Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 456: 456

"Suddenly The fierce wind came, and the Buddha, who was covered with black flame, suddenly moved. The shape of the Buddha is like a strong wind. It is as fast as lightning. The Buddha comes with the air of the mysterious force of the wind all over his body, and suddenly rushes into the roaring flame.

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"Brush!" The fierce prison fire, which is strange and dark and emits endless black light, suddenly comes out from the figure of Buddha. The black flame roared wildly, surging the evil spirit of the flame, diffused out, completely cut off the traceless retreat.

"Zi!" Facing the fierce fire, the Buddha suddenly made a big noise all over his body, and the lacquer black theory in his hand quickly gave a piercing roar. Then, I saw lacquer black theory with violent evil spirit and black smoke gushing out, rushing to the front not far from the traceless chest, pounding away heavily.

As soon as the dark Dharma theory came out, no trace only felt that the void in front of him was inexplicably shaken. The original bright void suddenly hit a black flash, dark and strong rising smoke quickly wrapped the traceless body. The dark theory of Dharma sent out pure black awn, and went straight to the traceless chest.

"Boom!" The dark theory of Dharma roars, and the rich black smoke bombards the traceless chest in an instant. No trace in purple gold armor is tall and strong, and the purple golden Thunder Dragon, which contains the power of thunder and lightning, appears on no trace's chest in an instant.

Strong black smoke swept in, and the purple golden Thunder Dragon madly hit in a place. Endless black awn smoke spread, covering its traceless body.

"Brush!" A dark and bright cold light flashed out, and the dark theory of law turned into a long dragon whistling, which hit on the traceless chest. The purple golden Thunder Dragon on the traceless chest showed a painful struggle in his eyes. Then, there was a purple and golden light scattered in all directions, and the dragon, which was transformed by the power of thunder and lightning, was defeated by the theory of lacquer black.

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Click. Click

There was a clear and moving sound, and the chorus started from the whole body without trace. With black methodology as the central point, a continuous stream of black smoke spread over the traceless body. The purple and gold armour that Wu Chen was wearing began to disintegrate into pieces at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zilala. Zilala

The dark theory of Dharma emits endless evil smoke, and its sharp serrated gear constantly stirs and churns on the traceless chest. A harsh sound of friction, harsh and loud, extremely penetrating, resounded in the palace of the galaxy.

"Suddenly The strong evil spirit and black smoke diffused and bound the traceless body on the spot. The dark Dharma theory turns its sharp serrations and invades the chest exposed to the bronze skin without trace.

"Roar!" A very low murmur came out of the traceless mouth. On the surface of the traceless bronze skin, there are bursts of sparks on the sharp sawtooth of lacquer black theory.

The terrible lacquer black theory was extremely sharp, and it didn't break the traceless chest under one blow. And the purple and golden light on the traceless chest covered the whole body completely.

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The dark smoke that invaded the whole body was quickly shrouded by the mysterious purple golden light. Then, he saw the faint air of Hongmeng and chaos spread out, and completely engulfed and eliminated the dark evil.

"Hum!" There was a loud sound of the sword, and a silver sword light stabbed in the direction of lacquer black theory. The whistling sword idea is released continuously, and it is collided with the evil idea and black smoke of lacquer black theory.

Boom boom. Boom boom

The silver sword flashed out and collided with the lacquer black theory. The power of thunder and lightning is scattered all over the sky, and the mysterious force of each attribute roars. The void enveloped by the black flame and the different fire flame was turbulent, and two beams of light, one black and one white, were wrapped in violent murderous conflicts. The breath of terror, the fierce and anxious crazy collision make the whole Star Palace tremble violently.

"Jie Jie, since you can resist my fire theory, it seems that your body must have practiced some secret method! Maybe your body is more suitable for me to resume my practice! " The cruel smile of extreme banter suddenly appeared on the Buddha's face with black awn. Now the Buddha's expression and behavior has completely changed. He even stares at the traceless figure and licks his bright red tongue greedily. It was almost like a beast staring at the prey, which made no trace shiver unconsciously.

On the other side, the clothes on Wu Chen's body are still intact, only there is a scratch left by the rotation of jurisprudence on his chest.

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There is a deep scratch on the black chest of traceless bronze. On both sides of the mark left by the scratch, the red flesh and blood can be seen faintly."Hoo Traceless heavily raised tone, the body of eternal Heaven and earth absolutely crazy accelerated operation to the extreme. The pure and exuberant Qi of Hongmeng and chaos nourishes and heals the scar on his chest.

"Ha ha, traceless boy, the evil intention produced by the lacquer black theory can break your body. It seems that you have to be careful next!" Demon zunhuoxiao's rough and thick voice, once again out of time, resounded in traceless brain.

"Bah!" Traceless spit the congestion in the mouth, then gently touched the chest with some pain. Then the momentum of Wu Chen's whole body became cold in vain, and the continuous sword spirit rose from his body in a moment.

"The south of the Yangtze River is covered with swords."

"The moon rises with the sword and the morning glow falls with the sword."

I saw a green dress flying out of the void, and the endless sword spirit was released from its body. Now the silver sword is no longer in hand, and traceless itself is like a peerless and sharp sword.

The endless sword spirit shrouds and falls, and instantly outlines a beautiful scenery of misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. And in this beautiful scenery, all the dark evil spirits are strangled by the Yin cold sword.

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A bright moon is born, and the bright moon is transformed into the morning glow of birth. The red light is scattered wantonly, which completely covers the Buddha covered by the black light under the void.

"Hum!"“ Hum

There are two strange sounds. The power of the moon and the power of the stars, which have been suppressed by the strong sun, resonates with the shadow of the moon in the void at the same time. The power of the Yin cold sword, which was originally fierce and fierce, increases several times in a flash.

Boom boom. Boom boom

The continuous sword will turn into a violent and restless light of the morning glow and explode at the same time. The place where the Buddha is below will be submerged and swallowed by the terrible sword storm.

In the void, the dark Dharma theory and the silver sword are separated quickly, while the fiery flame and the dark awn flame are still fighting and colliding with each other in the sky< br>

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