous!" The silver sword in Wuchen's hand waved in vain, and the cold and gloomy meaning of the sword instantly turned into a sharp thread wrapped around the white giant hand. With the shining of the silver sword, the huge white hands quickly turned into broken limbs and arms. The black pus blood fell down wantonly, and the smell in the air suddenly became pungent and intolerable.

At the same time, the Epee sword array protected by Jianming's body sent out golden light in vain, strangling all the white giant hands close to his body.

On the other hand, the Buddha finally made another move. He saw the basin fish flying out of his head. All the pale tentacles that the basin fish hit turned into black blood, boiling and evaporating on the spot under the Holy Buddha light.

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"Jie Jie, you. How can you resist my thousand hand spirit?" Has completely lost his sense of magic species LAN Ao, dark deep eyes clearly across a touch of consternation. In the hidden meaning of its lost or feel a trace of threat, which forced the devil LAN Ao again some struggle to recover a wisp of consciousness.

Magic son LAN Ao whole body breath once again become ups and downs, the expression on the whole face appears to be extremely struggling pain. And the thunder black tiger stone statue hidden in the rear, the dark eyes of the cold light in vain flash, the whole body of the devil will be more crazy swept out, obviously increased the devil triggered by the devil LAN Ao to secretly control.

"All the methods are empty, one sword has no trace!"

"Sword three!"

In the void, Wuchen and Wuzhi sword all release two kinds of guard swords at the same time. No hesitation, no sympathy. If someone else without trace may be merciful, leaving a little room, with for the devil LAN Ao who has been possessed, without trace is really unable to move a bit of compassion, not to mention that this guy even attacked and killed Ji Ruxue and Liu Shuanger before.

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"Brush!" The horror of the sword flashed by, and suddenly surged out from two different directions. A silver sword, which seems to be soft and powerless and has endless intention of killing, suddenly looks at the neck of magic LAN Ao.

I can only see that the evil spirit black Qi on his neck is frantically resisting the invasion of Yin cold sword spirit. Yin cold sword meaning but don't care, all pervasive sweeping.

But just in the blink of an eye, the silver sword just penetrated the obstruction of evil spirit, directly wiped the neck of magic LAN Ao, and then disappeared in the void.

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh!

At the same time, the third sword move released by sword nameless comes one after another.The three golden swords wrapped in endless cutting power came, and all of a sudden, they were like a knife cutting tofu, bombarding on the body of Mozi Lanao.

"Brush!" The sword of the three horrors flashed by and cut the whole man of the devil LAN Ao into three pieces. The fierce killing power didn't weaken half of the time, and the evil spirit and black Qi covered in the void were forced to poke out several light and shadow holes.

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"Suddenly Two completely different sword meanings slowly dissipate in the void. Just now, LAN Ao, the devil, was killed on the spot by Wu trace and Jian Ming.

"Amitabha, there is a saying in the Buddhist language. Buddha ferry has a destiny. Let me take you on this last journey."

"The light of the Buddha..." with the sound of a Buddha's trumpet, the whole void is covered by the holy light of the Buddha.

The Holy Buddha's light is dazzling, and in the blink of an eye, it will pierce and disperse the dark evil smoke. The light of the Buddha is full of endless warmth, and all of a sudden it envelops the body of the devil LAN Ao.

"Ah A heartrending scream came from the broken head of the devil LAN Ao. Immediately after that, there was a hissing sound, and the remnant of the devil LAN Ao was quickly ignited by the Holy Buddha light.

A strange flame of Buddha light rises slowly, burning the broken body of LAN Ao. In the end, the devil LAN Ao's eyes were wide open in his broken head, and he kept staring at the merciful Buddha. Until the last hair on Mozi Lanao's body turned to ashes, the strange atmosphere in the void slowly disappeared and became the complete disappearance of nothingness

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