Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 445: 445

"Suddenly A huge purple and Golden Shadow rose up in the air, and the air of Xuanli contained in the surrounding void suddenly trembled.

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"Hiss..." an extremely excited scream, without any sign, came out of the long, thin and sticky blood red core. In the void, there was a wisp of magic smoke floating forward. Suddenly, it was out of control and was pulled by an inexplicable suction. In a twinkling, it turned into a shadow, and Qi Shushu poured into the mouth of little earthworm.

"Gulu!"“ Bata

The sound of a burst of huff and puff came, which was particularly harsh and eye-catching in the silent void. I saw little earthworm face full of satisfaction to shake the triangle head, huge posture will be wantonly twisted up.

What's more, the little earthworm even poked out the blood red core and licked it greedily.

"Damn, little Dilong, you are so greedy. I'm so ashamed of you!" In the void, seeing that the evil spirit is engulfed by the little earth dragon, Wu trace stops in a hurry and has no words on the spot.

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"Amitabha!" On the other side, the figure of the Golden Buddha was slightly stunned, and the calm expression on the whole face sank in an instant. It is obvious that the small earth dragon has put in a horizontal bar, which is unexpected to the Buddhists of MI Buddha sect. Seeing that he was about to get Xuanli's Qi, he was robbed and swallowed by the traceless spirit. Even the Buddhists, who practice Taoism deeply in the Esoteric Buddhism, can't help being provoked into anger at this time.

"Hiss..." is greedily enjoying the evil spirit in the body, black gas furiously churning of the little earth dragon, all of a sudden, he was disturbed by the voice of the Buddha's name in the mouth of the Buddha. Then, the little earth dragon rolled his eyes and glared at the Buddha with a look of extreme disdain. He bared the sharp fangs in his mouth!

"Amitabha, evil animal, how dare you be so arrogant and presumptuous. Leave you a disaster, and you will become a demon in the future. In this case, I will do justice for heaven today and subdue you here... "Buddha's calm eyes flashed a cold light in vain, and his whole body was quickly covered by the bright golden light again. Immediately, a fierce and terrible holy light of Buddha burst out from the Buddha's body, and his hands were quickly set up. Unexpectedly, a magnificent and surging impression of Dharma seal was drawn out of the void.

"Get rid of the magic seal!" A golden mark full of golden awns, carrying the supreme power of the array, seemed to be an irresistible will of the Buddha, which suddenly came out and bombarded the little earth dragon's forehead.

"Ouch!" A mark of removing demons, which contains the attack of Buddha's light idea, is engraved on xiaodilong's forehead. The little earthworm, who had been disdaining all along, screamed in vain, and its huge body quickly twisted and swayed.

The small earthworm's body was so big that it fell down from the suspended void. The whole body is covered with a thin layer of Golden Buddha light at this time. This strange and mysterious Buddhist imprint seems to seal and imprison the Xuanli Qi in xiaodilong's body.

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"Little earthworm!" A low roar came from the rear of xiaodilong. A green suit full of murderous ideas flashed out. No trace immediately appeared in front of the little earth dragon with a silver sword, and quietly stopped the figure of the Buddha coming from the front.

"Plop!" A heavy dull sound suddenly came from the ground below. Under the light of Buddha light, the body of the little earth dragon is falling on the ground and twisted into a ball.

"Hum, Buddha, your hand is too heavy!" In the void, no trace gave a cold hum, and his handsome face was as gloomy as water. The breath released from his whole body immediately shrouded the Buddha on the opposite side.

The little earth dragon went out in vain to devour the evil spirit and black Qi. It was all his own fault. He was very sorry for this. He wanted to discuss with the Buddha to see if he could use the treasures in the Star River Palace to compensate for the loss of the Buddha.

But who would have thought that the Buddha was so kind-hearted that he was so resolute and resolute that he knocked the little earthworm out of the air with just one move. If it wasn't for no trace to appear in time and stop the aggressive and pressing Buddha, I'm afraid it would be the little earth dragon with unknown situation. I'm not sure what kind of loss he would suffer!

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"Amitabha, golden body of arhat!" Under the shadow of Buddha's light, the Buddha coldly glanced at Wu trace. His eyes were full of contempt, disdain and disdain. There was no compassion, pity and benevolence in his eyes. Then, the momentum of Buddha's body soared in vain, and the whole body quickly turned into a golden arhat.

"Suddenly An invisible force of gravity is imposing on the traceless body. The purple and gold armor of Wuchen's body flashed in vain, and a Thunder Dragon with the same appearance rushed out quickly. The terrible power of thunder and lightning swam on the traceless body, and all the spreading Golden Buddha light was resisted outside the traceless body."Hoo It's obvious that the Holy Buddha light released by the Buddha is a great pressure on Wu hen's body and mind to face the pressure.

"Amitabha, golden finger!" Just at the moment when the pressure of Wuhen's whole body suddenly decreased, the Buddha in the void launched an attack again. I saw his body covered with golden Buddha light suddenly step forward, and two golden palms of the size of a PU fan fluctuate back and forth.

Bang bang. Bang Bang

A series of clear sounds, one after another, resounded through the silence of the void. The holy Golden Buddha light in the void all burst at the same time. The terrible Xuanli's power spread wantonly, and in the void, with the Buddha as the center, the air of endless terrible Xuanli burst out in an instant.

Boom boom. Boom boom

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A deafening roar resounds, and the five elements of Xuanli Qi in Wuchen's body rises at the same time, which is compatible with the sword spirit released from his whole body. The power mask of guarding the field immediately envelops his body, making the Holy Buddha light burst around him.

Below, the little earth dragon, which was rolling all over the ground, was suddenly stunned, and its painful face instantly returned to normal. Then, his body suddenly turned into a purple golden streamer, and his huge body suddenly disappeared, rushed into the power mask of the protection field, and straight into the traceless body.

Brush. Brush. Brush

For a moment, the sword is nameless. Ji Ruxue, Liu Shuanger and little fat Zhen Bucai release the mysterious force in their body to protect their body. In addition, the four fled to both sides of the surrounding area at the same time, leaving the empty space above the emptiness to Wu Chen and the Buddhists of MI Buddha sect.... < br > in the end, the four fled to the two sides of the surrounding area, leaving the empty space above the emptiness to Wu Chen and the Buddhists of MI Buddha sect

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