Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 444: 444

Tear. Tear

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In the void, a golden figure shrouded by Holy Buddha light appears quietly. Around the crazy invasion, surging with the evil spirit of evil mist all inexplicably tremble, even Qi Qi unconsciously toward the two sides of the space to avoid.

"Amitabha, evil animal, this is what you forced me to do..." at this moment, the Buddha, who is full of light, turns into gold. His figure even exudes an invisible momentum, as if to suppress all the evil Qi contained in the surrounding void. The whole person feels like a golden arhat coming down to earth. He wants to wipe out all the evil spirits and monsters in the world. He even makes people unconsciously want to surrender and worship from the heart.

"Roar!" It seems to feel the momentum change released by the Buddha, the dark thunder in the void, the tiger's eyes suddenly flash a little hesitation. It seems that the Buddha's light of righteousness can naturally restrain the demons, which vaguely makes him feel a sense of fear.

"Amitabha..." is a loud voice of the Buddha's name, which is especially powerful in the silent void. The thick sound waves spread slowly, shaking the evil spirit and black Qi in the surrounding void.

"Roar!" Felt the front momentum is not right, thunderbolt tiger turned to flee for the first time. The endless evil spirit rises, and the Thunder Tiger's body is covered in it.

"Amitabha, good. Luohan gold body here, evil animal, you still don't accept to die quickly As the voice of the Buddha's name becomes more and more sonorous, the holy light of the Buddha bursts out from the figure of the Buddha in vain. The Buddha who is full of golden light has changed his momentum in vain, and his whole body exudes a solemn and powerful atmosphere just like a arhat.

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"Whoosh!" A golden shadow came out in a flash, and the Buddha's body disappeared into the evil spirit.

The holy light of Buddha and the bright golden awn are fused in one place, and they pierce through the dark evil atmosphere. A hidden golden arhat shadow, in the dark evil spirit and evil mist, wantonly walk slowly. And in front of the golden figure, there is a dark figure like thunder constantly flying, changing the direction.

Daddada. Dada

In the dark evil spirit mist, the golden figure walked freely. And whenever the Golden Shadow passes by, the surrounding evil spirit and evil mist will move to both sides.

In the twinkling of an eye, the half of the void is full of the golden arhat shadow of the Buddha. These strange golden shadows are skillfully linked together, and they turn into pure and Holy Buddha light shining everywhere. All of a sudden, they disperse the evil spirit and evil fog in the void.

"Roar!" The low roar of anger roared one after another, and the thunder black tiger had no place to hide in the void. The remaining evil spirits swarmed around and all of a sudden disappeared into the body of thunder black tiger.

"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword, epee unparalleled by the sword array will rise in an instant. The surrounding people lost the control of the remaining evil spirit, and all of them were wiped out by the terrible killing sword.

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Click. Click

Bursts of strange and clear sound, the magic of the void in the imprisonment should be broken. In the void, the former silence was restored again, and only three figures confronted each other warily.

"Brush!" The sword is nameless, the whole body is full of sword meaning, and the whole person's face coldly glances at the Buddha in front of him. Immediately, the body shape does not have half of the mud and water, into a shadow, then retreated to the bottom of no trace and other people's side.

At this time, no trace. Sword nameless. Ji Ruxue. Liu Shuanger. Little fatty Zhen Bucai. A group of five people tightly gathered in one place.

On the other side, the little earth dragon, who had completely suppressed the mysterious power of the white dragon, appeared in front of the crowd. And the demon zunhuoxiao Xuying stands with a negative hand full of cheap smile, and goes to the two figures that confront each other in the void.

"Roar!" There was another angry roar, and the temperature in the air dropped a lot in an instant. A stream of evil blood gas gradually spread out, and the evil spirit fog group again emanated from the thunder black tiger's body.

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"Amitabha!" With the sound of the Buddha's name, the Buddha's body, which is full of golden light and blessing, bursts out a solemn pressure in vain. This kind of pressure spread wildly, and suddenly locked the thunder and black tiger breath wrapped by the evil spirit aerosol.

The holy light of the Buddha is overwhelming, and the golden light of the Buddha's body quickly becomes tall and powerful. I saw the body move and then appeared in the empty field on the other end of the void. My arms suddenly separated and grabbed the Thunder Tiger in front of me."Tear Lala!" The power of thunder is rampant, forming an invisible light shield around the Thunder Tiger. But a pair of fingered Buddhas full of glittering golden light didn't care at all. They went straight to bombard the invisible light shield.

"Click!" In the earrings, there was only a clear and dull sound. The invisible light shield, which was transformed by the power of thunder, was vulnerable to the golden light in front of the Buddha's hands. The Buddha's hand, which is blessed with golden light, breaks the mask of thunder without any effort. Then, I saw a pair of bergamot along the left and right sides of the grasp will come, easily will thunder black tiger to clip in the palm of the hand.

Click. Click

A sound of broken bones and muscles, piercing and resounding. The endless Holy Buddha light completely shrouds the thunder black tiger, which makes the furious thunder black tiger have no way to escape.

The two hands of Buddha are becoming bigger and bigger. They can control the huge posture of thunder black tiger in their hands. And the breath of the thunder black tiger, which was slapped by the Buddha's hand, began to become weak.

After insisting on it for several quarters of an hour, the thunder black tiger could no longer resist the purification of the Buddha light. His figure quickly turned into nothingness, like a wisp of black smoke from the gap between the hands of the Buddha covered by the light of the Buddha.

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"Amitabha, evil animal, don't submit to me quickly!" The solemn sound of the Buddha's name seems to have some mysterious magic. In the void, a wisp of black smoke of evil spirit floats slowly towards the Golden Buddha's figure as if it had been pulled by some kind of force.

"Hoo Seeing this, Wu Chen and others who watched the battle in the rear were all relieved. It was a good thing for everyone that Lei Heihu was subdued by the Buddha. In addition to saving unnecessary trouble, it's better for everyone to fight against Buddha than against the strange evil spirit.

"Hey, little earthworm, someone is going to rob you of your rations!" Demon zunhuoxiao virtual shadow floated out in vain, lying on the ear of the little earth dragon, quietly bewitching the way.

"Hiss!" Hearing the words, the eyes of the little earthworm turned red in an instant, and the huge body jumped up in vain. A purple and golden light gushed out, straight to the void, the wisp of floating evil spirit and black smoke rushed away.

"Old demon, I rely on your uncle..." heard the bewitching of demon zunhuoxiao, also saw the madness of xiaodilong. No trace in the rear immediately jumped out with a silver sword, and the body shape of the little earth dragon jumped into the void< br>

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